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Hovannisian defies police warning, calls for resignations

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  • Hovannisian defies police warning, calls for resignations

    Hovannisian defies police warning, calls for resignations
    NEWS | 09.04.13 | 10:53

    Opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian, who is planning to `assume
    obligations' that he says were entrusted to him in the February 18
    presidential election, has defied warnings from police that described
    his protests as `increasingly illegal' ahead of today's `Inauguration'

    In a statement on Monday the Armenian police warned that they will use
    force against Hovannisian and his supporters if the latter march
    towards the presidential palace in Yerevan during President Serzh
    Sargsyan's inauguration planned for April 9.

    The police also appeared to threaten to detain Hovannisian if he
    attempts to assume power after declaring himself Armenia's president
    in Yerevan's Liberty Square.

    In a statement released today Hovannisian described the police
    statement as `anti-constitutional' and in turn demanded that President
    Sargsyan and his subordinates, heads of law-enforcement bodies, step

    `If the rallies organized by me, as you say, are `unlawful' and
    contain `tendencies towards resorting to actions described in the
    penal code'... then at noon today come to Liberty Square and arrest me,'
    said Hovannisian. `I, indeed, am going to assume the obligations
    entrusted to me on February 18 by the Armenian people.'

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress