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What Will Happen On April 9

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  • What Will Happen On April 9

    What Will Happen On April 9

    One more day and life will continue along its regular path. Despite
    recent attempts to `revaluate' April 9, it will be a usual day when
    Serzh Sargsyan will take on his second term, and on Freedom Square, as
    Raffi Hovannisian put it, inauguration of New Armenia will be held. As
    such, it will remain one of the memorial days.

    However, the meaning of this day may be more than just a memorial. It
    will depend on what `burden' the government, opposition and public
    have brought along with them into April 9.

    The government has reached here by way of fraud and an intention to
    leave everything as it is.

    The opposition has been unable to discard the logic and algorithm of
    internal political struggle over the past decades.

    The society has reached this day more mature, and is trying not to
    link its activity to the activity of political forces. This tendency
    is still weak but it is there and could grow.

    Hence, in the long run, there is anarchy in Armenia. Since
    independence Armenia has not had a government. And the problem is not
    only the lack of internal legitimacy but significant actions in the
    life of the country.

    The Armenian political system has wasted the statehood resource over
    these years, justifying its own inaction and inability by demagogy
    about `difficulties of the transition period', `mentality' and other.
    Instead, a pseudo-state has been built with distorted the institutions
    and legislation. Now we have a sign stating `Republic of Armenia'
    which is affixed to twenty years of ordinary crime against the state
    and people.

    For over twenty years the Armenian government and political system
    have been usurped by opportunists, party leaders with complexes and
    criminals whose activities addressed their own group interests. The
    role of state institutions and parties has been reduced to that of
    supporting the personal interests of these groups. It is not important
    how the government and opposition will behave on that day. It is
    important whether a process will start on April 10 which will pursue
    change of the abovementioned situation. Are the government and
    political forces ready for that, will there be a change of the process
    of state building and organization of domestic life?

    However, it is hard to expect such an activity from the political
    system. It is important whether the society is ready for that. Are
    they ready to end indifference, irresponsibility, stereotypes and
    perceptions imposed on them by the political system which instilled in
    people that nothing will change anyway?

    Life showed that it is not so and in all those cases when the society,
    its small groups and individuals have been able to put forth claims
    and mechanisms and follow them up, they have reached their purpose.
    These examples are open to everyone.

    Generally, problems in the world are resolved through money and guns
    until the moment when a different consciousness awakes which it cannot
    ignore. The primary issue of the Armenian political class was the
    prevention of such consciousness. It was successful for two decades
    but it cannot last any longer. It produced the effect of boomerang and
    hit the political system. The expression is the attitude of the public
    - lack of confidence and irony. Any strong system would be hopeless
    against lack of confidence and irony.
    Haik Aramyan
    11:22 08/04/2013
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