Wednesday, April 10, 17:44
The Armenian-Iranian Friendship and Peace Park may turn into a
transboundary biosphere reserve, Aram Aghasyan, Head of the Special
Protection Areas Department of the Armenian Ministry of Nature
Protection, told ArmInfo. He said that the relevant documents will
be presented to UNESCO late this year.
The Friendship and Peace Park will include about 38 thsd ha from the
Armenian side and about 20 thsd ha (Dizmar Special protection Area)
from the Iranian side. It is noteworthy that from both sides it is
surrounded by other protected areas of Iran - Kyamaki wild refuge and
Arasbaran biosphere reserve. Aghasyan said that the transboundary
park will have migration corridors for animals, which is of great
importance to such Red Book species as leopards, Armenian mouflons
and bezoar goats.
At the moment the Armenian side is mapping the site and singles out
the places for eco-corridors (anout 4 thsd ha). The expert said that
Armenia keeps in touch with the Iranian specialists, who are expected
to visit Armenia in April. The project of creation of the Friendship
and Peace Park opens big opportunities for the scientists, as neither
of the sides conducted a fundamental survey of the biodiversity of
the territories. Thus, the Park will allow paying mutual visits and
activating cooperation between the research institutes of both states.
The Protocol on creation of the transboundary Friendship and Peace
Park was signed between Armenia and Iran on July 17 2012. To note,
created under UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Reserve Programme, the
World Network of Biosphere Reserves covers internationally designated
protected areas, known as biosphere reserves. At present there are
over 500 biosphere reserves in more than 100 countries of the world.
Wednesday, April 10, 17:44
The Armenian-Iranian Friendship and Peace Park may turn into a
transboundary biosphere reserve, Aram Aghasyan, Head of the Special
Protection Areas Department of the Armenian Ministry of Nature
Protection, told ArmInfo. He said that the relevant documents will
be presented to UNESCO late this year.
The Friendship and Peace Park will include about 38 thsd ha from the
Armenian side and about 20 thsd ha (Dizmar Special protection Area)
from the Iranian side. It is noteworthy that from both sides it is
surrounded by other protected areas of Iran - Kyamaki wild refuge and
Arasbaran biosphere reserve. Aghasyan said that the transboundary
park will have migration corridors for animals, which is of great
importance to such Red Book species as leopards, Armenian mouflons
and bezoar goats.
At the moment the Armenian side is mapping the site and singles out
the places for eco-corridors (anout 4 thsd ha). The expert said that
Armenia keeps in touch with the Iranian specialists, who are expected
to visit Armenia in April. The project of creation of the Friendship
and Peace Park opens big opportunities for the scientists, as neither
of the sides conducted a fundamental survey of the biodiversity of
the territories. Thus, the Park will allow paying mutual visits and
activating cooperation between the research institutes of both states.
The Protocol on creation of the transboundary Friendship and Peace
Park was signed between Armenia and Iran on July 17 2012. To note,
created under UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Reserve Programme, the
World Network of Biosphere Reserves covers internationally designated
protected areas, known as biosphere reserves. At present there are
over 500 biosphere reserves in more than 100 countries of the world.