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Baku: F.M.: Armenian President Once Again Tried To Mislead His Peopl

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  • Baku: F.M.: Armenian President Once Again Tried To Mislead His Peopl


    Trend, Azerbaijan
    April 10 2013

    Azerbaijan, Baku, 10 April / Trend E.Tariverdiyeva /

    In his inauguration speech, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    once again tried to mislead his people and the world, Azerbaijani
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev said, commenting on the
    statement by the President of Armenia that Yerevan offers peace based
    on human values.

    "I wonder what Sargsyan implies? Apparently, occupation of the
    territory of a neighbouring country, a complete violation of
    international law, bloody ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Armenian
    forces on the territory of Azerbaijan, the Khojaly genocide when men
    in military uniforms now leading Armenia spared neither women nor
    children," Abdullayev said.

    According to him, given these facts, human values are seen by Armenian
    President exclusively in the light of his own views.

    Today, there is no peace and stability in the region and the constant
    tightening of the peace process by official Yerevan is a blow to the
    prospects of stability, prosperity and development of the region,
    Abdullayev said.

    "Armenia is the only one to blame for this. Attempts by the
    internationally recognised aggressor to blame others for their failures
    look very primitive and irresponsible," he said.

    Commenting on Sargsyan's words about a new reality in which Armenia
    lives, Abdullayev said Azerbaijan has directed the full potential for
    the development of the region and successfully implemented the plan
    over several years acting as the initiator of many regional projects
    of global importance.

    "Unfortunately, Armenia misses opportunity after opportunity to become
    involved in these regional processes and its leadership is the only one
    to blame. Economic growth, as well as other components of Sargsyan's
    'new reality' are impossible without participation in these projects,"
    he said.

    The result of the so-called economic growth in Armenia is evident. The
    country is not developing and the fragile economic situation is not
    going to change without regional cooperation, Abdullayev said.

    According to him, in the first place this short-sighted policy of
    Yerevan affects people who are forced to leave Armenia in search of
    a better life.

    "The Armenian president shamelessly deceives his own people saying
    not a word of truth about the current reality. Lack of pragmatism of
    the leadership of Armenia has a very negative impact on the economy as
    a whole and on each citizen of Armenia in particular," Abdullayev said.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France and the U.S. are
    currently holding peace negotiations.

    Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four
    resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the
    surrounding regions.

    From: A. Papazian