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Armenia: After Dueling Ceremonies, Opposition At Crossroads

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  • Armenia: After Dueling Ceremonies, Opposition At Crossroads


    April 9, 2013 - 3:49pm, by Marianna Grigoryan

    While Serzh Sargsyan took the presidential oath on April 9 to begin
    another term as Armenia~Rs president, his main challenger, Raffi
    Hovhannisian, vowed to keep pressing for change. But many members of
    the opposition rank-and-file are questioning whether Hovhannisian is
    the right person to lead the next charge.

    Sargsyan~Rs inauguration took place at the Karen Demirchyan Sports
    and Concerts Complex in the Armenian capital Yerevan. Heavily armed
    police units ringed the complex, a reflection of the contested nature
    of the February election results. Before thousands of attendees,
    and placing his hand on a 7th century bible, Sargsyan promised to
    promote and protect a ~Ssecure Armenia.~T Karekin II, the Catolicos
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church, also blessed Sargsyan~Rs presidency.

    ~SI swear to unconditionally fulfill the requirements of the
    Constitution; to respect human and civil rights and freedoms; to
    protect the independence of the Republic; its territorial integrity
    and security for the glory of the Republic of Armenia; and for the
    benefit of the people of the Republic of Armenia,~T Sargsyan stated.

    Hovhannisian, along with his supporters, contend that pro-Sargyan
    elements stole the presidential election. To show that they consider
    Sargsyan~Rs second term to be illegitimate, tens of thousands of
    Armenians gathered at Liberty Square in Yerevan to stage what an, NY April 9 2013

    ~Salternative~T inauguration for Hovhannisian. ~SPerhaps Armenia is
    secure for Serzh Sargsyan and his allies, but our Armenia is in a
    terrible state. People just leave the country every day and we have
    come here to stand up for our votes and our country,~T an opposition
    activist from the town of Vanadzor told at Liberty

    After Hovannisian took his own presidential oath, complete with his
    hand on a copy of the Armenian constitution, he stated that he would
    keep working to return power to the people. But he left many attendees
    disappointed by not outlining next steps in the political struggle
    against Sargsyan~Rs administration.

    ~SI charge Mr. Serzh Sargsyan and Catholicos to come to Liberty Square
    and beg pardon from the people,~T Havannisian said.

    A random sampling of opinion among those at Liberty Square suggests
    that opposition supporters are hungering for a positive vision for
    change. Since the disputed presidential elections, Hovhannisian has
    led the so-called Barevolution. But beyond deriding the validity of
    Sargsyan~Rs election, he has not offered a comprehensive political
    alternative to the status quo.

    ~SWe often don't understand what Raffi Hovhannisian wants, but people
    cannot rely on someone else. When I hear Raffi~Rs speeches, I realize
    that nothing will change in this country and tomorrow the emigration
    rates will increase again, since people just cannot place their hopes
    on anything or anybody,~T an opposition supporter told

    ~SI have relatives who travelled from Moscow and Los Angeles to
    take part in this rally, and now we are going to be disappointed,
    since we don~Rt see here the person who can lead the people and make
    a difference,~T said another Sargsyan administration critic.

    Armen Badalyan, a Yerevan political expert, said the next step for
    Hovhannisian~Rs Heritage Party ought to be gaining lots of seats in
    the Yerevan City Council during the upcoming elections in early May.

    While opposition to Sargsyan may run deep in Yerevan, support for
    Hovhannisian could prove fleeting, suggested Manvel Yeghiazarian,
    a former commander during the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
    and now a prominent Sargsyan critic. ~SWe have survived the famine
    and fought throughout the hunger and epidemics in the 90s. We did so,
    because we knew we were building Armenia,~T said Yeghiazarian. ~SBut
    this vagueness is killing the people now. We need a bricklayer now,
    to put it crudely, while Raffi is a dyer. This does not mean we
    don't accept the dyer. He is building a house too. But today it is
    the imperative to have a bricklayer.~T

    After the Liberty Square festivities, Hovhannisian led opposition
    supporters on a march toward the presidential residence. Riot
    police blocked access to the residence, and, amid clashes, about 20
    people were taken into custody. Later, Hovhannisian proceeded to the
    Tsitsernakaberd memorial, dedicated to victims of the 1915 Armenian
    Genocide. There, he prayed together with the chief of Armenian police,
    Vladimir Gasparian. ~SI pray for Serzh Sargsyan, for the Catholicos
    and for the police,~T said Hovhannisian.

    Editor's note: Marianna Grigoryan is a freelance reporter based in
    Yerevan and editor of
