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NKR MFA: The Bloody Events In Maragha Were Certainly A War Crime

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  • NKR MFA: The Bloody Events In Maragha Were Certainly A War Crime


    April 10

    The NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the
    21st Anniversary of Massacres in Maragha village. The statement
    particuilatrly reads:

    "The Azerbaijan's military aggression against the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic, which became the continuation of Baku policy of violent
    crackdown on the expression of free will of the people of Nagorno
    Karabakh is abound with outrageous facts of crimes against the
    civilian population.

    One of its most tragic episodes was a massacre of the population of the
    village of Maragha in Martakert region, NKR committed by the units of
    the Azerbaijani army on April 10, 1992. The bloody events in Maragha
    were certainly a war crime, as the attack on the village was not driven
    by military necessity but aimed to annihilate its peaceful population.

    On this day, after intensive artillery shelling the Azerbaijani armed
    units invaded the peaceful village and committed a ruthless reprisal
    over defenseless people. This fact was later confirmed by various
    human rights organizations, including the Human Rights Watch and
    Amnesty International. According to various sources from 53 to 100
    people were killed, more than 60 people including 9 children and 29
    women were taken hostages. More than 30 hostages were subsequently
    killed in Azerbaijani captivity. Two weeks later, the village was
    subjected to a renewed attack and its inhabitants who returned to
    bury their relatives yet again fell victim to atrocities committed
    by the Azerbaijani army.

    This hideous crime in Maragha became the next in the chain of the
    anti-Armenian pogroms and deportations in Northern Artsakh, as well as
    Sumgait, Baku, Kirovobad and other settlements of Azerbaijan, which
    aimed at intimidating people and depriving them of the opportunity
    to live on their native land.

    It was the lack of the adequate political and legal assessment of
    the international community of the massacres and ethnic cleansing of
    the Armenian population in Azerbaijan which paved a way for the war
    crime committed by the Azerbaijani army in the village of Maragha.

    Impunity for those crimes has created a fertile ground for the
    implanting of the cult of zealous hatred towards Armenians and
    anything Armenian and uncurbed propaganda of xenophobia, intolerance
    and militarism in Azerbaijan.

    To break this vicious circle and prevent the recurrence of similar
    tragedies in the future, the massacre in Maragha should be condemned
    by the international community, and its organizers and perpetuators

    TODAY, 22:57
