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Maraga: Oil Interests, Armenophobia And The Silence Of The World

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  • Maraga: Oil Interests, Armenophobia And The Silence Of The World


    Documentary "Maragha, April 10, 1992," presented on October 2 on
    Armenian Public Television highlighted a number of factors which
    were previously shadowed, but were extremely important as they were
    proving that "contemporary Golgotha", as Baroness Caroline Cox named
    the tragedy of Maragha, was not just one of the most tragic pages
    of Karabakh war. The desire of the Azerbaijani side to obtain that
    village indispensably was explained by several reasons, foremost of
    which were the oil interests and the aggressive Armenophobia of the
    Azerbaijani authorities.

    According to the former residents of Maragha, just a few kilometers
    far from the village was an oil tower and an oil pipeline also
    passed there.


    Peaceful Armenian population of Maragha village was sacrificed for
    the global fuel and energy interests just because the village was
    on the territory where the valuable hydrocarbon raw materials were
    produced - the so-called "white oil". Perhaps it was because of these
    global interests of not only Azerbaijan but also the major powers,
    that Maragha was never released, although the Armenian side was ready
    to do it in just a few days before the signing of the Bishkek protocol
    on ceasefire in the conflict zone in May 1994.

    A second major factor that played a fatal role in the fate of the
    inhabitants of Maragha became the aggressive Armenophobia, as a basis
    of the state ideology of the Azerbaijani state, since its formation in
    1918 up to date. The Azerbaijani OMON (Special Purpose Police Unit)
    troops, that entered the village only due to the bribed officers, a
    former Soviet army tank crews, besides capturing Maragha had another
    goal too: to commit a massacre (video) over the Armenians by the most
    cruel, inhumane and barbaric methods. It is not by chance that the
    witnesses state that among the rows of the Azerbaijani units were
    special people, armed with yataghan - the main weapon of the Turkish
    butchers that realized the Armenian Genocide in the early 20th century.

    Their task was not simply killing, but cutting and chopping off the
    heads, dismembering, and inflicting stab wounds in the shape of a
    cross both on the corpses and the people who were alive.

    According to the testimony of the villagers, Maragha had faced
    a particularly massive attack on February 26, 1992 as well,
    however the attack was repulsed by the forces of the self-defense

    The nature of the actions of the Azerbaijani forces leaves no doubt
    that the massacre that happened on April 10 was planned specifically
    for the February 26 - the day when, under Aghdam in Azerbaijan
    was committed another more cynical crime, this time - against their
    compatriots who fled Khojalu through the Humanitarian corridor opened
    by the Armenians. Shooting up the retreating residents of Khojalu
    in favor of pleasing the domestic political objectives and trying
    to deal with the peaceful civilians of Maragha under the cover of
    "Khojalu", the political forces of Azerbaijan pursued one strategic
    goal: to discredit the centuries-old image and reputation of the
    Armenians, as carriers of the world civilization and to spread the
    Armenophobia worldwide.

    Events in Maraga are distinguished by their unprecedented brutality
    even in comparison with the other acts of genocide against the
    Armenians in Artsakh and Azerbaijan. Elderly, women and children
    were mercilessly tortured and killed just for their belonging to the
    Armenian nation. Those who had survived were taken hostage, many with
    their families, with young children. The evidences of witnesses about
    the massacre of peaceful civilians of Maragha strike the mind and go
    beyond the normal human logic.


    Maraga has become another crime of Azerbaijan against humanity,
    which however remains, unknown, unconvicted and unpunished. All
    the attempts of Baroness Caroline Cox and the "Christian Solidarity
    Worldwide Organization" to draw the attention of the international
    community to the genocide in Maragha, met with the cynical cohesion of
    carriers of oil interests.[]

    The video placed on the Internet site Youtube depicts the wild orgy in
    Maragha on April 10, 1992, and shows the true face of the Azerbaijani
    army, which celebrates the "victory" over the helpless old men,
    women and children.[]

    The crime committed against the peaceful civilians of Maragha 22 years
    ago, as well as the continuation of the genocidal policy against the
    Armenian people by Azerbaijan at present, deprives this country of any
    right to participate in the negotiation process on the Karabakh issue
    and determine the final political status of the Armenians of Artsakh.

    21.10.2010, 17:05
