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Maragha: 21st Anniversary Of Inhuman And Barbaric Massacre Committed

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  • Maragha: 21st Anniversary Of Inhuman And Barbaric Massacre Committed


    17:34 10/04/2013 " SOCIETY

    On April 10, in 1992, after a three-hour artillery preparation, regular
    army units of Azerbaijan invaded Maragha, the peaceful village of
    Karabakh, from Azerbaijani village Mir-Bashir (now Tartar). About 100
    people became the victims of the aggression, they were mostly women,
    children and aged people. Dozens of people were taken as hostage,
    some of them were later exchanged, but the fate of many of them
    is still unknown. After almost two weeks, on April 22-23, Maragha
    suffered another attack, being returned to their native ashes the
    people were forced to leave their village forever.

    Documentary film "Maragha, April 10, in 1992" highlighted a number
    of facts that previously remained in shadows, but were extremely
    important, facts that prove that "modern Golgotha," as Maragha tragedy
    was called by Baroness Caroline Cox, was not the only tragic page of
    Karabakh war. Azerbaijan had several reasons for its desire of getting
    that village at all costs, the most important of which was its oil
    interests and aggressive Armenophobia of the Azerbaijani authorities.

    The peaceful population of the Armenian village Maragha was sacrificed
    to global fuel and energy interests just because the village was in an
    area which produced valuable hydrocarbons - the so-called "white oil".

    Perhaps it was because of these global interests of Azerbaijan and
    also other major powers that Maragha was not liberated, although the
    Armenian side was ready to do this just a few days before signing
    the Bishkek Protocol on cease-fire in the conflict zone in May 1994.

    The second most important factor that played a fateful role in
    the destiny of the inhabitants of Maragha, became the aggressive
    Armenophobia as a basis of the state ideology of Azerbaijani
    government, since its creation in 1918, up to this day. Azerbaijani
    OMON detachments, which entered the village only due to the bribed
    officer-tankmen of former Soviet army, had another purpose besides
    occupying Maragha, it was to massacre the Armenians in most cruel,
    inhuman and barbaric methods. It's not by chance that the eyewitnesses
    say that in the ranks of the Azerbaijani military units there were
    special people, armed with scimitar - the main weapon of Turkish
    hangmen which they used during the Armenian Genocide in the early
    20th century. Their task was not simply to kill, but to slaughter,
    decapitate, dismember and to leave cross-shaped wounds on both the
    dead bodies and on those the still alive.

    According to the villagers, Maragha was especially massively attacked
    on February 26, in 1992, however the attack was repulsed by the
    self-defense detachments. Eyewitness of these events V. Gabrielyan
    says that at 11:00am they started to gather the bodies. "One of them
    had his throat cut, the other was burnt, and it was obvious by looking
    at the corpse that it was burned alive. People were driven into the
    clubhouse and burned. They did a lot of things. I had a friend of
    the same age, they sawed down his head: the concealed eyewitnesses
    say by doing this they were saying: "You were the head of the water
    and gave us no water."

    Another eyewitness Karine Poghosyan says that by that time her son was
    three years old and her daughter was a year and four months. "They took
    them away from me. When they were taking them away I was screaming
    madly, I do not remember in detail now. We were taken out of the
    village, dragged down by the street on foot. I remember, I saw our
    fellow villagers were there - slaughtered, mutilated. I saw several
    dead bodies."

    According to R. Karapetyan, the village was completely destroyed,
    burned, looted. There were dead bodies here and there: one with a
    chopped head, another burned, or crushed by a tank. "They had killed
    a mother and her son, at first they cut the throat of the mother, her
    son tried to hide himself in the club, however, he also was caught
    and killed. Many families have been destroyed in this way. They did
    not even spare the elderly: one of the elderly was crushed by a tank,
    he was sick and half-blind."

    The nature of the actions of Azerbaijani forces leaves no doubt that
    the massacre that took place on April 10 was planned precisely on
    February 26, when near Aghdam another offense of gross indecency was
    committed by Azerbaijan, but this time it was committed against their
    own countrymen, who had left Khojalu through Humanitarian corridor
    left open by the Armenians. After shooting the retreating inhabitants
    of Khojalu in favor of domestic political purposes and trying deal
    shortly with the civilians of Maragha under the guise of "Khojalu",
    the political forces of Azerbaijan pursued one strategic objective,
    that is discrediting the centuries-old image and reputation of the
    Armenians as a carrier of world's civilization and the spread of
    Armenophobia in the world.

    The video footage posted on the Youtube, depicting the wild orgy
    held in Maragha on April 10, in 1992, shows the true face of the
    Azerbaijani army, celebrating the "victory" over defenseless old men,
    women and children.

