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Pushing Israel To Apologize, Will Obama Also Press Erdogan On The Ar

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  • Pushing Israel To Apologize, Will Obama Also Press Erdogan On The Ar


    Huffington Post
    April 11 2013

    Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Rabbi and Writer

    Co-authored by Arash Farin

    President Barack Obama's first trip to Israel since he became president
    had the potential to yield many tangible results, not the least of
    which could have been a demand on the part of the leader of the free
    world that Hamas revoke its genocidal charter against Israel.

    While it produced many inspirational moments, important symbolic
    gestures, and an eloquent speech before the Jerusalem Convention
    Center, its carefully staged photo opportunities seem, in retrospect,
    to be somewhat ephemeral, and the pressure for Netanyahu to apologize
    to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan ultimately, we believe,

    Israel and Turkey, of course, have had a tumultuous relationship in
    recent years. Although the two countries were allies for many decades,
    based on security ties, Erdogan has gone out of his way to cause
    relations to deteriorate and antagonize Israelis. He has repeatedly
    and unfairly condemned Israeli policy on every level, accused Israel
    of crimes against humanity (after Israel's Operation Cast Lead in
    response to Hamas' launching of rockets in 2008), and even stormed
    out of a conversation with Shimon Peres at Davos in 2009, humiliating
    the venerable Israeli leader and Nobel laureate. In November2012,
    he accused Israel of state terrorism and of an "attempt at ethnic
    cleansing." As another example of Erdogan's vitriol, in February of
    this year, while speaking in Vienna at the official opening of the
    fifth UN Alliance of Civilizations Global Forums, he called Zionism
    "a crime against humanity."

    The distrust between the two countries culminated in May 2010,
    when, in a brazen maneuver, a flotilla organized by the Free Gaza
    Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and
    Humanitarian Relief sought to challenge Israel's blockade of Gaza -
    designed exclusively to keep bombs out of Hamas terrorist hands -
    and refused to allow inspections by Israeli forces. (IHH is known to
    be a jihadist organization cloaked in the mantle of a charity, and it
    is a member organization of Union for Good, whose president is Sheikh
    Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood's top sharia jurist. The U.S.

    Senate also voted in June 2010 to recommend that Obama investigate
    IHH as a first step before labeling it a terrorist organization.)

    Warnings from Israel to the Turkish flotilla to turn around were
    ignored, and the militants on board, wearing orange life vests,
    protective vests, and gas masks, attacked Israeli naval commandos
    who boarded the ship. The Turkish ship, Mavi Marmara, was full of
    activists armed with iron bars and knives, a curious collection of
    equipment for humanitarians delivering relief supplies. In the ensuing
    standoff, as Israel tried to defend itself, tragically nine Turks died.

    Had the flotilla succeeded in breaking the Gaza blockade, Israel could
    have looked forward to even more bombs and rockets raining down on
    its hospitals and nurseries.

    In September 2011, a United Nations report mentioned "serious
    questions about the conduct, true nature and objectives of the
    flotilla organizers, particularly IHH." A BBC documentary also sided
    with Israel, and determined that Israel had responded to a violent
    premeditated attack. As further corroboration of the Turks' intent,
    Israel released nearly 20 videos, made using night-vision technology,
    that showed activists beating Israeli soldiers with metal pipes and
    a chair and a soldier being pushed off the deck and thrown onto a
    lower deck headfirst, nearly dying. Lastly, in June 2010, the Israeli
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs released footage of a rally on board the
    Mavi Marmara before the raid in which the IHH president declared to
    dozens of activists, "And we say: 'If you [Israel] send the commandos,
    we will throw you down from here to the sea and you will be humiliated
    in front of the whole world.'" Participating passengers chant "millions
    of martyrs marching to Gaza!"

    While Obama's attempt to strengthen ties in the Middle East is
    understandable, what is less logical is his attempt to strong-arm
    Israel into apologizing and making concessions, as Erdogan outlined
    a series of conditions for full normalization with Israel, including
    compensation to the victims, and, more significantly, a lifting of
    the naval blockade of Gaza.

    The episode with the Mavi Marmara should have been part of Obama's
    calculus during his trip, as it sheds light on Turkish behavior toward
    Israel as well as on other examples of Turkey's stubborn denial of
    historical facts, including its refusal to speak honestly about its
    role in the Armenian genocide between 1915 and 1923, which resulted in
    the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

    If Obama were true to his word as a presidential candidate in 2008
    and interested in a significant success in the Middle East, he should
    have pushed Erdogan to reciprocate and apologize to the long-suffering
    Armenians for this first genocide in modern history. As discussed
    in a resolution by the House of Representatives, this massacre is
    "documented with overwhelming evidence in the national archives of
    Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, the United States,
    the Vatican and many other countries..." To win support from Armenians
    while running for office, Sen. Obama said on January 19, 2008, "Two
    years ago, I criticized ... the firing of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    John Evans, after he properly used the term 'genocide' to describe
    Turkey's slaughter of thousands of Armenians starting in 1915.... The
    Armenian genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a
    point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an
    overwhelming body of historical evidence... As a senator, I strongly
    support passage of the Armenian genocide resolution, and as president
    I will recognize the Armenian genocide."

    But instead of working to fulfill his promise, President Obama and his
    administration repeatedly have avoided the term "genocide," and worked
    behind the scenes to prevent Congress from recognizing it. Indeed,
    although in March 2010, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted
    23-22 on a resolution to recognize the Armenian deaths officially, the
    administration came out swinging. In Guatemala, she told reporters,
    "The Obama administration strongly opposes the resolution that was
    passed by only one vote by the House committee and will work very hard
    to make sure it does not go to the House floor." According to the
    Associated Press, "a senior Obama administration official, speaking
    on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue,
    said there was an understanding with the Democratic leadership in
    Congress that the resolution would not go to a vote on the floor of
    the House of Representatives."

    After the vote, Turkey recalled its ambassador to the United States
    and warned the Obama administration about the ramifications if a vote
    ever reached the House floor.

    As displayed in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, as Hitler
    prepared to attack Poland without provocation in 1939, he dismissed
    objections by saying "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation
    of the Armenians?" setting the stage for the Holocaust. Ronald Reagan
    recognized this threat in 1981 when he said, "like the genocide of
    the Armenians before it, and the genocide of the Cambodians, which
    followed it -- and like too many other persecutions of too many other
    people -- the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten."

    More than 20 countries and 42 U.S. states already have recognized the
    events of 1915 as genocide. As Obama seeks to shape his Middle East
    policy and consider his legacy over the next four years, he should
    consider the promises he made as a young candidate and recognize a
    massacre that never should be forgotten.

    Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, "America's Rabbi," has just published his newest
    book, "The Fed-up Man of Faith: Challenging God in the Face of Tragedy
    and Suffering." Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley. Arash Farin is
    investment banker based in Los Angeles. He has degrees from The Wharton
    School, Harvard Business School, and also attended Oxford University,
    where he was President of Rabbi Shmuley's Oxford student organization.
