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What's Next After The Kurdish Issue: Syria And Armenia?

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  • What's Next After The Kurdish Issue: Syria And Armenia?


    Global Post
    April 11 2013

    When terrorist organization Kurdistan Workers' Party's (PKK) leader
    Abdullah Ocalan called on the PKK to lay down arms during the Nevruz
    festivities in Diyarbakir, debates about the settlement process
    became hotter and many people started to put forward the idea that
    the settlement of the PKK issue will play into Turkey's hands in both
    domestic and foreign policy in the short term. The expectation that
    having solved its 30-year-old terror problem through peaceful methods,
    Turkey will be able to solve its foreign policy issues with a new
    momentum is closely associated with the interests of not only Turkey,
    but also of neighboring countries and international organizations.

    It is thought that, in addition to the new process launched in
    connection with the Kurdish issue, solution processes concerning the
    ongoing Syrian crisis and the frozen normalization initiative with
    Armenia are on the government's agenda. The problems Turkey has been
    wrestling with at great cost in connection with the Syrian crisis are
    appreciated by the Western countries, but they have so far failed to
    come up with a strategy for a solution. It is hard to guess how the
    call on the PKK to withdraw from Turkey will affect Turkey's Syria
    policy, but Turkey has to develop a foreign policy that supports
    common interests in connection with the Kurdish entities that are
    growing stronger within the context of the "Greater Middle East"
    fancies. On the other hand, solving the Syrian issue in the shortest
    time possible and in the interests of Turkey will further boost the
    progress made on the Kurdish issue. This would also show that Foreign
    Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's frequently criticized "zero problems and
    maximum cooperation" formula is not a political move doomed to failure.

    Another thing that will ward of unfair criticisms hurled at Turkish
    foreign policy in the short term and will dispel Turkey's image
    as a country that is in eternal conflict with its neighbors is the
    process of normalization with Armenia. According to the dissident
    groups inside Turkey who stick to the Turkey-centric perspective,
    the Armenian economy is failing and therefore, Turkey should maintain
    policies to preserve the status quo and never make compromises.

    However, from an external perspective, it is clear that Turkish
    foreign policy has failed in connection with the Armenian issue and
    Turkey's image as a country that refrains from making peace is making
    more and more people perceive Turkey as wrong even when it is right.

    Therefore, Turkey must take radical steps on the Armenian issue as
    it did with regard to the Kurdish issue in order to ensure peace in
    the region and carve itself more room to maneuver in the international
    arena, particularly in the context of the approaching 100th anniversary
    of the 1915 incidents. Approaches that dispense with old habits will
    shake up the status quo and make the Turkish economy stronger in the
    Caucasus region and give Turkish foreign policy an advantage in the
    same region.

    Turkey's normalization with Armenia to undermine influence of Russia
    and Iran

    Today, Russian analysts noted that Turkey's influence in the Caucasus
    was thwarted thanks to its freezing of ties with Armenia and in place
    of Turkey, Iran and other regional players are increasing their
    influence in the Caucasus. They also voice concerns that Turkey's
    normalization of relations with Armenia will undermine Russia's and
    Iran's influence in the region. Stressing that it is worrying to
    see increased anti-Russian and anti-Iranian sentiments in Armenia,
    these analysts maintain that the Armenian opposition that advocates
    good ties with Turkey is doomed to fail. Indeed, the opposition groups
    are growing stronger in Armenia and accuse the Armenian government of
    making the country a satellite of Russia and they are worried about
    the increasing Iranian influence in the country. In this context,
    the Dashnak Party harshly criticized the Armenian government for
    leasing a parcel of grasslands in Syunik province to Iran, noting
    that they don't need the agricultural tools Iran will provide as rent.

    Armenia has no choice but to develop its economic and military
    ties with Russia and Iran and its increasing dependence on these two
    countries is posing a threat to Turkey's security as Russia reinforces
    its military presence near Turkish borders. As new Defense Minister
    of Russia, Sergey Shoigu stressed during his visit to Armenia on the
    21st anniversary of the founding of the Armenian army, Russia sees
    its military presence in the region as indispensable.

    Turkey's normalization processes, as well as the joint actions it
    will adopt in cooperation with Baku surrounding the centennial of the
    events of 1915, are of crucial importance. Yet Baku should be more
    constructive, instead of reacting to every step Turkey takes in the
    normalization process. For instance, Azerbaijan should motivate Turkey
    instead of hurling harsh criticism regarding the initiative to launch
    flights between Yerevan and Van in April, which was then aborted,
    like previous initiatives. Turkey has never ceased to disapprove of
    or criticize the Armenian occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh, and in this
    context, it shut down its border crossings in response. Like this
    policy, Baku's Nagorno-Karabakh policy has also failed to produce any
    result. For this reason, stereotyped criticisms of Turkey's moves
    to reinforce its presence in the region are doing harm to Turkish
    foreign policy. Different approaches should be adopted and the old
    and failing policies should be avoided.

    The first thing to do in the current atmosphere of the settlement of
    the Kurdish issue is to correctly analyze the developments that are
    of close interest to Turkey and to identify and take the necessary
    steps at once. Only in this way can Turkey implement the successful
    policies that would ward off the criticism voiced by western countries
    and opponents against Davutoglu's zero problems formula.
