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Why Chess Should Be Required In U.S. Schools

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  • Why Chess Should Be Required In U.S. Schools


    Pacific Standard
    April 15 2013

    It's a game that motivates us to win, but also teaches us how to deal
    with defeat.

    April 15, 2013~U By Alex Berezow ~U

    Rook to B8. Checkmate.

    There's nothing quite like the feeling of defeating a worthy opponent
    in a game of chess: the ultimate battle of the wits. Of course, it's
    not a feeling I have very often, since I'm not very good at chess. On
    the other hand, my father is officially an "expert" and my friend is
    a "master." In other words, they are both very, very good. To give
    an idea of how good, if I was to play 100 games with each of them,
    I would win precisely zero.

    Worldwide, chess is still a popular game, but it is treated with
    particular seriousness in Eastern Europe. For instance, the Bulgarian
    National Olympic Committee has been lobbying for chess to be recognized
    as an Olympic sport, as has Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the Russian president
    of the World Chess Federation. In September 2011, Armenia made chess
    a required subject for all children over the age of six.

    (In the DW-TV news clip below, the children are in 2nd grade.)

    Indeed, the Armenians may be on to something. One recent
    psychology study found that chess was associated with greater
    "cognitive abilities, coping and problem-solving capacity, and even
    socioaffective development of children." Of course, because it was
    a cohort (observational) study, the link could be due to some third
    factor or the possibility that smart, mature children are more inclined
    to play chess in the first place.

    In the above video, the math/chess teacher says, "Chess trains logical
    thinking. It teaches how to make decisions, trains memory, strengthens
    will power, motivates children to win, and teaches them how to deal
    with defeat. It's the only school subject that can do all of this."

    That is a very interesting insight. Not only does chess help train the
    brain, but it also teaches children basic life skills. In our culture,
    we hand out trophies to winners and losers-or neglect to keep score at
    all-out of some misguided, politically-correct notion that we should
    never hurt anyone's feelings. But, in Armenia, schools are teaching
    children reality: Sometimes you lose. That's an important lesson,
    and it should be taught at a young age.

    What makes chess so fascinating is that no two games will ever
    play out the same. Checkers-really a game for intellectual wimps
    (like me)-has 500 billion billion possible positions, and, in 2007,
    researchers reported that a computer has solved the game. (If neither
    side makes a mistake, the outcome is always a draw.) But chess is
    far more complicated than checkers. It is unlikely that a computer
    will ever "solve" the game.

    Americans are concerned that our children aren't receiving a solid
    K-12 education. Perhaps chess should be introduced into the curriculum
    as a fun way to teach logic and memory?

    In fact, I should get back to practicing the game. Knowing that there
    are seven-year-old Armenians that could run me off the chessboard
    without breaking a sweat is a tad humiliating.

    From: Baghdasarian