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Exhibition Entitled "Armenian Golgotha"

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  • Exhibition Entitled "Armenian Golgotha"

    18:07, April 15, 2013

    On 13 April, 2013 the "Hayartun" Cultural Center of the Diocese
    of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia in Calouste
    Gulbenkian Hall hosted exhibition entitled "Armenian Golgotha",
    dedicated to the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Union of
    Armenian Painters of Georgia and Young Artist Association of Javakhk
    organized the event with the support of the Board of Trustees of the
    "Hayartun" Cultural Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church in Georgia, RA Embassy to Georgia, RA Ministry of Diaspora
    and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

    Artists from Tbilisi, Javakhk, as well as artists, who were born in
    Georgia, but currently are engaged in creative activities in Armenia,
    presented their works at the exhibition. Merujhan Shahumyan, Chairman
    of the Union of Armenian Painters of Georgia, opened the exhibition;
    he informed that out of 35 artists the majority is young, and they
    know about the Armenian Genocide only from the stories. On nearly 60
    canvases, represented in the hall, by means of colors they expressed
    their indignation and demand for justice and compensation for the
    severe torture and suffering of innocent forefathers.

    The Head of Georgian NGO "Irakli II Society" Archil Chkoidze welcomed
    the organization of the exhibition, he bowed to the memory of
    innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, and called on the Georgian
    authorities to respect the pain of the neighboring Christian nation,
    to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and erect a monument
    for victims.

    Poet and translator Givi Shakhnazari, Van Baiburtian, Advisor to
    the President of Georgia and the editor of "Vrastan" ("Georgia"),
    director Michael Grigorian and the historian Yenok Tadevosyan aroused
    their indignation against unfair and indifferent attitude of the
    world community.

    St. Nerses Shorhali Youth Vocal Ensemble of the "Hayartun" Center
    (conductor Hovhannes Hambardzumyan) and Surb Etchmiadzin Church Choir
    (conductor Svetlana Tatoeva) performed classic and spiritual songs;
    melodies, performed by the duduk player Vano Lazarian and the piano
    player Karen Mirzoyan, also sounded during the event.

    The Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
    in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed all the
    participants and considered this exhibit and similar events a monument
    to the innocent Armenian martyrs. Noting the young artists, the Head
    of Diocese expressed hope for brighter future of Armenia and Armenians.

    Merujhan Shaumyan, Chairman of the Union of Armenian Painters of
    Georgia, and the Chairman of the Young Artist Association of Javakhk
    Haykazun Karagulyan presented those artists, whose works had been
    recognized as the best.

    Christina Bagdatsyan was recognized the youngest participant of the
    exhibition. Lilit Arsenyan was awarded the third place, Ani Kananyan -
    the second place, and Maryam Tipukhyan took the first place with her
    canvas "Weeping Woman". The residence of the Diocese of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church in Georgia awarded them with cash prizes.

    The exhibition will run until April 30.

    Press service of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress