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Obama's Talks With Turkey: Let Us Preach What We Practice

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  • Obama's Talks With Turkey: Let Us Preach What We Practice


    April 16 2013

    By James D. Zirin

    Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan will travel to Washington May
    16 to meet with President Obama, largely to discuss his country's
    relationship with the US and the European community, and most probably
    Erdogan's on-again off-again relationship with Israel. Undoubtedly,
    a strong US alliance with Turkey, with its vibrant economy and
    geo-political position, is of tremendous strategic importance to the
    United States. In the run-up to the meeting, however, Obama might
    well consider Turkey's human rights record, particularly how many
    nations are left on this planet where someone could go to jail over
    a Twitter post? North Korea, Iran, China? Maybe. But Turkey is the
    latest to win that dubious distinction.

    Fazil Say, 42 years-old, is an internationally recognized Turkish
    pianist and composer, who has performed with major orchestras
    throughout the world, including the New York Philharmonic and the
    Berlin Symphony. His personal style of composition, rooted in the
    folk music of Turkey, evokes Bartok: a fantasia-like basic structure;
    and a variable dance-like rhythm.

    An Istanbul court convicted Say of inciting hatred, insulting Islam
    and offending Muslims on Twitter. Although not sentenced to jail,
    he is on probation for five years on condition that he not re-offend
    Muslims, even if he is just re-tweeting what someone else said. Say
    could have been sentenced to 18 months in prison. The case renewed
    brewing concerns about the influence of religion on Turkish politics.

    Say's "crime" was a series of tweets posted earlier last year. In one
    message he retweeted a verse from a poem by Omar Khayyam in which the
    11th-century Persian poet attacks pious hypocrisy: "You say rivers
    of wine flow in heaven, is heaven a tavern to you? You say two huris
    [companions] await each believer there, is heaven a brothel to you?"

    In other tweets, he made fun of a muezzin (a caller to prayer),
    implying that the particular muezzin's call lasted only 22 seconds
    because he wanted to go out for a drink. Another retweet by Mr. Say
    posits: "I am not sure if you have also realized it, but if there's
    a louse, a non-entity, a lowlife, a thief or a fool, it's always an
    Allah-ist." Bad taste, maybe, in a country where Muslims comprise
    roughly 98% of the population, but hardly a crime?

    Turkey is not a particularly safe place for artists and intellectuals,
    or women for that matter, who may wish to criticize Erdogan's
    government. In 2007, a journalist Hrant Dink, who had written about
    the Armenian genocide of 1915, was shot dead on an Istanbul street. A
    judge last year fined Orhan Pamuk, the Nobel laureate writer, $3,700
    for saying in a Swiss newspaper that Turks "have killed 30,000 Kurds
    and 1 million Armenians."

    Pointing to the Say and Pamuk cases, as well as the prosecution of
    numerous journalists, artists and intellectuals for voicing their
    views, critics have accused the governing AK Party of undermining
    the secular values of Turkey's founder Kemal Ataturk, and pandering
    to Islamists, who have recently asserted themselves with renewed
    intensity. Say himself claimed that his prosecution was politically
    motivated. An atheist, Say had often criticized the Islamist-rooted
    party, accusing it of having a secret agenda to promote conservative

    The European Union, which Turkey seeks to join, admonished Erdogan
    about the Say conviction. A spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief
    Catherine Ashton said Brussels was "concerned" by the prosecution,
    which "underlines the importance for Turkey to fully respect freedom
    of expression." Amnesty International said in a report last month
    that "freedom of expression is under attack in Turkey," calling for
    legislative reforms to bring "abuses to an end."

    Dozens of journalists are in detention in Turkey, as well as lawyers,
    politicians and lawmakers - most of them accused of plotting against
    the government or having links with the outlawed Kurdish rebel movement
    the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Meanwhile, Erdogan continues with
    his sultanic project to build at state expense over the Bosporus the
    largest mosque in Turkey, as Fazil Say calls his conviction "a sad
    day for Turkey."

    Madeleine Albright has said that foreign policy is getting other
    countries to do what you want them to do. Obama should use the
    occasion of the Erdogan meeting to take heed of the clarion call of
    another British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, who said in his
    "Iron Curtain" speech delivered in Fulton, Missouri March 5, 1946,
    "All this means ... that freedom of speech and thought should reign;
    that courts of justice, independent of the executive, unbiased by any
    party, should administer laws which have received the broad assent of
    large majorities or are consecrated by time and custom. Here are the
    title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home. Here
    is the message of the British and American peoples to mankind. Let
    us preach what we practice - let us practice what we preach."

    Turkey's human rights record is execrable. When Obama meets Erdogan
    next month, he should preach a little of what we try to practice.
