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IOM Conducted An Analysis Of Armenian Migration Legislation

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  • IOM Conducted An Analysis Of Armenian Migration Legislation

    22:26, April 16, 2013

    Experts of the International Migration Organisation (IOM) conducted an
    "Analysis of Armenian Migration Legislation and Practice as Compared
    to EU Standards" to study if and how the national legislation
    on migration is aligned with the EU legislation. The gap analysis
    identified legislative and institutional practices concerning migration
    and ascertained to what extent the Armenian legal and institutional
    framework meet the requirements of the EU-Armenia Association Agreement
    as well as the requirements of the EU-Armenia Mobility Partnership
    Agreement, EU-Armenia Visa Facilitation Agreement and EU-Armenia
    Readmission Agreement.

    The analysis was conducted under the auspices of the Armenian Ministry
    of Justice. Deputy Minister of Justice of RA Yeghishe Kirakosyan,
    acknowledged the work done on strengthening the capacities of national
    institutions engaged in migration management in aligning national
    laws with EU legislation.

    IOM Head of Office, Ilona Ter-Minasyan, appreciated the opportunity to
    provide technical assistance in migration management and international
    migration law. "The study addressed both immigration and emigration,
    in addition to legislation and policy also the related administrative
    and judicial practices were reviewed," Ms Ter-Minasyan said.

    The report is divided into 17 chapters, each examining a different
    migration- or asylum-related topic. The topics encompass the whole
    cycle of migration starting with entry (including travel documents,
    visas), residence (employment, study, family migration) to exit,
    return, readmission and removal. Irregular migration and human
    trafficking are also tackled on as well as integration and data
    protection and data collection. The analysis is made through the
    prism of protection of migrants' rights and non-discrimination. For
    each of the areas the EU legal framework is presented followed by the
    relevant Armenian legislation on the same topic. The gap analysis is
    structured in two levels: the gaps between the Armenian legislation
    and implementation in practice; and the gaps between the Armenian
    and the EU legislation 150 concrete recommendations are suggested to
    address the gaps. The study is a technical support to the "2012-2016
    Action Plan for Implementation of the Concept for the Policy of State
    Regulation of Migration in the Republic of Armenia."

    Today the main findings of the report were discussed with the
    representatives of the Armenian Government. It is expected that the
    analysis report will serve as a Roadmap for approximation of national
    regulations and procedures with the European standards.

    The study was prepared in the framework of the project "Strengthening
    Evidence-Based Management of Labour Migration in Armenia" which
    was funded by the European Union and the IOM Development Fund and
    implemented by IOM and ICHD. One of the objectives of the project
    is to raise awareness about possible approximation of legislation
    on migration management with EU legislation. The total budget for
    the "Strengthening Evidence-Based Management of Labour Migration in
    Armenia" Project is 2,450,000 Euros out of which 1,950,000 Euros is
    funded by the EU.
