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    Monday, 15 April 2013 17:13

    The press has already reported that on April 10, the House of
    Representatives and the Senate of the U.S. state of Maine passed
    a joint resolution recognizing the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. The
    resolution calls on the U.S. President and Congress to support
    the self-determination and democratic independence of the NKR,
    to facilitate its constructive involvement in the efforts of the
    international community for achieving a just and lasting solution
    to the security issues in the strategically significant region. It
    should be noted that for less than a year, a few political acts have
    already taken place at the level of foreign parliaments, directly
    or indirectly recognizing the right of the NKR to self-determination
    and establishment of its own independent state.

    Let's remember that in 2012, the Houses of Representatives of the U.S.
    states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the Legislative Council
    of the Australian state of New South Wales have also adopted similar
    resolutions. These initiatives include the visit to the NKR in last
    November of the Uruguay parliamentary delegation led by the chairman
    of the House of Representatives, the establishment in this March of the
    Inter-parliamentary Group of Friendship between the Lithuania Republic
    and the NKR at the Lithuanian Seimas, and in France - the Circle of
    Friendship with the Republic of Artsakh, with the participation of
    political figures, MPs, and Senators.

    There is no doubt that the international community and, in particular,
    the parliamentarians of the above mentioned countries have noticed and
    appreciated the commitment of the NKR people and authorities to their
    chosen way of democratic development of the Karabakh society. This
    is confirmed by the fact that actually in all the above mentioned
    resolutions the necessity of supporting the DEMOCRATIC independence
    of the NKR is noted, and the statements on the establishment of
    the Friendship Groups do not conceal the sympathy for the people
    of Artsakh, which is building its independent statehood on the
    democratic principles. "We are not alone in this noble enterprise,
    and our view is getting greater response", wrote member of the Circle
    of Friendship, prominent politician Francois Rochebloine in the French
    edition of Le Huffington Post. "The freedom of speech of the citizens
    of Nagorno-Karabakh is just the latest example of the movement for
    independence, which led to the emergence of more than a dozen new
    countries over the past quarter of a century", he noted.

    We would like to note another aspect of the pro-Karabakh actions
    of foreign countries' parliamentarians. It can be firmly stated that
    there is a growing understanding in the world of the incompatibility of
    the ways of development of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan. There are
    more than enough reasons for this conclusion in the legal, political,
    historical, and moral spheres. And if generalized, the whole policy
    of Azerbaijan towards Nagorno-Karabakh, based on the rabid hatred
    of Armenians and mankind, leaves no doubt that the NKR should go its
    own way, which its people chose over twenty years ago.

    By the way, it fits well in the interests of international democratic
    institutions using efforts to promote integration and democratic
    processes in the South Caucasus in order to ensure the stability of
    the entire region. They cannot but notice the striking difference
    between the democratic development of the NKR and the atmosphere
    of medieval dictatorship established in Azerbaijan. Several human
    rights organizations, in particular, the well-known Freedom House,
    called Azerbaijan a non-democratic country. The Baku regime actually
    defies the international community, ignoring its calls for peace and
    cooperation. A bright example of this is the recent statement of the
    Azerbaijani President that "we use every opportunity to keep Armenia
    in its current state of isolation". Given that the EU program Eastern
    Partnership is aimed specifically at the development of cooperation
    between the countries of the South Caucasus.

    Yes, the blockade of Armenia and the NKR, their isolation from the
    processes taking place in the world, the hindering of the development
    of the two Armenian states continue to be the cornerstones in the
    foreign policy of Azerbaijan. By the way, Francois Rochebloine did
    not hide that "we want to break the isolation, which the people of
    Nagorno-Karabakh have experienced for 22 years, and to make the latter
    part of regional development projects, along with the other nations
    of the South Caucasus". Hence is the extremely nervous reaction of
    official Baku to the actions of the parliamentarians of the USA,
    Uruguay, Lithuania, and France. Because it understands that the
    general awareness of the international community of the real events
    in the NKR, its goals and achievements in the socio-economic sphere,
    in the field of democracy and human rights, first of all, underlines
    the contrast between dictatorial Azerbaijan and democratic Artsakh.

    Secondly, it nullifies all its efforts on presenting Nagorno-Karabakh
    to the world as a political outcast ignoring international laws.

    Official Baku was quick to respond also to the resolution of the House
    of Representatives and the Senate of the state of Maine. Azerbaijani
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, noting that the adoption of the
    resolution was backed by the Armenian Diaspora, said that such actions
    hindered the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. These
    words are not just cynicism, because it is Azerbaijan that with
    its counterproductive steps persistently impedes the efforts of the
    international mediators on the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

    But, first of all, it is its unwillingness to see the objective
    truth, which explains its craven desire to ascribe the adoption of
    the resolution exclusively to the Armenian Diaspora. And the truth
    is that an objective process of recognition of NKR people's right to
    self-determination of their political future is taking place in the
    world. And this process is apparently gaining a progressive character.

