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Another Piece Of Old Yerevan Faces Uncertain Future

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  • Another Piece Of Old Yerevan Faces Uncertain Future

    Kristine Aghalaryan

    There's a placard on the outside wall of the building at 4 Pushkin
    Street that reads, "Maintained by the government"

    Emma Kilikyan, a resident, says that the sign is merely for show and
    that the government is doing nothing to preserve the building built
    in the late 19th and early 20th century.

    "They couldn't give a hoot about this place," says Mrs. Kilikyan
    who lives in the building along with her husband. The structure is
    included in the list of historical-cultural landmarks.

    The resident says that an episode of the film Garegin Nzhdeh was
    filmed in the courtyard out back.

    Mrs. Kilikyan says that the building was belonged to the wealthy
    Tairov family and that the Kilikyans purchased in the late 1920s.

    She's been living there ever since getting married 55 years ago.

    She says that the businessman Samvel Mayrapetyan is now pressuring
    them to sell.

    The government has allocated the building at 2 Pushkin Street (the
    former fire engine station facing Sakharov Square) and adjacent
    structures to Mayrapetyan under an eminent domain order.

    According to a 2008 government decision, Mayrapetyan's "Local
    Developers" company in a project designed to rid Yerevan of dilapidated
    structures that were not seismically sound. The plan at the time was
    for the site to be demolished and a new multi-purpose structure to
    be built.

    The government's decision notes that the area contains landmark
    buildings which are in poor condition.

    In its decision, the government also stated that the new owner of the
    site would be allowed to "restore and rebuild" the existing structures
    in a manner that would synthesize the old Yerevan architectural style
    with buildings now being erected.

    As to what this means in practical terms is anyone's guess. Even the
    new owner, Samvel Mayrapetyan, confesses that he hasn't yet decided
    what to build at the site.

    He knows that there are two landmark buildings at the site and claims
    that it is possible to maintain their former appearance, but that
    he will have to consult with architectural specialists. Mayrapetyan
    says that the Ministry of Culture will also have a say in the matter
    as to what can and cannot be changed.

    Mrs. Kilikyan says that Mayrapetyan has offered the family $400,000
    for their 1,000 square meter property but have rejected the sum
    as inadequate.

    She claims the market value is more like $1million.

    Most of the residents at 4 Pushkin have already accepted Mayrapetyan's
    money and have vacated the premises.

    One such resident, who didn't wish to be named, said he accepted
    $70,000 for a 70 square meter apartment; an amount regarded as way
    below market for an apartment in the heart of Yerevan.

    Mayrapetyan says he doesn't know what course of action he will take
    regarding those who hold out for more money.

    "The historical buildings require specific decisions and special
    attention," said Mayrapetyan.

    For the present, the status of 2 Pushkin remains in limbo.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress