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Radio Liberty: Only Oligarchs And Bureaucrats Get Richer In Azerbaij

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  • Radio Liberty: Only Oligarchs And Bureaucrats Get Richer In Azerbaij


    19:03 18/04/2013 " ECONOMY

    "It's hard to live. I receive targeted social assistance in the
    amount of 44 manats (about 44 euros. - Ed.). My family consists of six
    people. We must pay for electricity and gas. It costs 20 - 30 manats.

    How to live? We also need to eat," said Baba Vusalova a resident of
    the Azerbaijani town Xachmaz.

    According to the Azerbaijani service of Radio Liberty, similar
    complaints are often heard on receptions of citizens by government
    officials in some regions of Azerbaijan. The article notes that some
    observers may notice contradiction between these statements and the
    speech of President Ilham Aliyev made at the meeting of the Cabinet
    of Ministers of Azerbaijan about the fact that the income of the
    population have increased by almost 6%.

    The article emphasizes that the economists find it difficult to comment
    on the words of the president of Azerbaijan about 6%, because they do
    not know how the income growth of the population is calculated. Thus
    economist Natick Dzhafarli says that in Azerbaijan there are myths
    about the display-index statistics. According to him, it is impossible
    to get accurate information about how to determine this figure. The
    expert notes that about 25-30% of the population - 970,000 people -
    are employed in the structures that are financed by the state budget.

    "Despite the fact that the opening of new jobs is only on paper, it
    means that a new group of people achieved revenues. That is, when a
    man, who had no work and income until last day, now gets income and
    salary, albeit on paper, it affects also the statistics - again on
    paper," the economist explains.

    Economist and expert Rovshan Agayev draws attention to the lack of
    transparency and the vagueness of the statistical data and speaks of
    the necessity of promulgation of poverty index across regions.

    Economist N. Dzhafarli calls the statement made by the President of
    Azerbaijan a Soviet rhetoric, because the bundle weight gain of the
    middle class of the population is an indicator of the stability
    of money in the country. In countries with democracy, healthy
    competition and stability, creating a middle class gives rise to
    a dynamic development. According to the expert, the government of
    Azerbaijan is afraid of middle class in all countries forms the
    election results and the development of the country.

    "Regardless of the power, people who earn money and achieve financial
    independence begin to put forward the socio-political demands and to
    fight for their implementation. The Azerbaijani government is afraid
    of it. The new wave of opposition in Russia is directly connected with
    the middle class. The Azerbaijani authorities understand this and do
    not want to allow the middle class to become a player in this arena,"
    the publication reads.

    According to the expert, Azerbaijan is in a serious stratification,
    because the senior officials, oligarchs and holdings that are close
    to them get richer at the expense of the government, tax evasion and
    monopolization. However, the expert pointed out that only one group
    gets richer, while the figures show that the poverty in Azerbaijan

