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Historian Taner Akcam says Armenian border should be opened for norm

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  • Historian Taner Akcam says Armenian border should be opened for norm

    Historian Taner Akcam says Armenian border should be opened for
    normalization of relations

    16:08 20.04.2013

    As the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide approaches, historian
    Taner Akcam suggests Turkey open its borders with Armenia as a step to
    normalize relations between the two countries. Talking to Today's
    Zaman Akcam claims that the Armenian issue cannot be solved unless
    diplomatic ties are established.

    Akcam, who describes the 1915 events as `genocide,' says that Turkey
    should stop wasting its time with the argument that 1915 was not
    genocide `by exploiting people's ignorance about this matter and
    creating an unnecessary debate.' He argues that 1.2 million Armenians
    were forced to relocate under the rule of the Committee of Union and
    Progress (CUP) during the Ottoman Empire.

    He also argues that thirst, hunger and diseases were among the main
    reasons for the deaths, but the groups that were forced to migrate
    were intentionally led to take the longer routes and were not provided
    water and food during their journey.

    `Few people know this, but the Armenian genocide was one of the main
    reasons why the word `genocide' was first coined. Raphael Lemkin is
    the person who coined this word and admits that the Armenian genocide
    was decisive in this coinage,' Akcam said.

    Asked how the Armenian issue can be solved, the historian said: `I
    think we should focus on a `Turkish issue' rather than on the
    `Armenian issue.' First of all, we, Turks, must learn to talk about
    what happened in the past. We must learn both what the truth was and
    how we can discuss it. To know the history and to talk about it are
    two different things. In my opinion, the first thing to do is to learn
    how this can be understood and share sorrows. We must be able to
    listen to Armenians as they talk about their heart-wrenching

    `On the state level, a government which really intends to solve this
    issue must first change its wording and style. The language of peace
    and fraternity is different from that of strife. First of all, a
    language that would facilitate the settlement must be created. To this
    end, the publications including official websites of certain
    ministries that are rife with hatred and animosity against Armenians
    must be shut down. The Board of Coordination for Combating Unfounded
    Genocide Claims, subordinated to the National Security Council (MGK),
    must be abolished. As long as there is such a board, it is a fancy to
    believe Turkey will launch an initiative about genocide,' he said.

    `The second step is to open up border crossings. We can solve a past
    issue only by normalizing ties today. As long as the border crossings
    are kept closed and no diplomatic ties are established with Armenia,
    this issue cannot be solved. If people don't know each other and if
    they don't talk to each other, how will they settle a problem among
    themselves? Dialogue is a sine qua non component of communication
    among people. If Turkey opens up the border crossing with Armenia and
    calls it `Hrant Dink Border Gate,' this would be a good gesture,' the
    historian continued.

    Taner Akcam believes the third step is to pay an apology. `In our
    time, heads of state and government pay apologies in connection with
    past tragedies. When they do, this does not humiliate them. Rather
    this boosts their prestige. Turkey must take this step. Given the fact
    it expected Israel to pay an apology for an attack against a vessel,
    Turkey should know that Armenians nurture similar expectations about
    the death of about 1 million people in 1915. This problem cannot be
    solved if the Turkish government does not accept the fact that 1915
    incidents were a crime that cannot defended ethically. For two
    societies and sides to make peace, Turkey must denounce the crimes
    against the Ottoman Armenians in 1915 and declare that those crimes
    were morally/ethically unacceptable.'

    `The fourth step is to launch a number of moves to compensate for the
    past's losses. In this scope, Armenians who have roots in Anatolia may
    be automatically granted Turkish nationality. Another step may be to
    recognize and promote the Armenian cultural heritage in Turkey. In
    this framework, religious, cultural and historical Armenian buildings
    may be renovated. Reviving the destroyed or damaged Armenian cultural
    heritage and civilization in Anatolia will be the best response to the
    past's subversive mentality.

    Another symbolic yet significant step might be to return the churches,
    buildings and fields seized in Çukurova region that belonged to
    SisKatolikosChurch, which is of secondary or even equal importance to
    Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin,' Mr. Akcam said.

    `Another thing we can do is to raise awareness of people. To ensure
    public access to correct information and eliminate the negative
    effects of 100-year old brainwashing and denial policies, programs may
    be organized to inform the public, through participation of Armenian
    scholars, and via the press. Joint committees at various levels
    (Parliament, universities, etc.) between two countries may be
    established and civilian initiatives to boost relations may be
    developed,' he said.

    As for the expectations from 2015, the 100th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, the Turkish historian said: `If Turkey does not
    seriously change its policies and if the US, the UK and Israel do not
    modify their stance, I don't think anything special will happen. And
    there is nothing to suggest that these countries will change their
    position. I think people will conduct demonstrations and repeat the
    same arguments. And then April 25 will come.'
