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St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas Consecrated

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  • St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas Consecrated

    St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas Consecrated
    Friday, April 19th, 2013

    The St. Garabed Church in Las Vegas

    Dedication Of `Koujakian' Hall
    Parish Council Chair Adroushan Armenian Awarded Prelacy `St. Dertad
    The King' Medal

    LAS VEGAS - After years of hard work and perseverance, on April 13 and
    14 new life was breathed into the parish community of Las Vegas as
    they rejoiced in the fruit of their efforts, which culminated in the
    consecration and dedication of St. Garabed Church by Western Prelate
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian.

    Parishioners from across California and nearby states assembled in Las
    Vegas to witness this historic occasion and to join the community in
    celebrating the construction of the first Armenian Apostolic Church in
    the state of Nevada. The consecration of the Church, which was
    conducted in stages over two days, was a deeply moving and truly
    poignant experience, and throughout the weekend sentiments were echoed
    that this momentous occasion is one that will live on in the hearts of
    all those present for years to come.

    Dedication Of `Koujakian' Hall
    The festivities began on the evening of Saturday, April 13 with the
    dedication and official opening of `Koujakian' Hall, which was
    sponsored by the Fattal, Yemenidjian, and Koujakian families in memory
    of their parents Verjine and Abraham Koujakian. The Prelate welcomed
    the guests and began the service with the Lord's Prayer. With the
    unveiling of the hall plaque and the ribbon cutting by the sponsor
    families, the hall was officially opened and the Prelate entered as
    deacons and choir members sang the `Aysor Yergnayink' hymn. Inside the
    hall, the Prelate conducted the blessing of salt, bread, and water
    assisted by Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr.
    Avedis Torossian, and St. Mary's Church of Glendale Pastor Rev. Fr.
    Vazken Atmajian. A requiem prayer for the souls of Verjine and Abraham
    Koujakian followed.

    Archbishop Mardirossian says Mass

    The Prelate greeted the guests, stating that it is a day of great
    spiritual joy for the entire Prelacy family. He noted how touching the
    ceremony was for the sponsor families especially who immortalized the
    memory of their parents with this hall. His Eminence remembered
    Verjine Koujakian's active involvement in the community from its very
    first days, and specifically her role in the founding of the Saturday
    School. In following her example, the Prelate noted `I am sure her
    family will continue to bring their enduring support to this community
    and will continue to be a lasting presence with their moral and
    financial support'. He then blessed the members of the families, and
    the ceremony came to a close with the Lord's Prayer and the Cilician

    Opening Of The Portals
    Following the dedication of the hall, as deacons sang the `Hrashapar'
    hymn the Prelate was led in a procession to the Church main entrance
    for the Opening of the Portals service (Terenpatsek). Kneeling in
    front of the closed door, the Prelate knocked three times singing,
    `Open unto us, Lord, the gate of Your mercy'. With the official
    opening of the doors, the Prelate entered the Church and ascended the
    altar where the service continued with hymns, Scripture readings, and
    prayers for the Lord to bless and sanctify the stones and wood so that
    `whoever shall greet this house or shall bow down unto it may be
    considered to have bowed down not to unclean stone and wood, but unto
    You and Your Holy Name'.

    The Prelate then consecrated with Holy Chrism the side Trinity altar,
    which was sponsored by Charles Sulahian in memory of his father
    Alexander, and the Baptismal Font, sponsored by Marie Sulahian in
    memory of her parents Garabet & Azadouhie Baylayan.

    The Prelate began his sermon with the words from the order of blessing
    of a new church recited earlier, `O merciful God, we beseech You with
    all our hearts. Accept our entreaties which we offer up unto You and
    let the grace of Your Holy Spirit abide in this house which we have
    established and built in Your name. Bless and sanctify the stones and
    wood...Send down Your Holy Spirit and bless this font, as You blessed
    the River Jordan by descending upon it, typifying the font from which
    men are born again.'

    He continued, `Praise be to God for making us worthy of this blessed
    day as we have gathered for the consecration and dedication of this
    Church we have erected for His name, glory, and dominion. Earlier
    during the Terenpatsek service, we beseeched the Lord to open the
    doors of His mercy, and I am sure each of you joined in with your
    prayers asking for the Lord to open the doors of His mercy for your
    individual families and for our collective family of church, nation,
    and community. We prayed for Him to bless and sanctify the stone and
    wood this Church is built from and which symbolize Him and His Holy
    Name, for this Church was not built for the glory of man, but rather
    for the praise and glory of Almighty God. We convey our gratitude to
    the sponsors who donated to this project for His glory. Jesus went
    into the River Jordan and sanctified it, and whoever is baptized in
    this font will be purified and will become a new person in the Holy

    Tomorrow we will continue the ceremony with the consecration of the
    sixteen pillars, which signify that we built this Church on the
    pillars, on the strong foundation of the faith of the apostles,
    evangelists, and St. Gregory the Illuminator. May God bless the memory
    of the Fattal, Yemenidjian, Koujakian, and Sulahian faithful departed,
    and may God bless the families as they continue their service for the
    glory of God and our people. We are overjoyed to have with us large
    numbers of faithful from across California, including Catholicosate
    Central Executive member Khajag Dikijian, almost all the members of
    the Prelacy Executive Council, and deacons and choir members from
    Fresno and Los Angeles area Churches, all of whom have come to express
    their solidarity and support of this community. Congratulations to
    Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr. Avedis Torossian, Parish Council Chair
    Adroushan Armenian and members, Building Committee, and the entire
    parish community on this great accomplishment. May the Lord grant us
    all renewal of spirit and rebirth of faith so that we can see Him
    through the eyes of our soul and praise His Holy Name now and always.'
    At the conclusion of the service, guests were hosted to a reception at
    `Koujakian' Hall hosted by the Parish Council, and faithful departed
    from the Church in joyful anticipation of the following day's

    Sunday, April 14 will forever be remembered as a momentous day for the
    Western Prelacy family as the Prelate consecrated the altar and
    sixteen pillars of St. Garabed Church of Las Vegas and officially
    named the Church. Guests in attendance included the Consul General of
    Armenia the Honorable Grigor Hovhannissian with his wife Victoria,
    Congresswoman Dina Titus, Central Executive and Prelacy Executive
    Council members, clergy from local evangelical, Maronite, and Syriac
    Churches, benefactors, and a standing room only crowd of faithful.

    The ceremony began in the morning with the official procession of His
    Eminence into the Church, joined by the sixteen pillar Godfathers,
    clergy, and the many deacons participating from various Prelacy
    Churches. The Prelate was led from the courtyard to the entrance of
    the Church with the `Khorhoort Khoreen' hymn, followed by the
    `Hrashapar' hymn as he entered the Church and ascended the altar to
    begin the Holy High Mass. The congregation followed the service
    attentively and with reverence as Fr. Muron and Rev. Vazken washed the
    unadorned altar with wine and water. The Prelate then consecrated the
    top, right, left, head and front of the altar in the form of the
    Cross, and blessed sponsors Arpine Koutnouyan and her son Aram who
    dedicated the altar in memory of their husband and father Aram
    Koutnouyan. This was followed by the blessing, anointing, and
    sanctifying of the sixteen pillars. With each Godfather standing next
    to his respective pillar, the Prelate conducted the consecration and
    blessed them. The Blessing of the Four Corners of the World (Antasdan)
    followed, during which the church was officially named St. Garabed.
    The Prelate ascended to the altar where he was presented with four lit
    candles which he placed on the altar. The curtain closed as the
    service continued, to be reopened a few minutes later beautifully
    adorned with intricate tapestry, candles and flowers.

    The Prelate began his sermon with the following passage from the
    Antasdan service, `Blessed and protected and providentially preserved
    be this Church, established in the name of St. Garabed'. He continued,
    `Earlier you heard these words as we prayed and beseeched Almighty God
    to bless, protect, and preserve St. Garabed Church established for His
    glory in the name of St. John the Baptist. Today is a historic day of
    unbridled joy. It is truly a day to rejoice for the entire Prelacy
    family as we conducted the consecration of the first Armenian
    Apostolic Church in the state of Nevada. Praise and glory to Almighty
    God for granting us this blessed day to come together and collectively
    celebrate this historic occasion. This dream was realized through much
    hard work, dedication, and united efforts; and now a new chapter has
    begun for this parish.'

    The Prelate spoke of the symbolic coincidence that the Church is being
    consecrated on the third Sunday of Eastertide, which in the Armenian
    Church is known as Sunday of the World Church and Green Sunday. This
    Sunday commemorates the establishment in Jerusalem of the first
    Christian Church by the apostles, and is called `Green' to symbolize
    the idea of new life. By the Resurrection of our Lord, the whole world
    became green and flowered, and Christianity spread and blossomed. The
    Gospel readings of Green Sunday are particularly meaningful for the
    occasion as they convey the message of spiritual rebirth, new life,
    and the example of St. Paul who was rejected by the disciples but
    continued to boldly preach the Good News of the Risen Christ
    throughout Jerusalem, and through whose efforts the Church prospered
    and multiplied. `How very fitting and symbolic that we are
    consecrating this new Church on the day which we commemorate the
    establishment of the first Christian Church in the world, celebrate
    the idea of new life, and when the Gospel readings convey to us the
    inspiring message of rebirth', stated the Prelate.

    `Indeed today this parish community is commencing a new life, which is
    a rebirth of faith. For the last few years you dedicated yourselves to
    reaching this stage. Now that the Church is complete and consecrated,
    you are entrusted with a new mission. It is your duty to ensure that
    this parish continues to advance and progress, that the members of
    this community continue to work together in unity and with the same
    diligence you have demonstrated thus far, so that coming generations
    reap the bountiful harvest of the seeds you have planted.' The Prelate
    greeted the large number of guests and faithful who had come to share
    in the joy of the day, and commended all those who had a hand in
    making the day a reality. He conveyed gratitude to main benefactor
    Larry Barnes for his most generous contribution in tribute to his late
    wife Seda Der Garabedian-Barnes and her ancestors, to the Dream Fund
    at UCLA for their benevolence, and his appreciation to the Godfathers
    and all the sponsors and friends for their financial and moral
    support. He commended the Pastor, Parish Council, and Building
    Committee members for their diligence, and thanked all those present
    who had travelled from near and far to show their encouragement and
    backing of this community. `As we begin this new chapter, this new
    life, let us renew in ourselves our commitment to our faith and to the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, and in the example of St. Paul, let us
    boldly continue to preach the Gospel to those around us, let us engage
    the younger generation and encourage them to become active
    participants in our community life by instilling and cultivating in
    them love and reverence for our faith and heritage. For only through
    harmonious collaboration and cooperation, can our Church, nation, and
    people prosper. We praise the Lord for blessing us with this new house
    of prayer. May the Holy Spirit empower us all as we move forward in
    our service for His glory and for the advancement of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church and nation.' The Prelate then announced that he would
    be returning on May 19 to consecrate the sacred paintings and stained
    glass windows, and invited faithful pilgrims from California, Arizona,
    and other regions to once again join the community on that special
    occasion, during which a statue dedicated to mothers will be unveiled.

    The Liturgy continued until the Kiss of Peace. It was a moving moment
    as the Prelate called on the faithful to feel the presence of Christ
    as they received their first greeting in the newly blessed Church. The
    Prelate connected this first greeting in the new Church with the
    greeting of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I who had sent a letter of
    blessing on this occasion. His Holiness conducted one of the
    milestones in October of 2011 when he blessed the foundation stone and
    consecrated the dome cross, and today our Pontiff is with us in spirit
    conveying his greetings through his letter, stated the Prelate, and
    continued to read the message of His Holiness. During this first Kiss
    of Peace in this consecrated Church, let us greet one another as
    brothers and sisters for we are all children of the same Father,
    Almighty God, concluded the Prelate and the Liturgy continued

    At the time of `Der Voghormya' Fr. Vazken announced that memorial
    prayers would be offered for the souls of Seda Der Garabedian-Barnes,
    Diramayr Marie Mardirossian on the fourth anniversary of her passing,
    Fattal, Yemenidjian, Koujakian, Koutnouyan loved ones, and in memory
    of Kirk Kerkorian's sister Rose.

    The service concluded with the confession and Holy Communion, after
    which the procession of Prelate, Godfathers, clergy and deacons headed
    to the courtyard with the singing of `Oorakh Ler', where the ceremony
    came to a close with the Cilician and Armenian national anthems, and
    the benediction by the Prelate.

    Celebratory Luncheon
    In the afternoon, 250 guests gathered at the Tropicana Hotel `Cohiba'
    Ballroom for the Consecration Celebratory Luncheon. A warm and
    friendly atmosphere reigned over the celebration, with speeches filled
    with humor and lightheartedness.

    The hall echoed with applause as Master of Ceremonies Mrs. Anna
    Kabadian announced the procession of the Prelate, who was joined by
    the Consul General of Armenia, Congresswoman Dina Titus, and Councils
    members. Following the anthems of the United States and Armenia, the
    MC invited Congresswoman Titus to convey her remarks.

    Congresswoman Titus stated that she was honored to be a part of the
    celebration and proud to have St. Garabed Church in the heart of
    District 1 which she represents. She noted that she has been part of
    the many milestones of the Church, and today is the fulfillment of the
    community's at least two decades long dream. She remarked that St.
    Garabed is a beautiful Church full of light and love which will
    nourish the body and soul not just on Sundays but every day, and
    expressed joy that the Armenian population, as a growing force in the
    community, now has its very own Church as a safe haven. The
    Congresswoman thanked Mr. Larry Barnes, the Dream Fund, and the
    Yemenidjian family, congratulated the parish community, and on this
    occasion presented a congressional certificate to Chairman Mr.
    Adroushan Armenian, who accepted on behalf of the Parish Council.
    Congresswoman Titus approached the head table where she formally met
    the Prelate and personally conveyed her greetings and well wishes to
    His Eminence.

    The MC invited the Prelate to deliver the invocation and bless the
    tables. His Eminence also thanked Congresswoman Titus for her presence
    and her supportive remarks.

    Alex Yemenidjian also welcomed the guests and congratulated the parish
    community. He conveyed gratitude to the Prelate, `without whose
    leadership and inspiration this wouldn't have been possible', saluted
    the presence of the Consul General and thanked him for his
    participation, stated that the community owes a big debt of gratitude
    to Larry Barnes and the Dream Fund for making this project financially
    possible, and expressed appreciation to architect and engineer Levon
    Gulbenkian, and Adroushan Armenian and Council members stating, `we
    are the beneficiaries of their hard work'. In conclusion, Yemenidjian
    noted that with benefits come responsibilities, thus it is everyone's
    responsibility to make sure to support and serve our Church with
    dignity and make the Prelate proud.

    The remarks continued after lunch.

    The first to speak was Adroushan Armenian, who began by noting that
    this important milestone is the result of a handful of Armenian who
    came together from different cities and countries to build a Church.
    He conveyed words of thanks and appreciation to all those who
    contributed to the realization of the endeavors, specifically Mr.
    Larry Barnes and the Dream Fund for their generosity. He recognized
    Lakes Lutheran Church Pastor Kurt Sortland for allowing services to be
    held at his Church for four years, thus giving the community the
    opportunity to strengthen and organize. Mr. Armenian stated that
    without the blessings, support, and guidance of the Prelate which
    would have been very difficult. He also thanked Executive Council
    member and Prelacy Building Committee Chair Vahan Bezdikian for his
    countless visits and supervision, and to his fellow Parish Building
    Committee members Levon Gulbenkian and Koko Darakjian. He also thanked
    the Tropicana Hotel for providing the facility, and all the committees
    and individuals who organized the luncheon. In conclusion, Armenian
    stated that there are still some items which require sponsors before
    the Prelate's return on May 19 to consecrate the paintings and stained
    glass, and announced a number of new donations received in the past
    few hours.

    Consul General Grigor Hovhannissian congratulated the parish, noting
    that this is the birth of community life because a community becomes
    truly Armenian when it has its own Church. He noted that the day was
    an emotional experience for him as he was present from the beginning,
    during the dedication of the hall in 2009, and how impressed he was
    with the speed of the construction. Having previously promised the
    community a painting, the Consul General announced that in less than a
    month he would be donating that painting in recognition of their
    wonderful work. In conclusion, he stated that the consecration of the
    Church is the culmination of painstaking effort, and now is the time
    for more participation and more involvement by the people to
    strengthen and maintain the Church.

    Catholicosate Central Executive member Khajag Dikijian began his
    remarks by citing the words of His Holiness Aram I from October of
    2011 when he stated that the Church belongs to the people, the people
    are the Church. `St. Garabed will be the people, serving all Armenians
    without exception', said Dikijian. Building a church speaks volumes
    about our faith, about the efforts of all the people involved, and
    about the generosity of sponsors. At one time we built 1,001 churches
    in one city; today we are very proud to have one more, stated Dikijian
    as he concluded by conveying the well wishes of His Holiness and
    Central Executive.

    On behalf of her fellow Executive Council members, Chairlady Rima
    Boghossian wholeheartedly congratulated the community on this
    occasion, a day which she stated is historic for Las Vegas Armenians
    as it is their first Church, and a day which is historic for the
    Prelacy with the consecration of this newest Church. She wished that
    all our parishes are inspired from the example of the Las Vegas
    community and will soon have their own Churches as well. Boghossian
    acknowledge the diligent supervision of the Prelate throughout all the
    phases of the project over the past three years, and commended the
    Pastor, Parish Council, Committees and benefactors for their hard work
    and support. Boghossian expressed hope for a school to be built in the
    future next to the Church, because our Churches and schools together
    preserve and foster our Armenian identity, and in conclusion wished
    that the community always works together for the flourishing of St.
    Garabed Church.

    A cultural program followed, with Gohar Markaryan and Izabell
    Mardirosyan presenting a traditional Armenian dance.

    Thus it was time to formally acknowledge and commend all the hard
    workers involved in this project. The MC invited to the podium His
    Eminence for the presentation of plaques to members of the Parish
    Council, Building Committee, and Ladies Guild. The names of the
    individuals who contributed their time and efforts for the realization
    of this endeavor were called one by one by Mr. Vahan Bezdikian as they
    approached the stage to receive their plaque from the Prelate.

    The celebration and festivities of the last two days came to a close
    with the Prelate's message. `Today is a day of great celebration. It
    is the day we have been joyfully anticipating. It is said that vision
    without action is merely a dream. Years ago, a group of individuals
    had a vision; a dream to provide this growing community with a church
    and cultural center to call their own. The community rallied behind
    these visionaries, and together, this initiative, this idea was put
    into action. Ideas are valuable only when they are implemented, and
    that is just what this community did. They took action and turned
    dream to reality. And today, we are here celebrating the fruit of
    their vision and labor.' With a grateful heart and profound spiritual
    joy the Prelate greeted the distinguished guests and dear friends who
    had come from various cities to share in the blessed occasion of the
    consecration and dedication of the first Armenian Apostolic Church in
    the region. `St. Garabed Church is now the heart of this community.
    Alongside the Cultural Center, it will become the beacon, the
    lighthouse from where our faith, our language, our heritage and our
    history will radiate throughout our community of faithful, keeping our
    spiritual and cultural legacy and spirit alive and strong. The
    realization of this tremendous venture was achieved through hard work,
    perseverance, and collaborative efforts. At this time we would like to
    acknowledge all the individuals who joined hearts and hands to bring
    this dream to life.'

    The Prelate first and foremost conveyed gratitude once again to main
    benefactor Larry Barnes for his incredible generosity which, in
    addition to being the greatest contributor to the success of this
    project, forever memorialized his late wife Seda Der Garabedian-Barnes
    and her ancestors. He noted that in 2010 Mr. Barnes was awarded the
    `Knight of Cilicia' medal by His Holiness, and today the benefactor
    was being acknowledged once again for his remarkable support. He
    conveyed his deep appreciation to the Dream Fund at UCLA for believing
    in this mission and lending their generous support, and thanked
    representative Lindy Schumacher who was in attendance. He commended
    the Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr. Avedis Torossian, Parish Council
    Chair. Adroushan Armenian and members, Building Committee members, and
    also Vahan Bezdikian for their tireless efforts and steadfast
    determination from the inception of this endeavor until this very
    moment. Finally, he thanked all the members of the community, all the
    sponsors, volunteers, and friends who shared in this vision and lent
    their enduring encouragement. `You all labored hard over the past few
    years to reach this point. Today, we salute you and we applaud you.
    You have indeed brought great pride and joy to our hearts. As you
    embark on your new journey of service, we pray for the divine wisdom
    and guidance of our Lord to be upon you, leading your path to infinite
    successes. May you continue on this righteous path and serve with
    renewed vigor and determination, and most importantly with love,
    unity, and harmony, for the splendor of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    and this community.'

    Here the Prelate stated that he had some special announcements. His
    Eminence announced that Mr. and Mrs. Adroushan and Nora Armenian, who
    humbly had asked for their name not to be announced in the
    commemorative booklet, had donated $25,000 as the banquet hosts. He
    joyfully announced that the Fattal, Yemenidjian, and Koujakian
    families with a $50,000 donation had sponsored Koujakian Hall in
    memory and honor of their parents and loved ones, in addition to which
    they were donating $10,000 to establish a new scholarship fund at the
    Prelacy also in memory of their parents and loved ones. The Prelate
    also announced the establishment of another new scholarship fund at
    the Prelacy, this one by Mr. and Mrs. Vahe and Lucie Fattal in memory
    of Vahe's father Joseph and mother Eugenie, whom he had recently lost
    nearly forty days ago. And finally, the Prelate announced that Mr. and
    Mrs. Alex and Arda Yemenidjian were graciously undertaking the
    sponsorship of the remaining sacred paintings and stained glass
    windows noted by Mr. Armenian earlier. Each of these announcements
    were received with great applause and appreciation by the guests. His
    Eminence had one more surprise announcement, an announcement which
    drew loud applause and cheers. In commendation of Mr. Adroushan
    Armenian and his painstaking efforts over the years, the Prelate was
    awarding him with the Prelacy `St. Dertad the King' medal. He became
    the first ever recipient of this award, which was recently established
    by the Prelacy to honor individuals who have made a difference in our
    community life with their service. Mr. and Mrs. Armenian received a
    standing ovation as they approached the stage to receive this honor.
    Fr. Avedis read the Prelate's letter of blessing as the Prelate
    presented them with the medal. With this wonderful surprise, the
    celebration came to a close on a high note with the benediction by the
    Prelate and the Cilician anthem.

    From: A. Papazian