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Taner Akcam: Denial Of Genocide Is A Useless Waste Of Time

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  • Taner Akcam: Denial Of Genocide Is A Useless Waste Of Time

    Taner Akcam: Denial Of Genocide Is A Useless Waste Of Time

    Tuesday,April 23 information website has published experts of the
    interview of famous Turkish historian Taner Akcam with Zaman daily.

    Taner Akcam is one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and
    openly discuss the Armenian Genocide.

    In response to the question: "Do you believe that the 1915 events were
    genocide?" the historian replied: "Many in Turkey don't know that
    the term "genocide" came into use after the Armenian Genocide. The
    term was coined by Raphael Lemkin who said that he coined the word to
    describe what had happened to the Armenians. And after all this, we
    continue to discuss whether genocide was committed in 1915 or not? I
    consider it a useless waste of time. As a result, the circles denying
    the 1915 events take advantage of the people's lack of information on
    the subject and want to start a meaningless and irrelevant discussion".

    When asked to express his opinion about what solution will be found to
    the Armenian issue, the historian said: "I think it is necessary to
    speak about the Turkish issue, rather than the Armenian one. We, the
    Turks, should learn to speak about the historical events that occurred
    in the past. We should learn to understand and share pain of others".

    In the historian's opinion, the second important step is opening the
    borders. "The problems of the past can be solved by normalizing the
    current relations. The closed borders and the refusal to establish
    diplomatic relations with Armenia will hinder the problem's
    resolution," Akcam said, adding that apologizing will be the third

    He also expressed an opinion that Turkey should cease to be
    Azerbaijan's guardian. "Turkey even asks Azerbaijan's permission to
    operate flights in its airspace. The Armenian-Turkish protocols were
    not ratified because of Azerbaijan's pressure. I hope that Turkey,
    which is taking bold steps in the Kurdish issue, will undertake
    similar steps concerning the Armenian Genocide's recognition," Taner
    Akcam said in conclusion.

    TODAY, 10:50
