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Are We Ready?

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  • Are We Ready?


    Y. Azadian

    The centennial of the Armenian Genocide is around the corner. Only
    two years are left to prepare a commemoration commensurate with the
    magnitude of that colossal tragedy, which not only cost 1.5 million
    lives, but also a 3000-year-old homeland. Assimilated generations of
    Armenians, or masses alienated from their roots must be added in the
    loss ledge of the martyrs.

    Once in a while we come across some Armenian media statements to the
    effect of a tsunami in 2015, which will scare the Turks and turn a
    new page in our struggle to promote the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide. Yes, indeed, there are some preparations in Armenia
    and we learn about the centennial commemoration committees being
    formed in many communities throughout the Diaspora. However, no major
    earth-shaking event seems to be in the offing. It would be a shame if
    the centennial commemoration also turns out to be a run-of-the-mill
    program, akin to those which we organize every year in Armenia and
    in active Armenian communities around the globe. Any impressive
    commemorative event will take more than two years to organize.

    There seem to be no major undertakings to celebrate the survival of
    the Armenian people by gathering world-class artists and celebrities of
    Armenian extraction in an impressive venue in New York, Paris, Moscow
    or Yerevan. That certainly would entail tremendous resources, which
    no benefactor, foundation or organization seems ready to undertake,
    let alone initiate.

    Monuments have been erected in many capitals of the world, sometimes
    compromising the location, depending on the clout of the respective
    Armenian community.

    The most impressive and eloquent monument would have been the Genocide
    Museum at the heart of our nation's capital. In addition to its
    symbolism, the museum by itself could make a political statement. It
    is almost tragic that two years shy of the centennial, the museum is
    still a hostage to the dispute of opposing parties. One is certainly
    justified to begin to believe that the project is already a victim
    of a political conspiracy. The government of Turkey would have given
    an arm and a leg to have the museum disappear from that conspicuous
    location in Washington, DC. But that wish thus far is being offered
    for free by internecine warfare.

    One area where we have recorded strides is the academic sphere and that
    is where the battle is shaping up between victims of the Genocide
    and the descendants of the perpetrators. One hundred and twenty
    world-renowned genocide scholars have signed a powerful statement
    in the New York Times, leaving no room for any rebuttal. However,
    the Turkish government is buying corrupt scholars to promote their
    line of denial.

    In the production of academic volumes, the Armenian case has enjoyed
    the support of world-class non-Armenian scholars otherwise the dispute
    would have been reduced to the level of he said-she said, which still
    remains the goal of Turkish authorities.

    Yet one phenomenal development is that respected Turkish scholars
    have also joined the fray.

    >>From time to time, Turkish leaders float trial balloons to dupe
    the international media. They propose to form a joint committee of
    scholars to "research both sides of the argument," while there is no
    other side in this case. It is unthinkable in any other context. For
    example, no one has proposed to form scholarly committees to study
    "conflicting" views on the Jewish Holocaust.

    While Turkish authorities propose the formation of joint committees,
    they already know the conclusion; indeed, Prime Minister Erdogan,
    on the one hand proposes the idea of the joint committee, yet in the
    same breath, he emphatically declares that there has never been a
    genocide in Turkish or Ottoman history.

    Fortunately thus far, there have been no takers of that offer from
    the Armenian side - neither the Armenian government nor any party in
    the Diaspora.

    But the growing clout of Turkey on the international political scene
    has been influencing government positions in countries where Armenian
    lobbying groups have been active. President Obama has retreated on
    his pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide; his annual April 24
    statements are testimony to that cowardice.

    Many Armenians who believed in President Obama's moral fabric,
    have come to the realization that like his advisor, Samantha Power,
    and other statesmen, he is caught in the gears of political power
    to forgo morality. No Armenian still entertains any hope that he
    will come up with a statement using the word genocide this year,
    next year or in 2015.

    The dramatic 40-percent drop in US aid to a starving Armenia is an
    indirect contribution to the Turkish-Azeri efforts to squeeze Armenia
    out of existence.

    Adding insult to injury, the president has kept parity in military aid
    to Armenia and Azerbaijan, bypassing again Article 9 of the Freedom
    Support Act, to deny Azerbaijan any military assistance in view of
    the Baku government's belligerence.

    Unfortunately, we have also retreated in France despite the valiant
    campaign of the French-Armenian community. President Francois Hollande
    had promised to pass the resolution in the French Parliament crafting
    iron-tight legal language to withstand the Supreme Court arguments.

    After some reassurances, his foreign minister has quietly dropped the
    case, arguing that the Supreme Court had already issued its verdict.

    Our strategic ally, Russia, is in no better position. Its bilateral
    trade with Turkey is approaching an annual figure of $100 billion,
    which no side is willing to compromise, despite the fact that political
    divisions keep them apart. For example, Russia is arming the Assad
    regime in Syria while Turkey is arming mercenaries on the border to
    overthrow the Syrian government. Recent political contacts between
    Ankara and Moscow indicate nothing but rapprochement between the two
    parties. Although Russia has recognized the Armenian Genocide, Mr.

    Putin does not seem to have the appetite to help Genocide recognition

    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has targeted the diasporan
    Armenians. He has reiterated recently his statement that Baku's number
    one enemy is the Armenian Diaspora. When we see the enemies intention
    to turn diasporan Armenians against the homeland, it behooves us to
    close ranks facing that enemy. But what are we doing instead? Confined
    to our narrow corners and unable to read the tides of world powers,
    we are jeopardizing Armenia's existence and future, under the pretense
    of supporting democracy there. If Armenia's existence is compromised,
    democracy can only be an exercise in futility.

    The Genocide centennial is around the corner yet the prospects of
    a powerful show of force seem to be remote. Turkey has been using
    all its political and financial resources to prevent any waves on
    the international scene. No matter how much we may court optimism,
    the facts of life still remain against us.

    In this kind of atmosphere, no tsunami appears on the horizon;
    perhaps just a breeze to soothe our burning hearts.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress