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Paradox Of Serzh Sargsyan's Independence

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  • Paradox Of Serzh Sargsyan's Independence


    2013-04-22 23:11:59

    The U.S. State Department published its annual human rights report for
    2012: to avoid harsh assessments of Armenia failed. In particular,
    the report highlighted the inherent deficiencies and omissions in
    Armenia, the restriction of citizens' rights, the lack of transparency
    in government and the growth of corruption risks. Besides all this,
    the report turns to a limited and dependent on the situation judicial
    system of Armenia.

    Although the report deals with human rights for 2012, however,
    unequivocally, it resonated also February's presidential elections
    in Armenia and in particular, the results.

    But what happens: first, the President of the United States is
    becoming one of the firsts, who congratulated Serzh Sargsyan on the
    re-election as the President of Armenia, and then a few months later,
    report "saturated" with such negative evaluations on the direction
    of Serzh Sargsyan and in general about Armenia was published.

    This paradoxical phenomenon in all likehood is being repeated. That
    is, the United States, once again recognizing the legitimacy of the
    presidential elections and the power of Serzh Sargsyan, however,
    shows RA authorities list of their demands and requests waiting for
    "appropriate respond" by the authorities of Armenia.

    In this situation, policy, adopted by the USA, is quite optimal:
    the presence of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern, as a major
    factor to some extent is already something like a straitjacket,
    which, despite his inferior activity may be a driver of change and
    the guarantor for changes of U.S. policy.

    Today, the USA is not only directly intervene in the internal affairs
    of Armenia, which in reality is not permissible, but also once again
    shows those trumps, which deprives Armenia of proclaiming it.

    Thus, it appears that those external forces, "involved" in the
    internal affairs of Armenia, using their leverage, limit the term of
    the President of Armenia, as well as the independence of the Republic
    of Armenia.

    Gevorg Avetisyan
