April 24, 2013 - 16:29 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Thousands of Lebanese Armenians called on Turkey
to recognize the Genocide, when up to 1.5 million of their ancestors
were systematically killed, The Daily Star reported.
During a rally in Martyrs' Square commemorating the 98th anniversary of
the massacre Wednesday, April 24, Lebanese citizens of Armenian origin
and their supporters held signs and chanted anti-Turkish slogans.
"Turkey should recognize the genocide and take action for restitution,"
Paul Halebian, one of the protesters, said. "It's our right, our land,
our dignity."
"Turkey: It's time for recognition and repatriation," one of the
signs read. "Justice and restitution for the Armenian Genocide,"
another said.
Around 200,000 Lebanese Armenians are represented by five ministers
in the country's Cabinet.
April 24, 2013 - 16:29 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Thousands of Lebanese Armenians called on Turkey
to recognize the Genocide, when up to 1.5 million of their ancestors
were systematically killed, The Daily Star reported.
During a rally in Martyrs' Square commemorating the 98th anniversary of
the massacre Wednesday, April 24, Lebanese citizens of Armenian origin
and their supporters held signs and chanted anti-Turkish slogans.
"Turkey should recognize the genocide and take action for restitution,"
Paul Halebian, one of the protesters, said. "It's our right, our land,
our dignity."
"Turkey: It's time for recognition and repatriation," one of the
signs read. "Justice and restitution for the Armenian Genocide,"
another said.
Around 200,000 Lebanese Armenians are represented by five ministers
in the country's Cabinet.