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Ottawa: Armenian Genocide Protest Meets Turkish Demonstrators

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  • Ottawa: Armenian Genocide Protest Meets Turkish Demonstrators


    iPolitics, Canada
    April 24 2013

    By Michelle Zilio

    An annual demonstration commemorating the Armenian genocide was
    greeted by a group of Turkish protesters at Turkey's embassy in
    Ottawa Wednesday.

    A group of approximately 1,400 Armenian-Canadians, mostly from Ontario
    and Quebec, marched from Parliament Hill to the embassy, calling on
    the Turkish government to recognize the atrocity as a genocide.

    As the sea of Armenian-Canadians marched toward the Turkish embassy
    holding signs and flags, they were greeted by a much smaller gathering
    of approximately 200 Turks. The groups exchanged some booing and verbal
    confrontation, but no clashes broke out. Police, who lined a barrier
    positioned between the two groups, said there were no problems during
    the event.

    The mass killing by the Ottoman Turks commenced in 1915 and continued
    for a decade, leaving an estimated 1.5 million Armenians dead.

    The Turkish government has never recognized the mass killings as a
    genocide, saying those killed were victims of a civil war. Turkey
    also says the death toll of the 1.5 million people around the time
    of First World War is an exaggerated number.

    Shahen Mirakian, a member of the Armenian National Committee of Canada
    who traveled from Toronto for the demonstration, said that until
    the Turkish government recognizes the mass killings as a genocide,
    the Armenian-Canadian community will continue to protest in front of
    the Turkish embassy every April 24.

    "More than anything else, the reason that we come is there's a policy
    of state-sponsored denial by the current Republic of Turkey. They
    don't want to recognize the genocide," said Mirakian.

    Canada's House of Commons recognized the killings as a genocide in
    2004. Today, more than 20 countries have done the same.

    Mirakian said this is the first time in recent memory that
    Turkish-Canadians have organized a demonstration during the Armenian
    genocide commemoration in Ottawa. He has attended the annual event
    since the 1980s.

    "I guess this is a recent development. I'm not sure why they're here,"
    said Mirakian.

    While Mirakian said the Turks technically had the right to come to
    the demonstration, he pointed out that, unlike the Armenian-Canadian
    marchers, their permit to demonstrate was denied by the city.

    Huseyin Nurgel, president of the Federation of the Turkish Canadian
    Association, said Turkish-Canadians were there to encourage a peaceful
    discussion about their history.

    "Let's come over here, let's be friends, as we were before the uprise
    of the Ottoman empire. Let's talk, let's discuss. We are from the
    same region," said Nurgel. "We are not hiding anything. But they are
    hiding something."

    The Armenian-Canadian marchers waved the orange, blue and red
    Armenian flag as they listened to music and speeches commemorating
    the genocide. They had their backs to the Turkish protesters, who
    occasionally booed, for the duration of the demonstration.

    David Warner, former speaker of the Ontario Legislative Assembly and
    outspoken supporter of recognition of the genocide, wrapped up the
    event with a speech.

    "What I can't understand is what on earth Turkey is waiting for. It's
    not as if other countries haven't had to apologize for atrocities,"
    said Warner to the crowd of cheering Armenian-Canadians. "It takes
    courage, it takes fortitude, it takes commitment to human rights to
    stand up and say when you're wrong."

    The event ended with a sombre ceremony in which hundreds of red
    flowers were laid under a statue recognizing the genocide.
