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Holocaust Museum Shines Light On Armenian Genocide

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  • Holocaust Museum Shines Light On Armenian Genocide


    The Illinois Holocaust Museum will sponsor a major exhibition on the
    Armenian Genocide in 2015 to mark its 100th anniversary, museum next
    month will host a two-day conference, "The Ottoman Turkish Genocides
    of Anatolian Christians," Executive Director of the Museum Rick
    Hirschhaut said, Skokie Review reports.

    "Our young people â?" our future â?" must be a bridge to the future,
    and ensure that we realize the lessons that were set forth by us,
    by the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, and all such terrible
    atrocities," Rick Hirschhaut said.

    Esteemed Armenian Genocide scholar Dr. Peter Balakian spoke Sunday to
    more than 250 people, mostly of Armenian descent, about the Armenian
    Genocide of 1913-1925 and how Lemkin came to address it.

    Sunday's event was a meshing of anniversaries of sorts â?" the fourth
    anniversary of the museum's opening in Skokie and the 98th anniversary
    of the start of the Armenian Genocide.

    "We must speak for those whose voices were silenced and for those who
    survived so we may remember and pledge never to forget," Hirschhaut
    said. "Today, at this gathering, we are reminded of a history that
    must be recognized, and remembered, and calls to the importance of
    lighting the torch of truth for the world community."

    Shining a light on the Armenian Genocide keeps alive the mission of
    the museum, which has always been dedicated to educating not just about
    the genocide of World War II but about genocides all over the world.

    But there is another reason the subject is such an ideal fit for the
    Illinois Holocaust Museum. When Hitler invaded Poland, launching
    World War II in 1939, he defended his actions and, in retrospect,
    the atrocities he would commit with these chilling words.

    "I have placed my death-head formations in readiness â?" for the
    present only in the East â?" with orders to them to send to death
    mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of
    Polish derivation and language," he said. "Only thus shall we gain
    the living space which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the
    annihilation of the Armenians?"
