17:04 25.04.2013
On April 25, the USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market
Competitiveness (EDMC) Project and the Ministry of Justice signed a
letter of intent to implement business enabling reforms in Armenia
and develop the country's alternative dispute resolution (ADR) system.
>From April 2013 to December 2014, the parties will jointly implement
a range of activities, including a thorough study of the current
ADR system. The EDMC Project will support the Ministry of Justice
in the development of legal reforms. These will include drafting of
primary and secondary legislation and conducting public hearings and
roundtable discussions with stakeholders. The activities will seek
to raise public awareness of the reforms and to build confidence in
the ADR system through various events.
Through the EDMC Project, USAID will aid the Ministry to develop
by-laws, codes of ethics, licensing or testing standards, handbooks,
evaluation methodology and other regulations. Training will be
organized for arbiters, mediators, judges, legal professionals, NGOs,
business people and the wider public. A monitoring system will be
put in place to ensure the overall effectiveness of the effort.
At the signing ceremony, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Aram Orbelyan
said "alternative dispute resolution is integrated into the legal
system of many developed countries. Increased caseload in courts
usually makes litigation slower and more costly, which negatively
affects the business environment. An effective ADR system is a possible
solution to this situation, allowing the disagreeing parties to come to
an agreement without litigation." He added, "The ADR system will not
only help to preserve business relationships but will also contribute
to increased customer confidence, which is particularly important in
areas like tourism where traditional litigation is often impractical.
From: Baghdasarian
17:04 25.04.2013
On April 25, the USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market
Competitiveness (EDMC) Project and the Ministry of Justice signed a
letter of intent to implement business enabling reforms in Armenia
and develop the country's alternative dispute resolution (ADR) system.
>From April 2013 to December 2014, the parties will jointly implement
a range of activities, including a thorough study of the current
ADR system. The EDMC Project will support the Ministry of Justice
in the development of legal reforms. These will include drafting of
primary and secondary legislation and conducting public hearings and
roundtable discussions with stakeholders. The activities will seek
to raise public awareness of the reforms and to build confidence in
the ADR system through various events.
Through the EDMC Project, USAID will aid the Ministry to develop
by-laws, codes of ethics, licensing or testing standards, handbooks,
evaluation methodology and other regulations. Training will be
organized for arbiters, mediators, judges, legal professionals, NGOs,
business people and the wider public. A monitoring system will be
put in place to ensure the overall effectiveness of the effort.
At the signing ceremony, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Aram Orbelyan
said "alternative dispute resolution is integrated into the legal
system of many developed countries. Increased caseload in courts
usually makes litigation slower and more costly, which negatively
affects the business environment. An effective ADR system is a possible
solution to this situation, allowing the disagreeing parties to come to
an agreement without litigation." He added, "The ADR system will not
only help to preserve business relationships but will also contribute
to increased customer confidence, which is particularly important in
areas like tourism where traditional litigation is often impractical.
From: Baghdasarian