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Western Prelacy News - 04/24/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 04/24/2013

    April 26, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On the eve of the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, His
    Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, Holy See of Etchmiadzin
    and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, Holy See of Cilicia, issued
    a joint statement demanding from Turkey the return of confiscated churches
    and church properties.
    In the statement, the Pontiffs issued the following demands:

    1) That Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide
    2) That Turkey compensate Armenians for all their losses in human
    lives and human rights
    3) That Turkey return the Armenian churches, monasteries, church
    properties and all spiritual and cultural monuments to their rightful and
    legal owners, the Armenian people

    "On the threshold of the 100th Anniversary commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide, we shall pursue together the rightful and legal demands
    for justice for the Armenian people", concluded the statement.

    By the ordinance of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
    the joint statement will be read in Prelacy Churches during Divine Liturgy
    on Sunday, April 28. The Prelate will preside over Divine Liturgy at Holy
    Martyrs Church in Encino.


    Upon hearing the news of the kidnapping of Archbishop Yohanna
    Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese and Archbishop Paul Yazigi of the
    Greek Orthodox Church in Aleppo, on Tuesday, April 23rd the Prelate
    contacted H.E. Archbishop Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan and H.E. Archbishop
    Joseph Zehlaoui of the Syriac and Antiochian Dioceses respectively to
    express solidarity and support.
    The two Archbishops were kidnapped on Monday, April 22nd while on
    their way back to Aleppo from the Turkish border on a humanitarian mission.
    We pray for the safe release of the Archbishops and for God to
    safeguard all the innocent citizens of Syria caught in the crossfire of the
    civil war.


    Each year on the eve of April 24, spiritual leaders, clergy, and
    faithful from the Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, and Evangelical Churches
    come together for Divine Liturgy and Requiem in commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide.
    This year's joint Liturgy and requiem was held on Tuesday, April 23,
    2013, at St. Leon Cathedral in Burbank.
    Divine Liturgy was celebrated by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, and the sermon was delivered by H.E. Archbishop
    Hovnan Derderian, Primate. The Prelate also delivered his remarks on this
    occasion, as well as H.G. Bishop Mikael Mouradian, Eparch of the Catholic
    Church, and Rev. Joe Matossian, Minister of the Armenian Evangelical Union.
    In his message, the Prelate noted that Divine Liturgy was being
    offered as a tribute to the memory our martyrs, and that we must remember
    and honor their sacrifice for our faith and nation every day of the year.
    They gave their lives to ensure the continuity of the Armenian people and
    identity. Citing the April 24 message of H.H. Catholicos Aram I demanding
    recognition and reparation from Turkey, the Prelate concluded by stating
    that the Armenian Apostolic Church and people are united in our pursuit for
    our rights.
    Requiem service and laying of flowers at the memorial cross-stone
    followed the Liturgy in the Cathedral courtyard.


    In the month of April, Armenians worldwide commemorated the 98th
    anniversary of the Genocide with various events. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, participated in a number of such events within our
    On the morning of Wednesday, April 24, 2013, the Prelate
    participated in the Unified Young Armenians annual Little Armenia march in
    Hollywood, where he blessed and encouraged the organizers and participants
    with the opening prayer. The Prelate was accompanied by Archpriest Father
    Vicken Vassilian and Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian. At the end of the
    march, Fr. Vicken addressed the youth on behalf of the Prelate. On the
    evening of Tuesday, April 23rd, Rev. Fr. Gomidas Torossian represented the
    Prelate at the Unified Young Armenians organized candlelight vigil held near
    the Glendale Civic Auditorium.
    In the afternoon, the Prelate participated in the annual
    commemoration organized by the United Armenian Council for the Commemoration
    of the Armenian Genocide at the memorial monument in Montebello. Among the
    honored guests were Consul General of Armenia Grigor Hovhannissian, Los
    Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and public officials. The keynote
    speaker was human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson from England. Requiem
    service followed, led by the leaders of the Armenian Apostolic, Catholic,
    and Evangelical Churches. Guests then had the opportunity to pay their
    respects to our martyrs by placing wreaths at the cross-stone memorial.
    In the evening, a city of Glendale co-sponsored commemoration was
    held at Alex Theatre, at which Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian represented the
    Prelate. St. Mary's Church pastors Rev. Fathers Vazken Atmajian, Ardak
    Demirjian, and Gomidas Torossian also attended. The cultural program
    featured a performance by Chamlian students.


    On Tuesday, April 23, 2013, a special presentation dedicated to the
    98th anniversary of the Genocide was held at the Los Angeles County Board of
    Supervisors weekly meeting proclaiming April 24 as "Day of Remembrance for
    the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923".
    Clergy and community members joined Supervisor Michael Antonovich
    and the Board of Supervisors for this special presentation which is held
    annually. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, was represented
    by Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, who was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Ardak
    Demirjian and Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian. Supervisor Antonovich presented
    the proclamation to Fr. Muron and H.E. Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, both of
    whom expressed appreciation to the Board of Supervisors for their friendship
    and support.
    `Los Angeles County is home to the largest population of Armenians
    in the United States, enriching our communities through their leadership in
    the fields of business, agriculture, academia, medicine, government and the
    arts,' said Antonovich. `By consistently remembering and openly condemning
    these atrocities, Los Angeles County demonstrates the need for constant
    vigilance to prevent similar events in the future,' said Antonovich. `We
    join the Armenian community in its commitment to ensure that those who died
    and suffered are never forgotten.' Supervisor Antonovich also urged
    President Barack Obama and members of Congress to raise the issue with the
    President of Turkey when they meet in the Oval Office in a few weeks.


    On Friday, April 19, 2013, the 41st Prelacy Representatives Assembly
    convened at Holy Trinity Church in Fresno presided over by H.E. Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation of Catholicosate
    Central Executive member Mr. Khajag Dikijian, delegates, representatives of
    our parishes and educational institutions including principals and
    directors, Board of Regents and CASPS members. Benefactor Mr. John
    Bedrosian was also in attendance as a guest. The two-day Assembly reviewed
    the annual activities reports of Prelate and Religious and Executive
    Councils, and drafted future endeavors relating to our churches, schools,
    and committees serving under the Prelacy. The Assembly also elected fifteen
    delegates and three substitutes to the Catholicosate General Assembly, which
    is scheduled for June 12-14 in Antelias, Lebanon.
    The Assembly convened on Friday afternoon with prayer. Very Rev.
    Fr. Muron Aznikian then read the Pontifical message of H.H. Catholicos Aram
    I, in which His Holiness highlighted the important role of the meeting in
    analyzing past endeavors and looking to the future having learned from those
    experiences, and stressed the great importance of reaching out to our youth.
    The election of the divan followed, with Mr. Nazareth Sadorian and
    Mr. Nerses Teshoian elected Chairmen, and Mr. Varoujan Der Simonian and Mr.
    Hamo Kasbarian Secretaries.
    Remarks were delivered by Mr. Khajag Dikijian, Executive Council
    Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian, and Mr. Varoujan Der Simonian.
    Citing thoughts from the most recent book by His Holiness Taking the
    Church to the People, Mr. Dikijian stated that we are all invited to serve
    our people through our Church to the best of our abilities, called for
    greater collaboration as we look to the future, and commended all those who
    serve our Churches, especially the Las Vegas parish community for their
    great accomplishment.
    Mrs. Boghossian paid tribute to all those who served our church and
    people who are no longer with us. Reflecting on the purpose of the
    Assembly, the Chairlady stated it is to analyze, critique, and commend in a
    constructive manner, and called on the participants to offer their useful
    input. In conclusion, Mrs. Boghossian conveyed thanks and appreciation to
    the Prelate and her colleagues on the Executive Council, and special thanks
    to Holy Trinity Church Pastor and Board of Trustees for hosting the
    On behalf of Holy Trinity Church Board of Trustees, Mr. Der Simonian
    welcomed the participants, and wished for a productive and successful
    In his message, the Prelate gave thanks to God for blessing us with
    another year to serve and for the opportunity to gather at the 41st
    Assembly, thanked Holy Trinity Church for hosting the Assembly, and
    expressed gratitude to His Holiness for his constant paternal wisdom and
    guidance. Noting that this year the Western Prelacy embarked on the 41st
    year of its mission, the Prelate reflected on the efforts of two of our
    great Pontiffs, Zareh I and Khoren I, both of whom played a valuable role in
    setting the foundation for the establishment of our Prelacy. Reflecting on
    the 50th and 30th anniversaries of their passing which was commemorated
    earlier this year, the Prelate states, "with grateful hearts we remember
    them throughout the year, and today we pledge our commitment to keeping
    strong the foundation they set and keeping bright the torch of the Holy See
    of Cilicia which lights our path." With pride and joy the Prelate spoke of
    the recent consecration of St. Garabed Church of Las Vegas, which he called
    a testament that nothing is impossible with God and when we join hands for a
    common good, and urged, "Let us vow to unite our individual efforts and work
    together harmoniously for the collective good, for our churches, our
    schools, our communities, and our family of faithful. Let us pledge to
    overcome any obstacles that arise with mutual understanding, respect, and
    the Christian spirit of love. Let us keep alive the legacy of Catholicoi
    Zareh I and Khoren I, and all the forefathers of our faith, by dedicating
    ourselves fully and selflessly to the prosperity of our collective life."
    Following the election of the Resolution and Vote-Counting
    Committees, reports on parish activities were presented by the Chairperson
    of each Church. Participants were pleased especially to hear the report of
    St. Garabed Church of Las Vegas Parish Council Chair Mr. Adroushan Armenian,
    following which a video presentation was shown on the consecration of the
    Church and dedication of "Koujakian" Hall.
    Prior to convening the second session of the day, the Prelate
    joyfully announced that the tradition to honor a dedicated servant of our
    Church at this annual Assembly was continuing. This year's honoree was Mr.
    Gahvejian, who was presented with a plaque in recognition and commendation
    for his life-long service to the Western Prelacy and Holy Trinity Church of
    Fresno as a member of the Prelacy Executive Council, Delegates, Board of
    Trustees member and Chair, choir member, and various other committees.
    Mr. Gahvejian thanked the Prelate for the honor and affirmed that he
    will continue his service. He acknowledged those who have collaborated with
    him in his service to our Church, and spoke with reverence about the Prelate
    and his efforts in elevating the mission and endeavors of the Prelacy to an
    unprecedented level.
    The agenda for the day's second session included the presentation of
    the financial report, auditing committee report, briefing by the Board of
    Regents by Co-Chair Mrs. Maggie Sarkuni, briefings by the Religious and
    Executive Councils by Chairperson Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian and Mrs. Rima
    Boghossian. Following these briefings and question and answer session, the
    Resolutions Committee found the endeavors of the Prelate and Council in the
    past term to be "more than commendable".
    The session came to a close with the election of delegates to the
    Catholicosate General Assembly. Fifteen delegates and three substitutes
    were elected as follows: Rima Boghossian, George Chorbajian, Meher Der
    Ohanessian, Gaidzag Zetlian, Hrair Balian, Noubar Demirjian, Sarkis
    Tatuigian, Zohrab Kejejian, Khatchig Yeretzian, Vahan Bezdikian, Mark
    Shirin, Bill Sahatdjian, Sarkis Sepetjian, Garo Esghian, and Adroushan
    Armenian. The three substitutes are Khatchig Titizian, Nerses Teshoian, and
    Maggie Sarkuni.
    Saturday, April 20 began with a morning prayer inside the Church,
    after which delegate and deacon Mark Shirin gave an interesting overview of
    the history of the Fresno Armenian community and Holy Trinity Church, which
    recently celebrated its 112th anniversary. Next year Holy Trinity will
    celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Church at the present location, which
    was built in 1914 after the initial church was destroyed in a fire.
    The second day's sessions focused on the planning of the endeavors
    of the Religious and Executive Councils, parishes and schools in the coming
    term, including celebrations of the "Year of the Armenian Mother". The
    2013-2014 budget was presented and approved, the Auditing Committee was
    elected, and suggestions and ideas were presented.
    The Prelate delivered the Assembly's concluding message, in which he
    expressed his commendation to all and shared thoughts and suggestions on
    successfully carrying out upcoming endeavors. The Assembly came to a close
    with the benediction by the Prelate and the Cilician anthem.


    On Thursday, April 18, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, arrived in Fresno for the 41st Representatives Assembly, which
    convened on Friday, April 19 and concluded on Saturday, April 20.
    While in Fresno, the Prelate paid a visit to the California Armenian
    Home where he met with Director Yuba Radojkovich, Chair Lucy
    Kazanjian-Grayson, Board members Jack Kazanjian and Edward Hokokian, and
    residents. His Eminence was accompanied by Holy Trinity Church Pastor Rev.
    Fr. Vahan Gosdanian and Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Varoujan Der Simonian.
    The administrators and board members presented an overview of the
    services they provide to the elderly residents, which the Prelate commended.
    His Eminence then visited residents and patients, blessing them and offering
    prayers for health. A luncheon followed, which began with the Prelate's
    The Prelate also visited the office of the Ani Guild, whose mission
    is to promote and advance the mission of the California Armenian Home, and
    met with representatives.


    On Monday, April 8, 2013, by the request of Prof. Hrair Dekmejian
    and the Institute of Armenian Studies at the University of Southern
    California, and by the ordinance of H.E. Moushegh Mardirossian, the
    Institute welcomed Deacon Khatchig Shannakian to give a lecture on the
    history and Apostolic origins of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the
    current status of the Church in the Diaspora.
    The colloquium started off by a lecture presented by Prof. Sona
    Haroutyounian from the University of Venice, who spoke about her translation
    of the book `Skylark Farm'. After her lecture, Deacon Khatchig Shannakian
    was invited to deliver his lecture.
    He spoke about the traditions of the Armenian Apostolic Church, from
    the period of the Apostles St. Thaddeus and St. Bartholomew to St. Gregory
    the Illuminator, the Holy Translators to the Council of Chalcedon in 451
    A.D., up to the current challenges which the Church faces today with a focus
    on the youth. Emphasizing to the students that the future of the Church in
    the Diaspora and the Mother land are the youth, he concluded his lecture by
    stating, `Each one of you has a prominent role to play in the evangelizing
    and sustaining of the Armenian Apostolic Church'.
