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Book: Book outlines mythological commonalities of Iran, Armenia

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  • Book: Book outlines mythological commonalities of Iran, Armenia

    Iran Book News Agency, Iran
    April 27 2013

    Book outlines mythological commonalities of Iran, Armenia

    27 Apr 2013 16:16

    The Commonalities and Beliefs in Iranian-Armenian Mythological
    Resources is the title of a new book authored by Maria Evazian
    (Terezian) in assessment of the common points in the mythological
    literature of Iran and Armenia.

    IBNA: The book draws a comparative analysis of the myths in Iranian
    and Armenian resources and gives readers a view of the joint points in
    the two country's mythical beliefs.

    Co-authored by Anoushik Maleki Bakhshmandi, the book examines the
    historical backgrounds of the two countries and their cultural

    The geography of Armenia, history of Armenia, totemism, animism,
    mythology, carnivals and Armenian monarchies are some of the topics
    included in the book, which is arranged in 282 pages.

    According to the book's author, the evolution in Iran and Armenia is
    the same is many ways, especially when it comes to myths and
    mythological stories.

    The Research Center of Humanities and Cultural Studies has published
    500 copies of the book in the Iranian book market.
