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ANCA-WR and Museum of Tolerance host screening of `My Mother's Voice

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  • ANCA-WR and Museum of Tolerance host screening of `My Mother's Voice

    ANCA-WR and Museum of Tolerance host screening of `My Mother's Voice'
    12:20 26.04.2013

    Los Angeles - The Armenian National Committee of America - Western
    Region (ANCA-WR) and the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles will be
    hosting a screening of the film, My Mother's Voice, on Sunday, April
    28, 2013.

    The screening of the film will be followed by a discussion with the
    film's writer, narrator, and co-producer, Kay Mouradian, its director
    Mark Friedman, and publisher of the California Courier, Harut
    Sassounian. The discussion will be moderated by the director of the
    museum, Liebe Geft.

    My Mother's Voice chronicles the story of Flora Munushian, a
    fourteen-year-old from Hadjin who lost her family in the Armenian
    Genocide and found her way to America to marry a man she knew only
    from a photograph.

    `Flora's voice is that of all the victims and survivors of the
    Armenian Genocide, a story that must not be forgotten,' said Ms.

    The Museum of Tolerance, the educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal
    Center, is a unique institution that teaches about the bigotry and
    discrimination that have plagued human history and which continue to
    this day. The museum's engaging and interactive approach aims to
    impress upon visitors the need to feel a personal responsibility in
    making the world a more peaceful place for everyone.

    `There is nothing more powerful than a personal story to bring history
    to life. We are honored to show `My Mother's Voice' at the Museum of
    Tolerance in a special program to commemorate the Armenian genocide,'
    said Ms. Geft.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress