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Vova Gasparyan: One-Man Show

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  • Vova Gasparyan: One-Man Show

    Vova Gasparyan: One-Man Show

    Chief of Police of Armenia, Vladimir Gasparyan, who was called by
    Marxist David Hakobyan a `great artist' apparently, launched a
    `one-man show'. He assumed the function of the grubber of the
    `criminal thinking' in the country, engaged in restoration of the good
    name of the police officer, as well as of the person who can order to
    `stop Tsarukyan'.

    On this stage, Vova Gasparyan is alone, and no matter how good he is at
    acting, spectators want other actors too - the general prosecutor, the head
    of State Revenue Committee, and finally the president. Spectators demand to
    put thieves behind bars.

    Many wonder why Vova Gasparyan, of course with Serzh Sargsyan's agreement,
    uproots the thief culture in the country. Many say that the authorities
    rely on this culture and so they can't root it up, so this is theater. In
    reality, everything is much deeper. The authorities indeed rely on the
    criminal world, they are a part of it, but they have changed orientation
    trying to come out of the post-soviet incarnation and to enter the Western
    family. For this, the power needs to cut ties first of all with the
    post-soviet criminal world, which is not directly under it. Now, the
    authorities should either make thieves in law, who rule in other capitals,
    obey to them, or to marginalize them.

    In Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili's first step after coming to power was to
    launch a mass arrest of thieves in law. Saakashvili, who was accused of
    Western orientation, would have been unable to detach the country from the
    post-soviet domain, if thieves in law still ruled there.

    Now, apparently, the same process is taking place in Armenia. But thieves
    are not arrested, but `provided with emigration,' as Vova Gasparyan
    defined. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Saakashvili was not related
    to the world of thieves and did not live by its laws, while Vova Gasparyan
    is still in the post-Soviet space of thieves. That's why he does not catch
    the thieves, but sends into exile.

    The world of thieves in law in Armenia along with its representatives,
    oligarchs, is ceding positions. The state laws have not yet replaced the
    thieves' laws, and they will never do if the Chief of Police keeps talking
    to thieves their own language instead of using the language of laws.

    Moreover, if he does not speak the language of laws, thieves will again
    become power tomorrow. After Bidzina Ivanishvili came to power in Georgia,
    he released all thieves in law from prisons.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    13:14 26/04/2013 Story from News:

    From: A. Papazian