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Was Boston Bombers `Uncle Ruslan' with the CIA?

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  • Was Boston Bombers `Uncle Ruslan' with the CIA?

    Was Boston Bombers `Uncle Ruslan' with the CIA?

    MadCow Morning News
    April 22, 2013

    by Daniel Hopsicker

    The uncle of the two men who set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, who
    struck the only grace note in an otherwise horrific week, worked as a
    =80=9Cconsultant' for the Agency for International Development (USAID)
    a U.S. Government Agency often used for cover by agents of the CIA, in
    the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan during the `Wild West' days
    of the early 1990's, when anything that wasn't nailed down in that
    country was up for grabs.

    `Uncle Ruslan' Tsarni of Montgomery Village Md., whose name was the
    top trending topic worldwide on Twitter last Friday for his
    plain-spoken condemnation of his two nephews, has had a checkered
    business career, that began well before he graduated (as Ruslan Z
    Tsarnaev) from Duke Law School in 1998.

    Tsarni, a well-connected oil executive, is currently involved in an
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    international criminal investigation into a Kazakh billionaire
    banker-turned-fugitive alleged to have absconded with $6 billion from
    Kazakhstan's BTA Bank.

    The story begins with The London Sunday Times on May 8, 2011, which
    reported the sale of the personal home of England's Prince Andrew to
    billionaire Kazakh Oligarch Timur Kulibayev, who `controls that
    country's oil industry and happens to be married to the daughter of
    its autocratic President Nursultan Nazarbayev.'

    What does that have to do with "Uncle Ruslan?" Let's take a look.

    "Can't tell your Oligarchs without a scorecard"

    Headlined "Prince's home in 'laundered cash' inquiry," the story
    raised several red flags.

    One was that the President-for-Life's son-in-law had paid $5 million
    over the asking price to purchase Prince Andrew's home, which raised

    Red flags and eyebrows were raised still further, in these times of
    global near-depression, at the conspicuous oligarchic consumption
    (read: bad taste) exhibited when the Kazakh President-for-Life's
    daughter-for-life Goga Ashkenazi celebrated her 30th birthday with a
    lavish party before the scandal hit.

    Goga, who made her appearance in a Swarovski crystal-encrusted,
    backless lace dress, attended by Prince-for-Life Andrew, was
    entertained by fire-eaters, peacock-feathered stilt-walkers, and a
    girl swinging on a trapeze pouring vodka into ice sculptures shaped
    like naked male and female torsos.

    There was even a woman suspended in a bird cage (true) who was there
    to direct guests to strategically-placed vomitoriums (alas, not true)
    strewn about the mansion grounds.

    Enter "Uncle Ruslan"

    But the biggest red flag, the one pertinent to murder in Boston, was
    Oligarch Kukibayev's use of money laundered through a network of
    offshore companies to attempt to hide his purchase of Prince Andrew's
    crib, which emerged during a legal battle between another billionaire
    Kazakh oligarch, Mukhtar Ablyazov, and BTA Bank, from which Kazakhstan
    claims Ablyazov embezzled a very cool $6 billion dollars.

    And this is where =80=9CUncle Ruslan' Tsarni comes in.

    The purchase of the Prince's estate was put together, according to
    prosecutors in Italy and Switzerland, by a group of oil executives who
    comprise `a network of personal and business relationships' allegedly
    used for `international corruption," reported The London Telegraph.

    Tsarni, called `a US lawyer who has had dealings in Kazakh business
    affairs,' by the Sunday Times, clearly appears to be a member of that

    The Sunday Times reported, `A statement by Ruslan Zaindi Tsarni was
    given in the High Court in December, claiming that Kulibayev bought
    Sunninghill and properties in Mayfair with $96 million derived from a
    complex series of deals intended to disguise money laundering.'

    `Tsarni alleged that the money came from the takeover of a western
    company, which had been used as a front to obtain oil contracts from
    the Kazakh state.'

    A Big Big Sky's the Limit

    The `western company' used to launder the money which the Sunday Times
    referred to is Big Sky Energy Corporation, where Ruslan Tsarni was a
    top executive.

    Big Sky, which used to be known as China Energy Ventures Corp, is a
    now-bankrupt US oil company run by S.A. (Al) Sehsuvaroglu, a long-time
    executive of Halliburton, which had oil leases in Kakakhstan's Caspian

    Tsarni was Big Sky's Corporate Secretary and Vice President for
    Business Development. He joined Big Sky in 2005.

    A press release announcing his appointment stated:

    `Mr. Ruslan Tsarni, a U.S. citizen, has over 10 years of professional
    experience in oil and gas legislation and corporate law. Previously,
    Mr. Tsarni served as Corporate Counsel of Nelson Resources Limited
    Group as well as Managing Director of several of its operating

    `From 1999 to 2001, Mr. Tsarni worked as Head of Legal Affairs of
    Golden Eagle Partners LLC.

    Big Sky was on somebody's watch list

    `From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Tsarni served as a consultant contracted by
    USAID for projects aimed to develop securities markets in Central
    Asia, where he trained corporate governance and corporate finance
    principals in state and private companies.'

    According to a source who worked for many years as a journalist at
    Platts Oilgram News, a respected oil industry trade publication, good
    corporate governance was not a Big Sky priority.

    `Nelson, Big Sky, Ablyazov, Kulibayev and the rest were all on my
    watch list for intelligence connections and pay-offs of various kinds
    at Platts,' stated the source, who requested anonymity.

    The news corroborates other reports beginning to emerge about the
    family and its abundant connections. A "connected" family?

    Before the Tsarnaev family moved to the United States a decade ago,
    they lived in the northern Kyrgyz town of Tokmok, near the border with
    Kazakhstan, which is home of the country's largest ethnic Chechen

    The day after the massive manhunt in the Boston area that led to the
    death of Tamerlan and the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Radio Free
    Europe and Kyrgyz Service correspondent Timur Toktonaliev traveled to

    >From there, he reported that the extended Tsarnaev family is
    well-known there, even beyond their local community.

    `It is not known if there was anything more than a personal
    connection,' the story reported, `but organized crime boss Aziz
    Batukaev, who is also an ethnic Chechen, lived next door to the
    Tsarnaevs. Batukaev grew up and lived in Tokmok, but is now in

    Halliburton executives, suspected CIA assets, Chechnyan crime bosses,
    oligarchs stealing billions from banks and laundering money with
    seeming impunity, fire-eaters, peacock-feathered stilt-walkers, and a
    girl swinging on a trapeze pouring vodka into ice sculptures shaped
    like naked male and female torsos...

    If there hadn't been two of them, the investigation would already be
    pointing to a single misfit, a lone nut bomber.

    Daniel Hopsicker is an investigative journalist dubious about the
    self-serving assertion of U.S. officials that there are no American
    Drug Lords.
