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The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Bombers

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  • The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Bombers

    Friday, April 26th, 2013 | Posted by Veterans Today

    The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Bombers

    By Wayne Madsen

    To scan the list of major American supporters of the Chechen secessionist
    movement, which at some points can hardly be distinguished from Chechen
    terrorists financed by U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is to be
    reminded of some of the most notorious U.S. Cold War players.Evidence is
    mounting that the accused dead Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev,
    allegedly killed during an April 19 shootout with police in Watertown,
    Massachusetts, became a «radicalized» Muslim while participating in a
    covert CIA program, run through the Republic of Georgia, to destabilize
    Russia's North Caucasus region=85 The ultimate goal of the CIA's campaign was
    for the Muslim inhabitants of the region to declare independence from
    Moscow and tilt toward the U.S. Wahhabi Muslim-run governments of Saudi
    Arabia and Qatar.The Western corporate media largely ignored an important
    story reported by Izvestia in Moscow: that
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended seminars run by the Caucasus Fund of Georgia, a
    group affiliated with the neo-conservative think tank, the Jamestown
    Foundation, between January and July 2012. The U.S. media reported that
    during this six month time frame, Tsarnaev was being radicalized by
    Dagestan radical imam «Abu Dudzhan», killed in a fight with Russian
    security forces in 2012. Tsarnaev also visited Dagestan in 2011.

    However, in documents leaked from the Georgian Ministry of Internal
    Affairs' Counterintelligence Department, Tsarnaev is pinpointed as being
    Tbilisi taking part in «seminars» organized by the Caucasus Fund, founded
    during the Georgian-South Ossetian war of 2008, a war started when Georgian
    troops invaded the pro-Russian Republic of South Ossetia during the Beijing
    Olympics. Georgia was supported militarily and with intelligence support by
    the United States and Israel, and the American support included U.S.
    Special Forces advisers on the ground in Georgia. The Georgian intelligence
    documents indicate Tsarnaev attended the Jamestown Foundation seminars in

    The Jamestown Foundation is part of a neo-conservative network that
    re-branded itself after the Cold War from being anti-Soviet and
    anti-Communist to one that is anti-Russian and `pro-democracy.' The network
    not only consists of Jamestown and the Caucasus Fund but also other groups
    funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and George
    Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI).

    Georgia has become a nexus for the U.S. aid to the Russian opposition
    trying to oust President Vladimir Putin and his supporters from power. In
    March [2010], Georgia sponsored, with CIA, Soros, and British MI-6 funds, a
    conference titled `Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians and the
    People of the North Caucasus Between Past and Future.' Georgia and its CIA,
    Soros, and British intelligence allies are funneling cash and other support
    for secessionism by ethnic minorities in Russia, including Circassians,
    Chechens, Ingushetians, Balkars, Kabardins, Abaza, Tatars, Talysh, and

    The March 21, 2010 conference in Tbilisi was organized by the Jamestown
    Foundation and the International School of Caucasus Studies at Ilia State
    University in Georgia. If Georgian counter-intelligence documents have
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev attending Jamestown conferences in Tbilisi in 2011, could
    the Russian FSB have tracked him to the Jamestown Hidden Nations seminar in
    March 2010? In any event, a year later the FSB decided to contact the FBI
    about Tsarnaev's ties to terrorists.

    The first Russian request to the FBI came via the FBI's Legal Attache's
    office at the U.S. embassy in Moscow in March 2011. It took the FBI until
    June of 2011 to conclude that Tamerlan posed no terrorist threat but it did
    add his name to the Treasury Enforcement Communications System, or TECS,
    which monitors financial information such as bank accounts held abroad and
    wire transfers. In September 2011, Russian authorities, once again, alerted
    the U.S. of their suspicions about Tamerlan. The second alert went to the
    CIA. By September 2011, Russian security agencies were well aware that the
    Hidden Nations seminar held a year earlier was a CIA-sponsored event that
    was supported by the Mikheil Saakashvili government in Georgia and that
    other similar meetings had been held and were planned, including the one
    that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was to attend in Tbilisi in January 2012.

    At some point in time after the first Russian alert and either before or
    after the second, the CIA entered Tamerlan's name into the Terrorist
    Identities Datamart Environment list (TIDE), a database with more than
    750,000 entries that is maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center
    in McLean, Virginia.

    The Jamestown Foundation is a long-standing front operation for the CIA, it
    being founded, in part, by CIA director William Casey in 1984. The
    organization was used as an employer for high-ranking Soviet bloc
    defectors, including the Soviet Undersecretary General of the UN Arkady
    Shevchenko and Romanian intelligence official Ion Pacepa. The Russian
    domestic Federal Security Bureau and the SVR foreign intelligence agency
    have long suspected Jamestown of helping to foment rebellions in Chechnya,
    Ingushetia, and other north Caucasus republics. The March 21 Tbilisi
    conference on the north Caucasus a few days before the Moscow train
    bombings has obviously added to the suspicions of the FSB and SVR.

    Jamestown's board includes such Cold War era individuals as Marcia
    Carlucci; wife of Frank Carlucci, the former CIA officer, Secretary of
    Defense, and Chairman of The Carlyle Group [Frank Carlucci was also one of
    those who requested the U.S. government to allow former Chechen Republic
    'Foreign Minister' Ilyas Akhmadov, accused by the Russians of terrorist
    ties, to be granted political asylum in the U.S. after a veto from the
    Homeland Security and Justice Departments], anti-Communist book and
    magazine publisher Alfred Regnery; and Caspar Weinberger's Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Kathleen Troia «KT» McFarland.
    on the board is former Oklahoma GOP Governor Frank Keating, the governor at
    the time of the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing.

    Cooperating with Jamestown in not only its north and south Caucasus
    information operations, but also in Moldovan, Belarusian, Uighur, and
    Uzbekistan affairs, is George Soros's ubiquitous Open Society Institute,
    another cipher for U.S. intelligence and global banking interests. Soros's
    Central Eurasia Project has sponsored a number of panels and seminars with

    Russian security indicated in their first communication with the FBI that
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev had changed drastically since 2010. That change came
    after the Hidden Nations conference in Tbilisi. U.S. support for Chechen
    and North Caucasus secession came as a result of a public statement on
    August 2008 by GOP presidential candidate John McCain that «after Russia
    illegally recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia,
    Western countries ought to think about the independence of the North
    Caucasus and Chechnya».

    Upon becoming President in 2009, Barack Obama adopted McCain's proposal and
    authorized CIA support for North Caucasus secessionists and terrorists with
    money laundered through the USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy,
    Soros's Open Society Institute, Freedom House, and the Jamestown
    Foundation. In January 2012, Obama appointed a Soros activist and neocon,
    Michael McFaul of the right-wing Hoover Institution at Stanford University,
    as U.S. ambassador to Moscow. McFaul immediately threw open the doors of
    the U.S. embassy to a variety of Russian dissidents, including
    secessionists from the North Caucasus, some of whom were suspected by the
    Russian FSB of ties to Islamist terrorists.

    [image: tamerlan]Whether
    Tamerlan Tsarnaev was always a CIA asset and participated in a `false flag'
    operation in Boston and became an unwitting `patsy' in a CIA plot, much
    like `U.S. Marine `defector' to the Soviet Union Lee Harvey Oswald became a
    `patsy' in President Kennedy's
    or he was indeed radicalized in an attempt to infiltrate him into the ranks
    of the Caucasus Emirate and decided to defect and carry out a terrorist
    attack against the United States may never be known. If the latter is the
    case, Tsarnaev is much like Osama Bin Laden, once a CIA fighter in the
    field in Afghanistan who allegedly decided to launch a jihad against the
    United States. If Tsarnaev was a `patsy' like Oswald, that might explain
    the setting off of an incendiary device at the John F. Kennedy Library in
    Boston ten minutes after the twin bombings at the Boston Marathon. After
    Boston Police stated the fire was caused by an explosion, the Boston Fire
    Department went into cover-up mode and tried to claim the fire could have
    been caused by someone tossing a cigarette on to flammable material.

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    From: Baghdasarian