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ANCA-WR Brings Democracy 101 To AYF Camp Big Pines

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  • ANCA-WR Brings Democracy 101 To AYF Camp Big Pines

    Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.1918
    [email protected]

    August 13, 2013

    Contact: Elen Asatryan
    Tel: 818-500-1918

    ANCA-WR Brings Democracy 101 To AYF Camp Big Pines

    Wrightwood, CA - Nearly every Armenian American is familiar with the
    closing words shared by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863
    during his Gettysburg Address, `We here highly resolve that these dead
    shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a
    new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the
    people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." This
    summer, hundreds of youth at AYF Camp Big Pines got a fresh dose of
    Abraham Lincoln's praise for `government of the people, by the people
    and for the people' by taking part in weekly mock congressional
    elections organized by the Armenian National Committee of America -
    Western Region (ANCA-WR).

    The mock congressional elections taught over 500 campers the value of
    democratic governance, the hard work it takes to be elected in a
    democracy, the value of a free press, and why Armenian Americans need
    to be energetically engaged in local, state and federal government and

    `Democracy is a contact sport,' explained Elen Asatryan, ANCA-WR
    Executive Director. `The elections we held this year at AYF Camp
    taught the campers, in a very vivid way, that they need to be on the
    field when it comes to advancing the Armenian Cause in the United
    States. Happily, the campers grasped the fact that change cannot occur
    in politics and more broadly in public policy by standing on the
    sidelines,' she added.

    During the summer of 2013, AYF Camp Big Pines hosted half a dozen mock
    congressional elections. The elections, which were importantly led by
    campers, involved each camper getting one ballot and then breaking
    into three political parties. The political parties were charged with
    selecting a candidate and crafting policies, on issues as diverse as
    health care policy, environmental issues, matters related to Tibet and
    finally U.S. policy with respect to Armenia and Artsakh. As the
    political parties worked on their party platforms, AYF campers serving
    as media representatives from CNN, NPR and ABC News, peppered the
    party members and their candidates with tough questions. Concurrently,
    the elections involved undercover fraud investigators, seeking out
    voters who might be willing to violate election laws. At the
    conclusion of the elections, each party's candidate stood before all
    the campers and delivered a campaign speech, seeking to gain the votes
    needed to win the general election. On several occasions, the
    elections were decided by only one or two votes, proving to all
    campers that in a free and fair election, every vote counts.

    For several years AYF Camp Big Pines has partnered with the ANCA-WR to
    teach the next generation how America's democratic system of
    government works and the value of Armenian Americans being actively
    involved in all levels of government. At each of the week-long
    sessions this summer, the ANCA-WR provided a speaker to talk about
    issues related to the Armenian Cause.

    "We were proud to partner with the ANCA-WR again this year as part of
    our content-rich educational program for AYF Camp Big Pines campers,'
    remarked Anya Agopian, who serves as Management Board Member for AYF
    Camp. `Next year we look forward to continuing our positive
    partnership with the ANCA-WR,' Agopian added.

    Located in the Angeles National Forest near the city of Wrightwood,
    AYF Summer Camp is 11.5 acres of beautiful forestland with facilities
    to accommodate up to 120 campers each week. The Armenian Youth
    Federation Summer Camp was established in 1977 and provides a great
    atmosphere for young Armenians between the ages of eight and seventeen
    to make new friends, become better acquainted with Armenian history
    and culture, and participate in a wide array of athletic activities.
    Each year, Armenian youth from all over the United States and Canada
    make AYF Summer Camp an integral part of their summer agenda.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.

