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Works of art worth over EUR300,000 stolen from Pharos warehouse

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  • Works of art worth over EUR300,000 stolen from Pharos warehouse

    Works of art worth over EUR300,000 stolen from Pharos warehouse

    Cyprus Mail
    August 17, 2013 Saturday

    By George Christou

    MODERN works of art worth EUR340,000 were stolen from a warehouse used
    by the Pharos Arts Foundation, on Nicosia's Green Line.
    Among the items stolen were three metal tables and a wrought-iron door
    by well-known British artist Richard Wentworth valued at about
    EUR20,000 each. He had exhibited the tables and door as well as at an
    exhibition at the Pharos Centre of Contemporary Art in 2007.

    The theft was reported by the President of the Foundation Garo Keheyan
    who had gone to the warehouse on Monday with a removal crew to move
    cases containing art items. He found the cases prised open and the
    contents missing.
    Police investigations have so far yielded nothing, even though
    speculation suggested that the thieves had broken into the warehouse
    looking for scrap metal, which has become a valuable commodity in
    these recession-hit times as it is easy to sell.
    There were significant amounts of scrap metal that were part of art
    installations stored in the warehouse which is situated on Ermou
    Street, bordering the buffer zone in old Nicosia. Art would be sold as
    scrap metal.
    Ironically, artists like Wentworth, who had visited Cyprus several
    times, would take discarded objects and turn them into art objects,
    which could now be sold as scrap by the kilo.
    A sledgehammer, found in a neighbouring garden and believed to have
    been used by the thieves to make a big hole in the back of the
    warehouse, was part of an art installation. It was taken by police for
    forensic tests.
    The thieves had smashed a hole in the wall at the back of the building
    to get in and removed sheets of corrugated iron from the roof (perhaps
    to sell as scrap) in order to remove some of the art items that were
    bulky and heavy.
    This was how they walked away with a 3×1 metre wooden frame with glass
    and other large-sized items. They had also demolished the mezzanine at
    the back of the building.
    Many of the items, like the Wentworth tables, belonged to the artists
    and were with the Pharos Centre of Contemporary Art on consignment.
    Keheyan expressed shock at what had happened. He said: "It is so sad
    that people on this island are resorting to theft as a way of making a
    Two large art items that were not deemed valuable enough by the
    thieves and were left behind had been used to cover a gap in the
    barrier-fence on the Green Line. A neighbour had found them discarded
    and used them to close the gaps in the barrier.
    The items on chipboard, which the thieves snubbed and the neighbour
    used as a barrier against the Turks, were by the renowned, late,
    Armenian artist Marcos Grigorian, who has work on display at the
    Museum of Modern Art in New York.
