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Border Shooting Inflames Armenia-Turkey Tensions

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  • Border Shooting Inflames Armenia-Turkey Tensions


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #968
    Aug 20 2013

    Death of Turkish civilian worsens an already troubled relationship.

    By Tigran Hovhannisyan - Caucasus

    Tensions have flared between Yerevan and Ankara after a Turkish
    shepherd was shot dead after straying over the border.

    Mustafa Ulker, 35, was killed on July 31 in an incident which
    highlights both Armenia's hostile relationship with Turkey and its
    reliance on Russia for security.

    The story is complicated by the fact that the soldiers accused of
    shooting Ulker were from Russia, not Armenia. Under a 1992 treaty,
    frontier guards from Russia's FSB security service patrol Armenia's
    southern borders with Iran and Turkey.

    Turkish media reported that Ulker was up in the hills tending his
    animals, and had just crossed the border to retrieve one of them when
    border guards opened fire on him.

    Sergei Grechin, the FSB's spokesman in Armenia, said the agency was
    conducting an investigation and would make a full announcement when
    it was sure of the facts.

    Turkey's foreign ministry sent a protest note to Armenia describing
    the incident as "inexplicable" and saying the border guards killed
    an innocent civilian who crossed the border by accident.

    The note had to go via the Armenian embassy in Georgia, as Ankara and
    Yerevan do not have diplomatic relations. Turkey closed its border
    in 1993 because of the war in Nagorny Karabakh, which pitted Armenian
    forces against Azerbaijan, a Turkish ally.

    The Armenian government did not respond until three days after the
    incident, when the foreign ministry issued a statement regretting
    the incident and hoping nothing of the kind would happen again.

    A few years ago, Armenia and Turkey began tentative steps towards
    unfreezing their relationship.

    In 2008, President Abdullah Gul and his Armenian Serzh Sargsyan
    famously attended a football match between their two national teams
    in Yerevan. This, the first such visit, initiated a process dubbed
    "football diplomacy", which continued in the face of widespread public
    mistrust in both countries.

    The two governments signed a roadmap for better relations in 2009,
    but the process has since stalled. Neither side appears ready to move
    on substantive issues - Turkey accuses Armenia of occupying Azerbaijani
    territory, while Yerevan is demanding that Ankara formally acknowledge
    that genocide took place in 1915.

    Political analyst Stepan Grigoryan, head of the Analytical Centre
    for Globalisation and Regional Cooperation, said the border shooting
    would set the process back still further.

    "Ankara will now deliver a proportionate response to the killing of
    the shepherd," he said. "It may be that Armenian illegal immigrants
    who are earning money to feed their families will be deported."

    Tigran Hovhannisyan is a reporter for the Izvestia newspaper in

    From: A. Papazian