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Russian Expert: Unification Of Azerbaijani And Turkish Armies Threat

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  • Russian Expert: Unification Of Azerbaijani And Turkish Armies Threat


    17:48 21/08/2013 " ANALYSIS

    The idea of creating a single Azerbaijani-Turkish army is not real,
    said in an interview with the Azerbaijani news agency ""
    Russian politician and expert of the Association of Military Political
    Scientists of Russia Alexander Perendzhiev.

    "Creating a unified army of two states supposes the formation of these
    countries as a single state. It should be a confederation, at least.

    But are the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey ready to accept
    infringement of their power and sovereignty of their state? Perhaps,
    it is unlikely, "- said the expert.

    He added that the formation of a confederation will already contribute
    to the fact that Azerbaijan's problems become problems of Turkey and
    vice versa. In addition to this it is necessary to create a single
    economic, legal, cultural and social space. According to the political
    scientist, neither Azerbaijani nor Turkish society is not ready for
    such developments.

    "Besides that, the union of Baku and Ankara may result in the
    absorption of Azerbaijan by Turkey, for the latter is a stronger side.

    Thus the total loss of sovereignty of Azerbaijan will be at a risk,"
    said Alexander Perendzhiev.

    According to him, one should not forget about the different political
    roles of army in Turkey and Azerbaijan as well as the position of
    the servicemen in the society.

    "That is to say, in the end it may happen that there will be
    no Azerbaijani-Turkish army at all. Instead there will only be a
    Turkish army, which will include Azerbaijanis! In that case, there is
    also a strong likelihood that there will be more privates among the
    Azerbaijanis, and more commanding officers among the Turkish soldiers,"
    says the political scientist.

    In addition, he thinks, that another situation will occur concerning
    the Nagorno-Karabakh issue in case of unification. "Azerbaijani
    society, which becomes a part of a single state with Turkey and
    united army of Turkey and Azerbaijan, may also have other problems;
    that is to say tasks which will be defined in the headquarters of
    NATO. And in Brussels, they will hardly be concerned about the return
    of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan," he said.

    "It may happen also that Azerbaijan itself will not exist as a
    sovereign and independent state," said the expert.

    Answering the question of the agency about the "panic of the Armenian
    media about the possible support of Russia towards Azerbaijan in
    Karabakh conflict" Perendzhiev noted that the skirmish is held not
    only on the contact line between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops,
    but also in the information field.

    "I don't know anything regarding the panic in the official Armenian
    governmental media. Most likely, if someone spreads such panic rumors,
    then he does this only to undermine the Armenian society and set it
    against the present power. And also, in order to separate Russia and
    Armenia," he said.

    The expert expressed confidence that Russia will remain neutral in
    case of resumption of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, and will
    take every effort to bring both sides to peace.

    Speaking about the probability of war resumption, he noted that
    "a lot will depend on prudence of the official Baku and Azerbaijani
    society at large."
