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US' War Plan For Syria Is Part Of Greater Israel Project: O'Keefe

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  • US' War Plan For Syria Is Part Of Greater Israel Project: O'Keefe

    Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:16AM GMT

    Interview with Ken O'Keefe
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    Those that are in the government would carry out the orders of those
    who are in charge of them and those that are in charge want another
    war and part of that is what we discussed earlier, the Greater Israel
    Project, to destabilize any Arab regime which might have any kind
    of autonomy and self-determination..., Any regime in the Arab world
    that is not an absolute puppet cannot be tolerated and who are the
    nations that we target? Those that are not puppets."

    Related Viewpoints:

    US stance on Syria based on lies

    Press TV has talked with Ken O'Keefe, a former US marine and war
    veteran in London, to shed more light on the Western-Arab war rhetoric
    on Syria following claims by the Syrian opposition and militants that
    the Damascus government used chemical weapons against civilians.

    What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

    Press TV: Ken O'Keefe do you agree with that (Lawrence Korb's
    remarks)? I mean some are saying, even the US lawmakers, that what
    Lawrence Korb there said, that it amounts to somewhat of a symbolic
    type of strike, if anything?

    O'Keefe: Well, I do not agree at all. First off, how is it possible
    that anybody with any kind of sanity would consider the United States
    or Britain or the West in general to be in any kind of position to
    be punishing anyone for any illegalities?

    If we want to take a look at Iraq, there is at least one million,
    probably even close to two million dead. We invaded that country,
    destroyed it, created millions of orphans, millions of refugees and
    never even so much was apologized for that.

    Let us go back to Vietnam where we dropped 20 million bombs, more than
    all of World War II combined. We have destroyed so many countries. We
    have tortured and killed and maimed and raped around this planet,
    who in the hell in their right mind would consider the United States
    or the West in general to be in any position to punish anybody?

    Never mind the obvious facts that this is a false-flag attack in a
    long list of false-flag attacks, which let us get into that please!

    Press TV: Ken O'Keefe, it is kind of ironic that you have the UN
    Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and the UN Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi,
    practically if we really look at it, almost begging for the US and
    its allies including France and the UK to go to the Security Council
    in order to get backing for this, but of course you are saying let
    the chemical investigation by the UN inspectors to take place and
    for the results come out.

    I mean what does that mean in terms of international law, what the US,
    UK and France in particular are pursuing here?

    O'Keefe: Well, we do not operate under international law. What we
    have is the color of law, the law of the jungle in which the rich
    and the powerful, basically, determine what goes and what does not
    go. Iraq is a perfect example of that.

    Why is not Tony Blair and George Bush rotting away in prison cell
    for the rest of their lives? Because the law is not being applied.

    These are war criminals and they should be in prison for the rest
    of their lives, if not executed, if their own rules were adhered to,
    for their own crimes.

    Not only that, but we need to really understand the truth here. First
    off, all of these players, these politicians are nothing more than
    puppets. They do not serve the people, there is no real democracy,
    they really serve the rich and powerful who run the world and that
    would be the bankers who control the money supply.

    The bankers, of course, make huge amounts of money, whether they have
    made bad investments or not wars are great for them and ultimately
    they control the politicians and that is why we see these policies.

    Obama and Cameron are nothing more than puppets who read the script
    and the script is: We need another war.

    And the reason why we need another war, according to the psychopaths
    who are running the world, is because more and more people, despite the
    clueless masses who continue to be entranced by things so ridiculous
    as the X Factor and the American Idol, there are larger numbers of
    people around the world who are realizing the truth and beginning
    to recapture the capacity to think for themselves and they can see
    that these people who have been put in positions of public trust,
    are defying that trust and representing an agenda, which they could
    never speak about openly, because they are nothing more than ...

    and nothing more than minions for the powers that be.

    Press TV: It is very interesting Ken O'Keefe. I do not know if you
    caught the presser that Bashar al-Jafari, Syria's envoy to the UN had
    earlier, a couple of hours back, and he said that this is all because
    of Israel, Israel is actually responsible behind the uprisings from
    North Africa throughout the Middle East; and this is a push by Israel
    onto US to, basically, go and attack Syria.

    What is Israel's role in this, Ken O'Keefe?

    O'Keefe: Well, the greater Israel Project is all about destabilizing,
    surrounding nations, ultimately in pursuit of this dream of greater
    Israel from the Euphrates down to the Nile, all the way over to the
    Eastern Mediterranean. This is the dream of these psychopaths and so
    destabilizing governments, creating sectarian strife, is all part of
    that menu and all part of the design to create a greater Israel. So
    that goes ..., it is self-evident.

    I have to go back to what this gentleman was saying in Washington D.C.

    about the Americans not wanting to get involved or Obama not getting

    What are you talking about? We have been arming people, directly,
    who are al-Qaeda! Al-Nusrah Front is al-Qaeda! These people are
    psychopath to the worst order; they are conducting suicide attacks,
    they are gassing people, we know Carla Del Ponte said in May that it
    was the so-called rebels in Syria that were using the Sarin gas not
    the Bashar al-Assad regime. No it was not!

    We know that the United States' president is arming people who are on
    the US terrorist list. He should be convicted of aiding and abetting,
    giving material support to a terrorist organization but then again, you
    know, what we are ..., we the West, the United States and in particular
    Israel and Britain, are the biggest terrorists on the planet.

    So our little junior partners and al-Qaeda, which is nothing more than
    a CIA database, thus the name al-Qaeda, this is nothing more than a
    group of terrorists working together each playing one different role
    but all of them working together for the same goal which is to maintain
    this hideous and sick and twisted unjust world that we have, which is a
    perpetual state of war. Always one illusion, one bogyman after another
    but the fact is that Obama is nothing more than a puppet war criminal
    just like his predecessors and every other US president before him.

    So please do not tell people out there that the US is not involved. It
    is directly involved and it is arming people who are absolute

    Press TV: Ken O'Keefe yesterday Walid al-Muallem and then we had Bashar
    al-Jaafari today talk about how they have allowed the inspectors to
    go in, but it seems and why is that ..., and I am thinking do not
    they have intelligence? Does not the United States already know who
    is behind this? It is obvious it is not the Syrian government.

    An analyst has said two possibilities: One, obviously being the
    insurgents who have this and at a very low scale perhaps, maybe some
    low-ranking soldiers of the Syrian army not carrying through orders
    of not using chemical weapons but going out on their own which he
    has said there is a very small possibility of that.

    Why does not the US want to wait along with its allies for the
    inspectors to analyze what has come out and then make an announcement
    based on that before they move in or attack?

    O'Keefe: Because the United States has never been interested in
    anything other than war. The United States is in a perpetual state
    of war because the bankers control the politicians and they read the
    script as given to them by the banksters and they make huge amounts
    of money off of this.

    What this gentleman is saying about the United States not wanting
    war and not wanting to get involved in this like Iraq 2.0. It is a
    repeat of the same rubbish that was said: Oh! We do not want war! War
    is the last resort. That is absolutely untrue, it is a lie.

    Those that are in the government are nothing more than ... who would
    carry out the orders of those who are in charge of them and those that
    are in charge want another war and part of that is what we discussed
    earlier, the Greater Israel Project, to destabilize any Arab regime
    which might have any kind of autonomy and self-determination.

    Any regime in the Arab world that is not an absolute puppet cannot
    be tolerated and who are the nations that we target? Those that are
    not puppets. We do not target those like the Saudi regime, which is
    the biggest human rights violator in that region. It is cutting off
    peoples' heads in public, cutting off hands, it is the most grotesque
    regime on the planet and yet we give that regime weapons and it is
    no problem whatsoever.

    The duplicity and hypocrisy of the United States and the West cannot
    even be measured, it is so enormous and these mouthpieces such as
    this gentleman in Washington is only doing the disservice to himself
    and his country and the fact is that the American sons and daughters
    will get involved in this yet again and these chicken hawks who are
    pretending to care about the Syrian people are going to be sacrificing
    not their own sons and daughters, I would like this man to send his
    sons and daughters and his grandchildren off to Syria when this turns
    into a greater conflict because this is what we are flirting with,
    [it] is a world war, a third world war, this is not a joke.

    We are flirting with the Third World War on the basis that apparently
    we care so much about the Syrian people, just like we cared so much
    about the Iraqi people and the Afghani people. The only people that
    by this sort of stuff are either bought off ... or the dumbest of
    the dumb!

    And we are also led to believe that Assad is the dumbest idiot dictator
    on the planet. Now, is not he? Because he invited the UN inspectors to
    come in and he brought them in; [and] on the very day that they come
    in, he decides to attack his own people ten miles away from where the
    inspectors arrived! This is beyond ridiculous and the only people to
    buy this, again, are bought off ... or the dumbest of the dumb!

    Press TV: Ken O'Keefe we have alluded to this throughout this
    conversation and debate but there are many who are not buying the US'
    viewpoints, they are not buying what the UK and France are doing along
    with the US. Because they are saying that what US is saying limited
    in scope is not going to hardly cripple Assad's sizable military
    infrastructure and forces unless this is a wider-scale war.

    Do you think that is what we are looking at?

    O'Keefe: Well, there is no question that they do not intend for
    limited strikes and that is not going to do anything. They want to
    go in full-scale, that is the plan. Of course they will use a pretext
    to justify the initial attack and then they will concoct more things
    to justify a greater involvement.

    The Daily Mail reported here in the UK, and it is commonly understood
    to those who are paying attention that defense contractors, leaked
    emails from defense contractors, proved that there was already an
    approved plan from Obama ..., to give these psychopath terrorist
    al-Nusrah Front, chemical weapons!

    We know that al-Nusrah Front, 12 individuals in Turkey were caught with
    two kilos of Sarin gas, where did they get that from? And this is,
    you know, clearly a false flag. We understand this to be true and it
    is the only way that they could justify an attack at all.

    And I have to say that I am happy that the gentleman in Washington
    mentioned [General Martin E.] Dempsey, General Dempsey of the Joint
    Chiefs [of Staff], because I tell you what, more than anything else
    it is the true American patriots, those who were sick and tired of
    having given up their lives to, basically, serve the American dream,
    the American nation, the constitution that they swore to uphold.

    It is those military men and women, it is you now, it is coming to
    you now! Are you a patriot or are you not? Are you going to let your
    nation to [be] sent even further into the chaos and corruption that
    has been so sick and so twisted, that is destroying the American
    lives, as well as the rest of the world, to the tune of 22 American
    servicemen a day, who are committing suicide.

    Are you going to sacrifice more of your American sons and daughters
    for Israeli wars? For Zionist wars? Are you going to continue to do
    that because you are not a patriot?

    You are in fact aiding and abetting the terrorists [that] you
    supposedly think you are fighting against! And those Americans who
    are waking up to this, I hope to God, in the military in particular,
    that refuse your orders and this is why the people of America who
    were refusing to buy this nonsense, their overwhelming majority, do
    not support any kind of attack on Syria and those in the military, I
    know that the powers that be are very, very frightened that higher-ups
    within the military will refuse the orders and I hope that this is
    exactly what happens if an attack on Syria occurs.

