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Western Prelacy News - 12/06/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 12/06/2013

    December 6, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    This weekend, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will
    travel to San Francisco to join the parish community in celebrating the 47th
    anniversary of the establishment of St. Gregory Church.
    On Sunday, December 8, 2013, the Prelate will celebrate Divine
    Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Gregory Church. A luncheon in honor of
    His Eminence will follow, organized by the Board of Trustees and Ladies
    On Saturday evening, His Eminence will attend a New Year and
    Christmas reception also organized by the Ladies Auxiliary.


    Saturday, December 7 is the 25th anniversary of the devastating
    earthquake in Armenia. By the ordinance of the Prelate, on Sunday, December
    8 requiem prayers will be offered in Prelacy Churches for the souls of the
    By the invitation of Rose and Alex Pilibos School administration, on
    Friday, December 6, the Prelate presided over a requiem service which was
    held at St. Garabed Church in memory of the earthquake victims. Prior to
    the service, students held a commemoration at the school. In the Church,
    prior to the requiem service, Archpriest Fr. Hrant Yeretzian reflected on
    the tragedy and called on the students to reaffirm their Armenian identity
    and pledge to remain faithful to our heritage and values as they remember
    their brethren in Armenia.
    Addressing the students, the Prelate stated that when the earthquake
    struck twenty-five years ago, the world's attention turned to Armenia as
    nations across the globe lent a helping hand in the spirit of Christian
    charity, and Armenians were and are grateful for that assistance. That
    spirit of charity must remain alive in our hearts and guide our deeds during
    this Christmas season and throughout the year, concluded His Eminence.
    Last Sunday, December 1st, by the request of the Homenetmen Western
    Region Executive, and by the ordinance of the Prelate, requiem prayers were
    offered in Prelacy Churches for Homenetmen members.


    On Thursday, December 5, the second annual New Year and Christmas
    Luncheon-Boutique hosted by the Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary was held under the
    auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, at Brandview in
    His Eminence attended, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian.
    Executive Council Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian was also in attendance, along
    with nearly 200 guests.
    The event began with welcoming remarks by Master of Ceremonies and
    Ladies Auxiliary member Mrs. Vartoug Avedikian, who noted that the gathering
    of women was also in a way the conclusion of the Year of the Armenian Mother
    The Prelate greeted the guests and conveyed his well wishes to them,
    and through them to the community, on the threshold of the New Year and
    Christmas. He commended the Ladies Auxiliary for organizing this and
    similar events bringing together community members in an atmosphere filled
    with Armenian spirit. Reflecting on the spirit of the season, the Prelate
    stated that most of us have likely faced difficulties in our lives during
    the past year which we overcame by our faith, and so today, as we prepare to
    welcome the New Year and Christmas, we are reminded and invited to stay
    strong in our faith and lead our lives led by the spirit of love, hope, and
    charity throughout the year.
    During lunch guests enjoyed musical entertainment by violinist
    The Master of Ceremonies then announced two surprises. The first
    was that Santa Clause and the Winter Fairy, played by Lilia Margaryan, had
    arrived and would be performing. Ms. Margaryan presented a beautiful dance
    to Arno Babajanian's "Elegy", and Santa Clause, who had come from Armenia,
    conveyed his Christmas well wishes to the guests and spoke of preserving our
    treasured Armenian heritage. Both performance further added to the
    merriment already present within the hall.
    The second announcement was a surprise performance by singer Arman.
    Guests joined in singing and dancing as he sang a few songs.
    Throughout the event, inspired by the festive atmosphere donations
    were made by the guests.
    At the conclusion of the official program, guests visited booths
    were vendors had displayed holiday gifts and sweets.


    Each year during Thanksgiving, the President and Primate of Artsakh
    visit Los Angeles to participate in the Armenia Fund Telethon. On the
    occasion of their annual visit, the Western Prelacy hosts the honored guests
    to a luncheon with representatives of Prelacy churches, schools, committees,
    and representatives of community organizations.
    In keeping with tradition, on Wednesday, November 27, 2013, His
    Excellency Bako Sahakyan, President of Artsakh, visited the Prelacy where he
    was welcomed by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, clergy,
    councils, leaders of community organizations, committee members, and
    sponsors. The President's delegation included Sergey Sarkisov, Consul
    General of the Republic of Armenian in Los Angeles, Georgi Petrosyan,
    Advisor to the President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Robert Avetisyan,
    NKR Permanent Representative in the United States, Antranig Baghdassarian,
    Armenia Fund Western Region Chairman, Artak Galstyan, Deputy Consul General
    of the Republic of Armenian in Los Angeles, and David Babayan, Chief of the
    Information Department of the Staff of the President of the Nagorno Karabakh
    A welcoming meeting was first held at the "Sulahian" Reception Hall,
    after which the President and his entourage were hosted to lunch at the
    "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall organized by the Prelacy Ladies
    Guests included Central Executive members, Religious and Executive
    Councils, representatives of the ARF Central Committee, Prelacy churches,
    schools, and committees, Homenetmen, ARS, Hamazkayin, Board of Regents,
    CASPS, Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary, and sponsors.
    Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian, who served as the Master of
    Ceremonies, welcomed the guests and invited the Prelate for the blessing of
    the tables. The Prelate invited the gathering to collectively recite the
    Lord's Prayer. Central Executive Council member Mr. Khajag Dikijian invited
    the guests to raise a glass to the President and people of Artsakh.
    Photographer Tsolag Hovsepian, who was among the guests in attendance,
    presented the President and members of his delegation with copies of his
    newly published photo book.
    The MC then invited Executive Council Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian to
    deliver his remarks. Mrs. Boghossian greeted the President and honored
    guests and took the opportunity to speak proudly about the heroic people of
    Artsakh and their leadership, stating that as in previous years, Armenian
    people around the world will once again support the Telethon and contribute
    to the mission of nation-building. Noting the importance of the
    Vardenis-Martakart highway, Mrs. Boghossian stated that its construction is
    a national obligation. In conclusion, she thanked and commended the
    administration and staff of Armenia Fund and wished success to the President
    and to all in their service to our homeland.
    After lunch, Armenia Fund Western Region Chair Mr. Antranig
    Baghdassarian addressed the gathering. He lauded the leadership and
    soldiers of Artsakh for their sacrifices and commitment to the defense of
    the country, which he said is carried out with limited resources. Thus, Mr.
    Baghdassarian stressed the importance of contributing to the Telethon
    because the Vardenis-Martakert highway is crucial from a strategic
    standpoint as well.
    ARF Central Committee Chair Dr. Viken Hovsepian affirmed that the
    guests present and the Armenian community of the Western United States in
    general is devoted to the cause of nation-building. He stated that whereas
    in the past we spoke of sustaining the Armenian people, today the focus is
    on building up our nation and our people, a mission shared by our schools
    and organizations who are inspiring our youth to take an active role in the
    future of our nation. Dr. Hovsepian noted that few are aware of the
    challenges faced by the President and leadership of Artsakh regarding the
    defense and rebuilding of the country, and thus, on behalf of the guests in
    attendance, he expressed the solidarity of all to the process of rebuilding
    of our nation.
    The Prelate welcomed the President and delegation with well wishes,
    specifically acclaiming the courage, dedication, and humility of the
    President. He also conveyed his well wishes to H.E. Archbishop Barkev
    Martirosyan, Primate of Artsakh, who could not attend. His Eminence stated
    that for many years now, the Thanksgiving holiday has become not only an
    occasion to welcome representatives of Artsakh, but also an opportunity to
    contribute to the noble mission of nation-building. In this regard, the
    Prelate affirmed the support of the guests in attendance, members of the
    Prelacy family, announcing that Prelacy churches, schools, and benefactors
    would be expressing their support and solidarity to Artskah by contributing
    around $100,000 to the Telethon. In conclusion, he wished for a successful
    Telethon and for the successful construction of the Vardenis-Martakert
    highway, a vital pathway for the development of Artsakh. Given that it was
    the new Consul General's first visit to the Prelacy, the Prelate gifted Mr.
    Sergey Sarkisov the Rescued Armenian Treasures from Cilicia book. He then
    invited President Bako Sahakyan to deliver his message.
    His Excellency began by expressing gratitude for opportunities to
    gather with the people on joyous occasions, recently Armenian independence
    day, 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi, and the 25th anniversary
    of the start of the Artsakh liberation movement. The President spoke of the
    fruitful collaboration between the homeland and diaspora, which he referred
    to as special and exemplary. The President stated during a visit with
    Armenian children and youth in Los Angeles, he felt their love and bond with
    the Armenian homeland, which demonstrates that generations of youth away
    from the homeland are being raised and instructed to serve our nation.
    President Sahakyan spoke of the significance of the Vardenis-Martakert
    highway, calling it not just a regular path, but a path to the endurance of
    the Armenian people. Reflecting on the Artsakh liberation struggle, the
    President stressed that we will not be hindered by difficulties and that
    nation-building will continue. Lastly, the President stated that ideals
    inherited from past generations provide the new generations with powerful
    defenses which are stronger and more effective than actual arms, and
    concluded with the conviction that no matter where we are geographically, we
    all belong to one and the same group, and we must continue our path of
    service with love for our homeland.
    The Prelate presented President Sahakyan with a glass artwork of a
    cross by Canadian-Armenian artist Vatche Arakelian, which the President
    announced he would gift to a church to be built in southern Artsakh for
    Syrian Armenian refugees.
    The Prelate thanked the Ladies Auxiliary for organizing the
    luncheon, and the event came to a close with the benediction.
    At the Telethon the following day, President Sahakyan presented the
    Prelate with a memento.


    On Thursday, December 5th, an art exhibition was held at Holy
    Trinity Church in Fresno featuring new works by renowned international
    artist Arev Petrosyan, who traveled from Armenia for the event.
    On Wednesday evening a VIP reception was held at the Church social
    hall under the auspices of the Prelate and hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Philip and
    Florence Parnagian and Mr. and Mrs. David and Linda Hovannesian.
    The Prelate traveled to Fresno on Wednesday to attend the reception.
    Welcoming remarks were delivered by Mrs. Erin Parnagian-Melkonian,
    who introduced the artists and her works and invited her to address the
    Ms. Petrosyan expressed appreciation for the event, stating that it
    had special meaning for her as it bridged the world of Armenian culture and
    arts to the oldest Armenian community in the United States. The artist
    announced that she would be donating two works to the Church, and one for
    the hall next year on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the new
    church structure.
    Remarks were also delivered by Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Varoujan
    Der Simonian and Mr. Philip Parnagian.
    The Prelate delivered the concluding message, in which he commended
    the artist's devotion to the arts and also her faith, which is expressed
    through her works. His Eminence also commended the organizers for bringing
    Armenian culture to this oldest community.


    On Saturday, November 30, the annual banquet of the Armenian
    National Committee of America - Western Region was held at the Dolby Grand
    Ballroom in Los Angeles.
    The following individuals were honored during the banquet for their
    service and support of the Armenian community:
    Archbishop Barkev Martirosyan - Khrimian Hayrig Award, Mayor Eric
    Garcetti - Man of the Year, Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian - Legislator of the
    Year, philanthropist Manas Boujikian - Legacy Award, basketball coach Jerry
    Tarkanian - People's Champion, and activist Ara Soudjian - Vahan Cardashian
    The Prelate delivered the invocation, in which he commended the hard
    work and devotion of the ANC-WR board members, staff, and volunteers,
    reaffirmed the community's support to the organization's mission as the
    voice of the Armenian people and a champion of the Armenian cause,
    congratulated and commended the honorees for their service, and the public
    officials, sponsors, and friends in attendance for their continued support.
    The Prelate was the first to receive the Khrimian Hayrig Award at
    the 2011 ANCA-WR Banquet. Last year's recipient was Rev. Joe Matossian.


    On the evening of Wednesday, November 27, the annual Thanksgiving
    dinner of the Armenian Ecclesiastical Brotherhood was held at "Karapetian"
    Hall of St. Garabed Church in Hollywood.
    The Prelate attended and delivered his message. He was accompanied
    by St. Garabed Church Pastors Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian and Archpriest
    Fr. Hrant Yeretzian, and Crescenta Valley Pastor Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian.
    Shake Darakjian, a young member of the Brotherhood, served as the
    Master of Ceremonies. Remarks were delivered by members Avo Kabakjouzian
    and Hrach Yessaian.
    The cultural program featured songs, psalms, and theatrical
    performances by the youth, and singer Nshan Tchaghatsbanian.

    From: A. Papazian