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Armenia's authorities must not be trusted - opposition rep

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  • Armenia's authorities must not be trusted - opposition rep

    Armenia's authorities must not be trusted - opposition rep

    16:46 - 08.12.13

    In an interview with, Zoya Tadevosyan, an Armenian National
    Congress (ANC) member, addressed the compulsory pension contributions
    system to be introduced in Armenia from January 1, 2014.

    `The authorities cannot be trusted. They have proved they must not be
    trusted,' she said.

    With respect to the sale of 20% of ArmRusgasprom shares to Russian
    Gazprom, Tadevodyan said that Armenia's authorities have always `lined
    their pockets at people's expense.'

    - Ms Tadevosyan, after Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to
    Armenia, when the sale of 20% of ArmRusgasprom shares to Gazprom was
    announced, Armenia's $300m debt to Russian was made known. Part of the
    debt was due to changed prices for Russian gas supplied to Armenia.
    ANC members have over the past year stated the gas price was changed.
    However, Armenia's minister of energy did not make any statements.

    - The authorities are dishonest to the people they are responsible to.
    They must be told about it because they are unaware of their
    responsibility to the people. They are robbing the people. One cannot
    rob people for many years and remain unnoticed. If they are silent,
    they prove they are thieves. I think any normal society - and I have
    no doubt we are a normal society - would rebel. We must not tolerate
    thieves in our country. Their activities have nothing in common with
    government or moral policy. Their only aim is to get rich and they
    consider this country their property. I am greatly surprised at the
    fact that not a single representative of Armenia's authorities is
    handing in his resignation. None of them. They are worth one another.

    - What's your opinion of the compulsory pension contributions system
    to be introduced in Armenia?

    - The relevant program was elaborated as a result of consultations
    with US experts, pursuant to the Armenian government's order. But the
    experts warned the authorities that Armenia's population was aging,
    and the country was faced with serious demographic problems. That is,
    launching the program would have unpredictable consequences. This
    pension contribution model gained popularity in many countries, which
    may have attracted Armenia's authorities. But, in contrast to many
    other governments, our government's only aim is to involve as many
    people as possible in the system. It is a new means of taxation, which
    does not at all mean the people who are young now will live a life of
    dignity when they grow old. Armenia's authorities cannot be trusted,
    they have many times proved that. If the authorities did not rob their
    own people or register offshore companies or waste huge sums to pay
    bills at the best restaurants, we would save huge funds and trust our

    People would realize they should live in their own country instead of
    leaving for other countries to earn daily bread. And we would not now
    have this demographic situation. It is only the authorities that are

    - Only freedom-fighters (participants in the Nagorno-Karabakh war) are
    expected to join the ANC march scheduled for December 10.

    - I think that many people will take part. Only freedom-fighters have
    stated their intention to join the march, but the citizens that
    consider themselves mature must defend their rights that day. All the
    others cannot be considered mature.

    From: A. Papazian