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Cancer-hit men seek medical help later than women in Armenia

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  • Cancer-hit men seek medical help later than women in Armenia

    Cancer-hit men seek medical help later than women in Armenia

    December 8, 17:49

    The breast cancer can develop in women and in men as well, though
    rarely. According to Khachanush Hakobyan, the Director of
    Armenian-American Health center (Mammography Center), from 842
    examined male patients in the center over 31 had a malignant tumor of
    the chest, over 457 - benign, called gynecomastia. For more
    information, we contacted the radiologist of Armenian-American Health
    Center Hovhannes Vardevanyan.

    «Due to the low level of female sex hormones, the male mammary gland
    is underdeveloped. And if there «appears» a breast in men, he has to
    see the doctor. Nevertheless, he should not panic. Because in most
    cases the reason is in fat storage - lipomastia. But combination of
    fat storage and gynecomastia is also possible », - told Hovhannes
    Vardevanyan to the correspondent of Medicine.

    If one in eight women can get breast cancer, the men developed the
    disease 10 times rarer.

    But the treatment method is similar. If it is gynecomastia (benign
    change, i.e. the presence of glandular tissue in men), then the
    patient should be under the supervision of a physician, who is going
    to decide when the patient undergoes radiological examination or
    consults with specialists, such as oncologist, endocrinologist,
    mammologist, andrologist. And if the oncologist suspects cancer, he
    would decide what measures to take next. The basic approach is a
    combination of local and systemic (general) treatments. In this case
    they use surgical (mastectomy) and radiotherapy methods as local ones,
    and chemotherapy and hormonal treatment as systemic therapies.

    Cause of the breast cancer can be a trauma or exposure to carcinogens.
    Information about genetic inheritance from father to son is not
    discovered yet. To a large extent the risk of acquiring cancer is
    transmitted through the maternal line, including from mother and the
    nearest female relatives to son.

    «As for gynecomastia, the disease may develop in childhood, but very
    rarely. In adolescence, during sexual development of the organism
    gynecomastia in men may transiently be observed, as female and male
    hormones rise in parallel. Unless there are no endocrine disorders in
    the body, the glandular tissue in men spontaneously disappears. In old
    age, when there is a disruption of the liver and denaturation of the
    hormones, female hormones are trapped in a male body and lead to
    gynecomastia. It is related to the health of internal sexual organs,
    too. The consequences of gynecomastia can be benign and malignant
    lesions of the prostate and testicles. On average, the occurrence of
    breast cancer in men is observed mostly after 60.

    In males the malignant tumour most often develops and progresses in
    aggressive form. There are early metastases in axillary region and
    skeletal system. Usually the tumor is located under the nipple,
    areola, or close to them, leading to an asymmetry in the chest. Often
    there is bloody spotting from the nipple. In advanced cancer there can
    be ulceration of the skin.

    In general, the results of treatment of breast cancer in men are worse
    than in women. Probably, this is because tumours in men tend to fast
    metastasis. And men do not undergo preventive examinations, as do the
    women. That is why their premalignant stage quickly develops into
    invasive cancer. Obvious is the fact that men seek help very late. As
    a rule, if they even feel something in the chest area, they are more
    inclined to think that it is a muscle.

    Yana Avchiyan Medicine

    From: A. Papazian