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F18News: Armenia - Building places of worship "not appropriate"

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  • F18News: Armenia - Building places of worship "not appropriate"

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    Friday 6 December 2013

    Two of three applications by the Jehovah's Witness community in Armenia's
    capital Yerevan to build places of worship were deemed "not appropriate"
    because of "precedents" of "complaints and intolerance" from the public.
    The third was rejected because of unresolved "construction concerns" on the
    street. Andranik Kasaryan, head of the city's Architecture Department, told
    Forum 18 News Service the applications had been rejected because of
    "earlier complaints about sects" after the Department had given building
    permission. "Residents complained to us that they don't want a religious
    organisation next door to them." One Armenian Catholic told Forum 18 of the
    "unwritten rule" that Catholicos Karekin, head of the dominant Armenian
    Apostolic Church, must give permission before non-Armenian Apostolic places
    of worship can be built. "Officials try not to allow non-Armenian Apostolic
    religious communities to have officially-recognised visible places of
    worship," human rights defender Stepan Danielyan told Forum 18.

    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    Armenia's Jehovah's Witness community has gone to court to challenge three
    building denials by the municipality Architecture Department in the capital
    Yerevan, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. Hearings are due to begin in
    January 2014. Two of the rejections - written on the same day in December
    2012 - cite "precedents" of "complaints and intolerance" from the public
    over earlier building approvals for places of worship.

    One Armenian Catholic told Forum 18 of the "unwritten rule" that Catholicos
    Karekin, the head of the dominant Armenian Apostolic Church, must give
    permission before non-Armenian Apostolic places of worship can be built.

    Stepan Danielyan of the Yerevan-based Collaboration for Democracy Centre,
    who has long worked on freedom of religion or belief concerns, says such
    refusals to permit building of places of worship are part of a pattern.
    "Officials try not to allow non-Armenian Apostolic religious communities to
    have officially-recognised visible places of worship," he told Forum 18
    from Yerevan on 27 November. "If they exist at all, they want them to
    remain invisible."

    A member of a non-Christian organisation, who asked that the community not
    be identified, noted that while it can maintain a place of worship in
    Yerevan, the building has no notice or identifying signs outside which a
    passer-by might see.

    Danielyan pointed to the impossibility Yerevan's Armenian Catholic
    community faced trying to get permission for a building plot in the city
    centre several years ago. He said permission was denied and the community
    eventually settled for a plot in the northern city district of Kanaker,
    where building is yet to begin.

    Members of several religious communities, who asked not to be identified,
    said it was possible to get a building in an individual's name and then
    turn it into a place of worship. But getting permission to build a new
    place of worship was very difficult.

    The telephone of government religious affairs official Vardan Astsatryan of
    the Department for Ethnic Minorities and Religious Affairs went unanswered
    each time Forum 18 called between 27 November and 6 December.

    Commitments fulfilled?

    Armenia appears to have finally fulfilled one of its commitments it made
    when it joined the Council of Europe to introduce a fully civilian
    alternative service and to free all its imprisoned conscientious objectors
    by January 2004 (see F18News 28 November 2013

    However, the obstructions to building places of worship and other
    difficulties non-Armenian Apostolic communities continue to face indicate a
    failure to fully implement another Council of Europe commitment Armenia
    made at the same time - "to ensure that all churches or religious
    communities, in particular those referred to as 'non-traditional', may
    practise their religion without discrimination".

    "No complaints"?

    However, dismissing claims that non-Armenian Apostolic communities face
    difficulties building is Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, a religious studies
    professor at Yerevan State University and a lay member of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church. "I know of no such complaints," he told Forum 18 from
    Yerevan on 4 December. He insists that no unofficial "permission" is needed
    from the Armenian Apostolic Church before any non-Armenian Apostolic
    community is allowed to build.

    Hovhannisyan pointed out that Yerevan's city centre has few vacant plots,
    so is difficult for anyone to build there, including the Armenian Apostolic
    Church. Nevertheless, he said, the Armenian Evangelical Church had bought
    the former United States embassy on one of Yerevan's central avenues, while
    the city's Word of Life church was completing a "massive" new church

    Word of Life told Forum 18 that their new Yerevan church is due to be
    officially opened on 25 December. "Protestants don't generally have
    building problems," the church member told Forum 18 on 27 November.

    Told of the three Jehovah's Witness building rejections, Hovhannisyan
    responded: "Maybe it's special for Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Three building rejections

    Yerevan's Jehovah's Witness community lodged applications with the city's
    Architecture and Urban Development Department to build three places of
    worship, in the city's Erebuni, Davtashen and Nor Nork districts. However,
    on 20 December 2012, in separate replies, the head of the Architecture
    Department, Andranik Kasaryan, rejected the Erebuni and Davtashen
    applications based on what he said might be the reaction of the local

    The reply to the Erebuni application, seen by Forum 18, declares: "Taking
    into consideration the precedents, namely that constructing a publicly
    zoned religious building resulted in complaints and intolerance from the
    public, the Yerevan Municipality Architecture and Urban Development
    Department finds that the construction of such a building in an inhabited
    area is not appropriate."

    The reply to the Davtashen application, also seen by Forum 18, is similarly
    worded, drawing attention to the fact that the proposed site is in a
    "populated area".

    The Nor Nork response, dated 21 December 2012 and also seen by Forum 18,
    claims that the Architecture Department is "resolving construction
    concerns" on the street where the Jehovah's Witness community proposed to
    build. It said the application could be addressed "only after the
    completion of the aforementioned process".

    "Complaints about sects"

    Kasaryan, head of the Architecture Department, insisted that the Jehovah's
    Witness applications had been rejected because of "earlier complaints about
    sects" after the Department had given building permission. "Residents
    complained to us that they don't want a religious organisation next door to
    them," he told Forum 18 from Yerevan on 27 November. "If it had been the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, I don't believe there would have been

    Kasaryan rejected any suggestion that the denial of permission to Jehovah's
    Witnesses represented discrimination. However, he refused to discuss how
    far "intolerance" from residents should be allowable in rejecting building
    applications. "These cases are now in court, so you will have to talk to
    our Legal Department."

    More generally, Kasaryan denied that building non-Armenian Apostolic places
    of worship in Yerevan is impossible. He claimed that "no-one else" apart
    from Jehovah's Witnesses had had applications rejected and pointed to
    permission he said his Department had given to a church built by the
    Servants of God.

    Despite repeated calls to the Municipality Legal Department between 27
    November and 5 December, Forum 18 was unable to reach its head, Zaven
    Arakelyan. Each time officials said he was out of the office and no-one
    else could answer any questions about why three Jehovah's Witness building
    applications were rejected.


    In response to the rejections, the Jehovah's Witness community lodged a
    suit against the Municipality Architecture Department to Yerevan's
    Administrative Court. The case is due to begin on the morning of 14 January
    2014 under Judge Samvel Hovakimyan.

    "Without Catholicos it would be all but impossible"

    While Yerevan's Armenian Catholic parish hopes to begin work on its
    first-ever church in the city soon, the Armenian Catholic cathedral in the
    north-western city of Gyumri is nearing completion, local Catholics told
    Forum 18. The city is in the traditional heartland of the Armenian Catholic
    community (which was effectively banned in the Soviet period).

    "The cathedral has been difficult to build," one Catholic told Forum 18
    from the city on 27 November. "There's an unwritten rule that the
    permission of the Catholicos [head of the Armenian Apostolic Church] is
    needed." The Catholic said that without such approval, local authorities
    would create "endless" obstructions, requiring repeated changes to the
    building plans. The Catholics secured the approval of Catholicos Karekin
    and building permission followed. "Without the Catholicos it would be all
    but impossible."

    "National security"?

    In recent years, a number of religious meetings in rented venues have had
    to be cancelled after pressure from state officials or priests of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church. In April 2009, a Southern Baptist choir, the
    Singing Men of Oklahoma, conducted a tour of Armenia organised by Armenia's
    Evangelical Church. However, pressure from the Armenian Church forced the
    cancellation of more than half the planned concerts.

    In 2010, three Jehovah's Witness conventions had to be cancelled, while in
    2011 two were cancelled under pressure from Armenian Apostolic priests, the
    police and local officials (see F18News 12 July 2011

    Members of a non-governmental organisation linked to the Evangelical Church
    were summoned for questioning by National Security Service (NSS) officers
    in 2010, which one NSS officer reportedly considered "normal". In a report
    on Armenia published on 8 February 2011, the Council of Europe European
    Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recommended that "the
    National Security Service refrain from monitoring religious activity which
    does not appear to constitute a specific threat".

    Are police and prosecutors neutral?

    Members of some religious communities complain that police take a selective
    approach to enforcing the law. On 11 September, a man who entered the
    church building in Yerevan's Arabkir District armed with a knife threatened
    to kill Protestant pastor Levon Bardakjian (he was not present at the
    time), he and other Protestant leaders told Forum 18. Police detained the
    man, telling church members he had been ordered sent to psychiatric

    Two days later, what they say was an attempt to kidnap the church secretary
    occurred. On 18 September, a car belonging to a church-run charity was
    reportedly shot at in the central town of Sevan and a window broken while
    the driver was inside.

    On 15 October, the same man who had allegedly threatened to kill Pastor
    Bardakjian came to a cafe next to the church, where church members were
    gathered, asking for him. Church members told Forum 18 they had not been
    told the man had been released. At the Office of the Human Rights
    Ombudsperson, they learnt to their astonishment that no criminal case had
    been launched against the man.

    "I'm 100 per cent sure no criminal case was opened simply because I'm a
    Protestant pastor," Bardakjian complained to Forum 18. He said that
    although no actions or threats against the church or its members have
    happened since 15 October, church members suffer "insecurity, anxiety and

    Pastor Bardakjian stressed that the attacks immediately followed a 9
    September press conference by Archimandrite Komitas Hovnanyan from the
    Armenian Church headquarters at Echmiazdin alleging that 220 "cults"
    operate in Armenia which receive half a billion US Dollars per year and aim
    to destroy the Armenian state.

    In November 2010, following false claims in the media that an alleged
    murderer in Sevan was a Jehovah's Witness, Armenian Apostolic priests took
    a Shant TV crew to Sevan's Pentecostal Church. The TV crew did not seek
    permission to enter private property where the Church meets, and refused to
    leave when asked, so Pastor Vladimir Bagdasaryan tried to stop them
    filming. After the TV station broadcast a report claiming that the Pastor
    attacked journalists, Pastor Bagdasaryan was accused of "obstructing the
    lawful professional activities of a journalist" under Criminal Code Article
    164, Part 1 (see F18News 12 July 2011

    On 13 July 2011, Gegarkunik Court found Pastor Bagdasaryan guilty and fined
    him 200,000 Drams (3,030 Norwegian Kroner, 390 Euros or 550 US Dollars).
    His appeals were rejected in December 2011 and February 2012. At the same
    time, Pastor Bagdasaryan's suit to force the police to launch criminal
    cases for trespass against the journalists were rejected in court, with the
    final appeal heard by Armenia's Cassation Court in October 2012.

    Pastor Bagdasaryan also failed through the courts to get Shant TV to
    retract what he regarded as an untrue report, according to the
    Yerevan-based Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression.

    New Religion Law to parliament "in spring 2014"

    Controversy has long raged over a proposed new Religion Law. Most recently,
    a draft text - as well as proposed amendments to a range of other laws
    relating to religion - were prepared by the Justice Ministry and made
    public in July 2011. They were heavily criticised by human rights defenders
    and members of some religious communities.

    Concerns included: proposed punishments for sharing one's faith; compulsory
    registration for any religious community with more than 25 members, with
    punishments for those who do not register; as well as the vague formulation
    of many provisions. All of these were thought likely to leave followers of
    religious organisations the government - or the powerful Armenian Apostolic
    Church - dislikes vulnerable to arbitrary and tight restrictions on their
    freedom of religion or belief (see F18News 14 July 2011

    A joint opinion of the draft new Religion Law and other amendments was
    published by the Council of Europe's Venice Commission and the Organisation
    for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights on 17 October 2011. While citing
    "improvements" since earlier drafts both organisations had strongly
    criticised in 2009 and 2010, the 2011 joint opinion highlighted
    "fundamental problems which are essential to correct" for the drafts "to be
    fully in line with international standards" (see the opinion at

    In an 8 November 2013 interview with Armine Davtyan for the
    website, Deputy Justice Minister Grigor Muradyan said the new Religion Law
    draft was being finalised and would be presented to parliament in spring
    2014. He said a "significant proportion" of the Venice Commission's
    recommendations had been incorporated into the draft text.

    However, human rights defenders and religious communities note that the
    text of the proposed new Religion Law has not yet been made public.

    Danielyan of Collaboration for Democracy told Forum 18 he had sent the
    Justice Ministry ten pages of suggestions for the new Law in October. He
    has not had a response. He said that judging by previous occasions, the
    text of the proposed new Law will be made public only when it reaches

    One of Deputy Minister Muradyan's assistants at the Justice Ministry told
    Forum 18 on 6 December that the proposed new Religion Law is being handled
    by Deputy Justice Minister Arman Tatoyan. However, Tatoyan's assistant told
    Forum 18 the same day that he was not in the office.

    Bans in current Religion Law "OK"?

    Some religious communities want the new Law to introduce even more
    distinctions between religious communities, on top of the special status
    (and exclusive rights, for example its monopoly on preaching) the Armenian
    Apostolic Church already enjoys. "Instead of dividing religious communities
    between the Armenian Church and the rest, there should be a gradation," Fr
    Arseni Grigoryants of Yerevan's Russian Orthodox parish told Forum 18 from
    the city on 5 December.

    "While the special status of the Armenian Church should be respected, there
    should be a second category of religions which have been in Armenia for
    centuries." Asked if he had in mind such communities as Muslims, Catholics,
    Molokans, Yezidis and Orthodox, Fr Arseni said yes, but then said that
    Yezidis should be classed not as a religion but an ethnic minority (the
    faith is followed by most Armenian Kurds).

    Asked why members of all faiths should not have the same rights, Fr Arseni
    insisted that Armenia's "cultural traditions" needed to be respected in
    law. "I consider it OK that the Religion Law currently bans me from going
    out into the street and proclaiming that Orthodoxy is the correct religion.
    This is the right of the state." (END)

    More coverage of freedom of thought, conscience and belief in Armenia and
    the unrecognised entity of Nagorno-Karabakh is at

    A personal commentary, by Derek Brett of Conscience and Peace Tax
    International, on conscientious objection to military service and
    international law in the light of the European Court of Human Rights' July
    2011 Bayatyan judgment is at

    A compilation of Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
    (OSCE) freedom of religion or belief commitments can be found at

    A printer-friendly map of Armenia is available at

    All Forum 18 News Service material may be referred to, quoted from, or
    republished in full, if Forum 18 is credited as the

    © Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved. ISSN 1504-2855.

    From: A. Papazian