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ANKARA: Turkish FM aims for visa-free travel to northern Iraq

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  • ANKARA: Turkish FM aims for visa-free travel to northern Iraq

    World Bulletin, Turkey
    Dec 7 2013

    Turkish FM aims for visa-free travel to northern Iraq

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also touched on Iran, Armenia
    and the EU readmission agreement.

    World Bulletin / News Desk

    Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was on Haberturk TV on
    Friday evening to answer questions about the current topics on the
    agenda including the oil export deal with Irbil, EU-Turkey readmission
    agreement, relations with Armenia, and Turkey's foreign policy.

    In response to a question about how much further the Ankara-Irbil oil
    export deal could go without creating any concerns on the part of the
    central Iraqi government, Davutoglu said that he hoped that Baghdad
    and Irbil would make legal regulations regarding sharing of energy and
    resources without any problems being reflected on Turkey.

    Stressing that Turkey's biggest challenge was its requirement for more
    energy resources for its growing economy, Davutoglu said: "If you are
    planning Turkey's future, and your goal is to be among the top 10
    largest economies of the world, then you need to know both your
    strengths and weaknesses. Our biggest strength is manpower, and our
    weakness is energy resources. To maximize manpower, we need visa
    liberalization so that people can travel freely to anywhere in the
    world. And to increase energy resources, you would obviously want all
    energy lines to lead to Turkey".

    Davutoglu also noted that they supported the lifting of sanctions
    against Iran since it would lead to a drop in oil and gas prices, and
    allow Turkey to buy the cheapest energy available from its neighbor
    who has the largest natural gas reserves in the world.

    Regarding a question about the possibility of a visa-free travel to
    northern Iraq, Davutoglu said that the border crossing procedure
    between Turkey and Iraq needs to be simplified in a manner similar to
    the travel procedure among EU countries so that it is barely

    "Hopefully, one day people will be able to travel to Irbil without a
    visa, just like they can when travelling to Georgia. One day this will
    also be true for Aleppo and other cities as long as we continue to
    pursue our vision," Davutoglu said.


    Davutoglu also gave details about the readmission agreement to be
    signed with the European Union on December 16, saying that this
    agreement dealt with the returning of third-country nationals
    irregularly entering and/or residing on Turkey and EU territories.

    "After the readmission agreement is signed, we will not readmit
    foreign illegal migrants for a term of 3 years, therefore not bear
    additional liabilities. In the meantime, we will keep working on
    modernizing our system, and share any financial burdens that could
    arise with the EU. The EU has allocated 500 million EUR for this
    purpose only," Davutoglu noted.

    Davutoglu said that in order for an EU country to return anybody to
    Turkey, they would have to prove that the third-country national in
    question entered EU via Turkey, and even then, they would be
    readmitted after certain guarantees are ensured.

    Adding that the costs of those third-country nationals who could not
    go back to their countries either for financial or security reasons
    would be shared with EU, Davutoglu said that the readmission of up to
    a few thousand asylum seekers at most would in turn give 75 million
    Turkish citizens the right to travel to Europe without a visa.

    Regarding the concerns that any EU country might veto visa exemption,
    Davutoglu said that the decision would be based on a majority-based
    voting in order to prevent such a possibility.

    Underlining that the agreement has been negotiated very carefully,
    Davutoglu said: "Let's say the majority of the countries did not keep
    their promises. Then Turkey would be able to terminate the agreement.
    All guarantees have been put in place."


    In response to a question about Turkey's relations with Armenia,
    Davutoglu said: "Even if we establish a perfect relationship with
    Armenia, this would be jeopardized unless a peaceful environment is
    settled in southern Caucasus."

    Davutoglu further said that considering the good relations Turkey has
    been enjoying recently with Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Turkmenistan
    and Russia, the only missing link is Armenia: "We do not want such
    isolation. If Armenia wishes to be a part of this picture, then they
    need to respect the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan," Davutoglu

    Regarding criticisms against the alleged "resetting" of Turkish
    foreign policy, Davutoglu said: "They are ignoring the change in Iran
    after Rouhani came to power. If there is a change to Iran's foreign
    policy, Turkey would naturally read into it carefully, and review (its
    own foreign policy)".

    Dismissing any resetting, Davutoglu went on to say: "We are further
    enriching a just and principled foreign policy in consideration of the
    new attitudes of other actors in a dynamic conjuncture. This is where
    Turkey derives its power from. Consistency in principles, flexibility
    in methods, and effectiveness in implementation."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress