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Service in Mountains

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  • Service in Mountains

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    December 6, 2013 Friday


    Tatiana Zamakhina
    Source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 03, 2013, p. 2

    IN ARMENIA; Vladimir Putin started a state visit to Armenia not from
    Armenia but from Gyumri where the Russian military base was located.
    Not a single Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia visited this
    strategic object before.

    Vladimir Putin started a state visit to Armenia not from Armenia but
    from Gyumri where the Russian military base was located. Not a single
    Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia visited this strategic object

    Gyumri is the second biggest city of Armenia according to population.
    It serves the Russian 102nd military base that has about 4,000

    President Dmitry Medvedev visited Gyumri in 2010 but did not reach the
    base. Along with this, he signed an agreement on prolongation of the
    time of its stay in the country for 49 years. A new duty was added for
    Russians servicemen then. This is provision of security of Armenia
    together with the Armenian armed forces.

    Putin arrived to the object together with his Armenian colleague Serzh
    Sargsian. The presidents were met by commander of the 102nd base
    Andrei Ruzinsky. He reported to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief about
    goals and readiness of the base. According to the colonel, it is in
    100% combat readiness and is fully manned.

    Crew of air defense missile systems S-300 and squadron of MiG-29
    fighters serve there. In total, there are about 1,000 units of
    military hardware. The base was formed in 1995. Russia does not pay
    the rent.

    At the end of the visit guests were led to the parade grounds for
    demonstration of freshly painted military hardware. Air defense
    missile systems Buk-M1-2 and Strela-10, multiple rocket launcher
    systems Smerch and other models of hardware were lined up on the
    parade ground. There were no novelties but all systems were modern.

    The press service of the Southern Military District reported that the
    hardware was prepared not only for the visit of Putin. The reason was
    that a new training year began in the troops including the 102nd base
    on the day of the visit.

    Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented saying that there was
    no need to look for symbolic meaning in the visit of the Supreme
    Commander-in-Chief to the Russian military base. He added, "This is an
    ordinary visit."

    [Translated from Russian]
