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Nagorno Karabakh Through The Eyes of Travel Agencies

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  • Nagorno Karabakh Through The Eyes of Travel Agencies

    Wednesday, 27 November 2013 16:05

    As we reported earlier, on November 12, the Valex Garden
    HotelCompany organized a conference in Stepanakert on tourism
    development in Artsakh.

    Representatives of the companies dealing with tourism in
    the RA and NKR, as well as Chief of the NKR Department of Tourism and
    Historical Environment Protection Sergey Shakhverdian attended the
    conference. Some of the conference participants shared their opinions
    and impressions with the Azat Artsakh readers.

    Sergey SHAKHVERDIAN, Chief of the NKR Department of Tourism and
    Historical Environment Protection

    - The initiative can be only welcomed. Generally, we try to make
    similar visits frequent and regular. The importance of similar
    conferences is that we get the opportunity to learn the opinions of
    the tourism sphere's employees on our activity, its positive and
    negative sides. It became clear during the conference that it would be
    constructive. Quite rational proposals were sounded and issues that we
    have to decide were raised. Frankly speaking, there were also
    superficial ideas. So, we'll have to analyze and summarize the entire
    information and to find the optimal options for increasing the tourism
    image of our country and for resolving the issues, which should be
    preliminarily studied. And all the reasonable proposals will certainly
    be implemented. We aren't, surely, satisfied with the statistics on
    the tourists coming to Artsakh (though the flow is growing from year
    to year). We do everything to increase their number and try to improve
    the level of service. The state is making enormous efforts in this

    Michael GALUMIAN, Director of Valex Garden Hotel Company

    - We have long wanted to organize such an event. The goal
    is to familiarize travel agents of Armenia with Artsakh, as different
    countries of the world sell their packages to them and they can be
    useful in terms of tourism development in the NKR. Almost 90% of them
    have not been to Artsakh and, surely, have no idea of the changes in
    the country, its development opportunities, abilities, places of
    interest; in other words, we have presented them everything, for which
    a tourist is ready to pay. At the same time, we tried to present also
    ourselves. I think we have succeeded. We will show them the sights of
    Artsakh, and I believe they will leave Artsakh with great impressions.

    Helena SHUVAYEVA-PETROSSIAN, editor-in-chief of Tourist Armeniajournal

    - I arrived in Artsakh a little earlier than the main
    group and unlike many of them, I'm not here for the first time. My
    current visit was in the framework of cooperation between the Mayor's
    Offices of Yerevan and Stepanakert. According to the contract, Yerevan
    Municipality pledged to build a park here. Its draft was presented to
    the Mayor of Stepanakert. I participated in a roundtable organized by
    the two Mayors' Offices and then extended my trip to participate in
    this forum. I traveled a lot in Artsakh, as I'm fond of
    mountaineering, and there is no better place than Nagorno-Karabakh.
    Nagorno-Karabakh immediately made a great impression on me. It is
    surprising that the whole world is solving the Karabakh issue, while
    the people of Karabakh have long resolved it themselves and they just
    live in this wonderful land. Unfortunately, many tourists consider
    Artsakh a war zone. Some of them even asked me, «Is it true that the
    Lachin corridor is a narrow road controlled by armed forces, and
    Karabakh is a dangerous military zone?» Surely, I explained that it is
    not so. At the same time, it is my duty to inform the masses about the
    history and sights of this country.

    Camella KARAKHANIAN, manager of Tatev travel agency

    - I have worked at the agency for almost 14 years. The agency itself
    has operated for 21 years. Immediately after Armenia gained
    independence it was based by an Iranian businessman of Armenian
    origin. I'm from Iran and moved to Armenia 15 years ago. The first
    group, which our agency brought to Artsakh 12 years ago, comprised 48
    people. That time there were almost no hotels in Artsakh, and
    comparatively comfortable was Nairi hotel. But even then, tourists got
    quite good impressions of Artsakh. Then, we began to periodically
    bring here groups, and each time the impressions were more vivid.
    Currently, the situation in Armenia is somewhat different - more
    tourists want to go abroad than to travel within the country. Yet, we
    bring one or two groups to Artsakh in a month. As for European
    tourists, if their travel package has at least one-week vacation, we
    certainly include Artsakh in it. Tourists always come back with great
    impressions. The only problem is a long road. Let's admit that the
    Yerevan - Stepanakert highway is very tiring and hard for the guests.
    For small groups, the issue of guide is topical, which also requires
    an immediate solution. I offered Sergey Shakhverdian to place a list
    of guides at the website, if there are any, because we do not know
    whom to contact for such services. I believe that through cooperation
    we'll be able to organize the work more effectively.

    Zara ADAMIAN, manager of Sakvoyaj Travel domestic tourism agency

    - I think the issue of guides requires an immediate
    solution. The agencies of Armenia should cooperate with officials of
    the NKR tourism sphere, as well as to study and apply the
    international experience. It is desirable that the guides are locals.
    Yet, here is another issue for the future. We'd like to see tourists
    not to coming to Armenia and just for a day or two to Artsakh, but
    treating Artsakh as an independent tourism entity. Similar tourists
    are already available. And this practice should be developed.

    Srbuhi VANIAN
