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A Night Dedicated to Vision and Values

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  • A Night Dedicated to Vision and Values

    A Night Dedicated to Vision and Values
    Friday, December 6th, 2013

    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti speaks after receiving the ANCA's "Man
    of the Year" Award


    LOS ANGELES - On the evening of November 30 the Ray Dolby Ballroom was
    filled to capacity, a sea of round tables with green colored programs
    perched atop the tabletops posing a striking contrast to the black
    linen cloths covering nearly 100 beautifully decorated tables. As I
    glanced around the ballroom after a long day of set-up was complete,
    the ANCA logo - with its characteristic red, blue, and orange next to
    the stars and stripes - was evident from every place setting
    meticulously set at each participant's seat. The green draped programs
    figuratively represented the grassroots mission of the ANCA, standing
    tall and proud.

    This was not an ordinary gathering of nearly 1,000 Southern
    Californians in the heart of the city center. No. This was the
    expression of a dream. The image of a people's devotion to the
    betterment of a nation. One with purpose. One with vision and values.
    This was the 2013 ANCA-Western Region Annual Banquet Gala. And it was
    a night certainly to be remembered for many years to come.

    It was clear that months of hard work by the banquet committee had
    paid off. Led by veteran ANCA leader Aida Dimejian and co-chair Sareen
    Bezdikian, Esq., the Annual Banquet, celebrated on the second day of a
    three day ANCA-WR Grassroots Conference, will undoubtedly go down in
    ANCA-WR history as one of the greatest and brightest.

    The Ghalian family at the ANCA Western Region Annual Banquet Gala

    The evening began with an impressive presentation of flags by the
    Homenetmen Scouts, followed by the national anthems of the U.S. and
    Armenia that were sung by Raffi Kerbabian. After welcoming remarks
    were delivered by banquet co-chairs, Dimejian and Bezdikian, each of
    whom thanked the tireless efforts of countless staff, volunteers,
    committees, donors, and activists, and particularly acknowledged and
    expressed gratitude on behalf of the ANCA-WR to the Ghailian Family as
    the main sponsor of the banquet, as well as major donors Varant &
    Hoori Melkonian, Harry & Cheryl Nadjarian, and Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian,
    the night's first honoree quickly kicked the evening into high gear.

    The `Man of the Year' Award was presented to none other than Los
    Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti by Raffi Hamparian, a member of the ANCA
    National Board. Garcetti has a long history of supporting
    Armenian-American interests, particularly as Los Angeles City
    Councilman for 12 years, representing Little Armenia. Mayor Garcetti
    spoke fondly of his relationship with Armenians in office,
    particularly his close working relationship with L.A. Council Member
    Paul Krekorian, among others. Recalling his visit to various Armenian
    cities and monuments in the homeland, Mayor Garcetti demonstrated his
    admiration and appreciation for Armenians all around the world,
    particularly in Southern California, many of whom supported his
    campaign for Los Angeles Mayor. Most notably, he encouraged the youth
    to get involved in politics and aspire for the highest political
    offices, so to bring a positive change to the causes they are most
    passionate about. Garcetti also reminded the attendees of his
    continuous support for the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and the
    importance of achieving Armenian Genocide recognition, causes which he
    vowed to remain dedicated to as Mayor and as a potential officer of
    higher political offices in the future.

    Mayor Garcetti went on to praise the enormous work conducted by the
    ANCA-WR, as he has had a close working relationship with the
    organization prior to, and since, becoming Mayor of Los Angeles. In
    addition, Garcetti specifically commended the brave leadership of
    Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian, Esq. and noted the rarity of seeing females
    in positions of leadership for such influential organizations as the

    Primate of Artsakh Diocese, Archbishop Parkev Martirosyan being
    presented the ANCA "Khrimian Hayrig" Award by Dr. Viken Hovsepian,
    with Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and Western
    Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian on stage during the ANCA-WR Annual

    Following the presentation of the `Man of the Year' Award, the
    invocation and blessing was collectively conducted by Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of
    the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, Reverend Joseph D.
    Matossian, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, and Very
    Reverend Father Krikor Chahinian of St. Gregory Catholic Church.

    Next, Dr. Viken Hovsepian, Chairman of the A.R.F. Dashnaksoutioun
    Western USA, invited Archbishops Hovnan Derderian and Moushegh
    Mardirossian to the stage to jointly present the `Khrimian Hayrig'
    Award to Archbishop Barkev Martirosyan, Primate of the Diocese of
    Artsakh. Dr. Hovsepian premised his introduction of the Archbishop
    around Ernest Hemmingway's quote, `Courage is grace under pressure,'
    drawing examples from Martirosyan's life that make him a living
    testament that embodies the truth of this quote. Archbishop
    Martirosyan has been an inspirational figure in Artsakh, most
    recognized for providing religious guidance and moral support to
    Armenian soldiers and their families during and after the Artsakh
    Liberation War. In his acceptance speech, which he eloquently
    delivered in English and Armenian, Martirosyan stressed what an
    important figure Khrimian Hayrig has been for him, both as an
    individual, and particularly, as a clergyman, making the award in his
    name all that much more meaningful to him personally. During his
    annual visit to California, the Archbishop participated in the Armenia
    Fund Telethon, to encourage worldwide financial support for the
    redevelopment of the war-torn areas of Artsakh.

    Renowned basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian received the "People's Choice" Award

    In keeping pace with the presentation of high-level honorees, the
    following award was presented to legendary Coach Jerry `Tark the
    Shark' Tarkanian, recipient of the `People's Choice Award.' In
    introducing Tarkanian, Steve Artinian, ANCA-WR Board Member built
    excitement and adrenalin while recounting the life and legacy of the
    famous and revered coach, who had taken his UNLV teams to four Final
    Four Regional Championships, as well as a NCAA Division I Men's
    Basketball Championship. Many of the attendees, both young and old,
    grew up watching Tarkanian on National TV as he led his teams to
    various victories. It is perhaps Tarkanian's acceptance speech during
    his Basketball Hall of Fame Induction in September 2013 that garnered
    even more widespread support for the coach, who reminded the world of
    the life of struggle his immigrant Armenian parents endured, both of
    whom fled their homeland on horseback with nothing but the clothes on
    their back as a result of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the
    Young Turk government in 1915. In what was likely the night's most
    emotional acceptance speech, Tarkanian thanked the ANCA and his fellow
    Armenian people for recognizing him with the esteemed honor. Being in
    close contact with Jerry's son throughout the months leading up to the
    banquet, it was all that much more moving to learn that due to his
    deteriorating health, Coach Tarkanian had not spoken as many words in
    a week's time as he did while addressing the crowd gathered to honor
    him at the banquet.

    ANCA-WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan presented Certificates of
    Appreciation to the young ANCA-WR 2013 interns: Marissa Bazikian,
    Anoush Djrbashian, Ani Isayan, Natalie Kalbakian, Paulina Safarian,
    Alina Sarkissian, and Levon Shant Tossonian

    Guests enjoyed a special menu featuring dinner catered by celebrity
    chef Wolfgang Puck. Within what seemed a flash of time, dinner was
    followed by the ceremony recognizing the work of a handful of interns
    that tirelessly dedicated themselves to ANCA-WR in 2013. The young
    graduates, Marissa Bazikian, Anoush Djrbashian, Ani Isayan, Natalie
    Kalbakian, Paulina Safarian, Alina Sarkissian, and Levon Shant
    Tossonian, committed to the mission of Hye Tad were each presented
    with Certificates of Appreciation by ANCA-WR Executive Director, Elen
    Asatryan, honoring them as future leaders of the ANCA. Surely, it was
    a moving moment for all those who had the opportunity to witness it.

    Ms. Asatryan spoke of the unique experience ANCA interns acquire while
    working at the ANCA office, quickly becoming part of the larger ANCA
    family starting from orientation day. Immediately, they become sitting
    members of committees ranging from Government Affairs, to education,
    to Grassroots Conferences, and have opportunities to meet one-on-one
    with local, state and federal elected officials. Interns are taught
    every detail of organizing communities, drafting press advisories,
    fundraising and implementing project proposals. As she explained, the
    true testament of ANCA's internship program lies in the success
    stories of ANCA alumni who have gone on to work for public officials,
    government agencies, non-profit organizations, and various political

    ANCA-WR Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian, Esq., spoke about the broad scope
    of work conducted by the ANCA-WR in the last year

    Thereafter, one of the highlights of the evening was the address of
    ANCA-WR Chairwoman, Nora Hovsepian, Esq., who delivered a passionate
    account of the broad scope of work conducted by the ANCA-WR in the
    last year. A poignant moment in her speech was when she asked
    attendees to stand if they had ever served or volunteered their time
    for an Armenian organization whose mission they are devoted to.
    Repeating the question in varying forms, soon the entire ballroom was
    filled with only standing attendees, a testament to the point Mrs.
    Hovsepian aimed to make; that is to say, each person in attendance
    that evening was a selfless devotee of Hye Tad and dedicated to the
    collective improvement of the Armenian Nation.

    Following Mrs. Hovsepian's address, the much-anticipated ANCA Annual
    Banquet video entitled `The Cause Endures - The Hope Still Lives,' was
    presented. Every year, one of the highlights attendees look most
    forward to is a video summarizing the year's work of the ANCA-WR, with
    all its local chapters, and its grassroots activism on both local and
    regional levels. To state that the annual banquet video was powerful
    would be a gross understatement. Utilizing excerpts from historic
    speeches delivered by President Ronald Reagan, Martin Luther King Jr.,
    and Senator Ted Kennedy based on the theme of pursuing a dream with
    strong will and endless hope, coupled with strategic musical
    interludes and images of the countless activities organized throughout
    the year, the video galvanized the crowd and instilled further will to
    carry on the work and sacred mission of the ANCA. The video also
    featured moments from a first-of-its-kind official delegation visit to
    Armenia and Artsakh in 2013, jointly organized by ANCA-WR, the
    California State Assembly, and Los Angeles City Council, with the
    participation of Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, Assemblymembers
    Katcho Achadjian, Cheryl Brown, Adrin Nazarian, Scott Wilk and wife
    Vanessa Safoian Wilk, Los Angeles City Councilmembers Bob Blumenfield
    and Paul Krekorian.

    The `Vahan Cardashian' Award was presented to young activist Ara Soudjian

    Many people commented that the banquet was dynamic, with the
    attendance of energetic and professional youth. Perhaps this was due
    to the fact that the `Vahan Cardashian' Award was presented to Ara
    Soudjian, a shining example of a young activist who is a product of
    his community. Despite Ara's successful career as a filmmaker, he has
    always used his talents in film and media to further advance the
    Armenian Cause, producing `Get Out the Vote' videos, annual ANCA
    banquet videos, and documenting Genocide survivor stories. Longtime
    friend of Soudjian and ANCA-WR Board Member Raffi Kassabian, Esq.
    presented the award to Ara and discussed the reasons why he was a
    worthy recipient of the award. Despite this, Soudjian, in his
    acceptance speech, recognized every individual there that night as
    modern day Vahan Cardashians stating, `it's not me, it's all of are Hye Tad.' In dedicating his award to his father, he
    stressed what a pivotal role he has played in his life, particularly
    in teaching him the importance of giving back to one's community and

    ANCA-WR Board Member Pattyl Aposhian-Kasparian presented the
    `Legislator of the Year' Award to California State Assembly Member
    Katcho Achadjian

    The `Legislator of the Year' Award was presented to California State
    Assembly Member Katcho Achadjian by Pattyl Aposhian-Kasparian, ANCA-WR
    Board Member. Since taking office in 2010 representing the 35th
    Assembly District of San Luis Obispo County, Katcho Achadjian has
    worked tirelessly on Armenian-American issues, such as introducing the
    Return of Churches Joint Resolution calling on Turkey to respect
    religious freedom. Assemblyman Achadjian was also part of the
    legislative delegation to Armenia and Artsakh in September 2013.
    Emotional and humbled by the honor, Achadjian thanked the ANCA for
    recognizing his work and vowed to continue to support
    Armenian-American interests dear to his heart.

    The banquet was attended by countless local, state, and federal
    elected officials who were seated throughout different corners of the
    ballroom, mixing and mingling with the people, engaging in grassroots
    activities, and getting to know what mattered most to them on a
    personal level. This is another reason the ANCA Annual Banquet
    provides a unique forum for politicians and laypersons alike to get to
    know one another, and join hands in solidarity to advance the goals of
    the Armenian-American community, whether it be Hye Tad, or improving
    the life of Armenians in Armenia and throughout the world.

    ANCA-WR Advisory Board Member Levon Kirakosian presented the `Legacy'
    award to longtime community activist and supporter Manas Boujikian.

    Lastly, the `Legacy' Award was presented to longtime community
    activist and supporter Manas Boujikian. Levon Kirakosian, ANCA-WR
    Advisory Board Member, who fondly recounted the personal and community
    relationship he has shared with Boujikian over the course of the last
    few decades, presented the award to his friend. Mr. Boujikian has been
    committed to advancing Armenian advocacy nearly his entire life and
    has served several terms as Chair of the ANCA-WR and the ANCA National
    Board. His generous philanthropy has funded many long-term projects,
    including contributing to the purchase of the ANCA National
    Headquarters in Washington DC. In his typical humble manner, Mr.
    Boujikian gave thanks to the organization which he has given so much
    to, without ever expecting any special recognition.

    `The success of the ANCA-WR Annual Banquet speaks volumes about the
    influence of our grassroots. The ANCA's all-star line up of banquet
    honorees demonstrates that our cause is a common one that can be
    achieved in many ways, whether it be through the power of the pen,
    sports, film, religion or philanthropy. The evening's success was a
    good reminder of not only the great work that the ANCA has
    accomplished, but the significant work that still lies ahead,' stated
    Sareen Bezdikian, Esq., Co-Chair of the banquet.

    Co-Chair of the banquet, Sareen Bezdikian, Esq.

    Aida Dimejian, Co-Chair of the banquet explained, `The ANCA has its
    finger on the pulse of our community and ensures that our issues are
    on the forefront locally and statewide. With thousands of activists,
    we were able to achieve tremendous victories this past year, which was
    showcased at our marquee event - the 2013 Annual Banquet. I am proud
    of each and every individual who does their part in advancing the
    Armenian Cause.'

    Yes. It was a great night! One to be proud of. And I think one reason
    for that is that no one there would ask `Why?' Why do ANCA supporters
    return year after year and stand alongside this organization and share
    their Thanksgiving weekend with their extended Armenian-American
    family? Why do we donate a portion of our hard-earned income to this
    organization? It was clear there was no need to ask these questions.
    Everyone there knew the invaluable work the ANCA conducts and the
    political clout the ANCA carries in the halls of Congress to push
    forward Armenian-American interests. Indeed. Everyone knew that the
    ANCA is the organization that speaks up to stop the desecration of
    ancient churches, monuments, and khatchkars as part of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan's efforts to erase the memory of our 4,000 years of
    Armenian history. We know well that the ANCA is responsible for
    responding to Turkish and Azerbaijani efforts to isolate and
    impoverish Armenia through illegal blockades and use their
    geopolitical leverage and alliance to deny the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic its right to self-determination. In the face of such
    injustices, the ANCA is the Armenian-American grassroots political
    organization that gives voice to the views and values of the
    Armenian-American community. We know that too. There is no other
    organization that carries out such a broad range of work for the
    improvement of Armenia and the Diaspora. And we understand that we
    must stand beside this organization and enable it to forge forward in
    such tasks for the betterment of each and every one of us.

    `After many months of planning, the ANCA-WR was gratified to bring
    together six esteemed honorees and nearly 1,000 community activists,
    leaders, supporters and representatives from the full spectrum of
    Armenian governmental, political, religious, youth, social, cultural
    and athletic organizations and entities operating in the Western
    United States, all of whom enthusiastically acknowledged the ANCA's
    tremendous work in pursuit of the Armenian Cause. It was particularly
    moving to see the entire ballroom audience stand up and commit
    themselves to the grassroots efforts of Hye Tad, and we look forward
    to further activating our community's strength beyond this one
    unforgettable evening toward the collective achievement of our common
    national goals,' stated Nora Hovsepian, Esq. Chairwoman of the

    Co-Chair of the banquet Aida Dimejian

    The success of the ANCA-WR Annual Banquet was measured by the
    gathering of a group of passionate individuals with a vision, each
    committed to something greater than themselves. Something more
    lasting, more permanent, and more powerful than just the here and the
    now. It was the will and the devotion of each and every participant
    who attended the banquet and whose devotion and philanthropy
    transcended regional boundaries and extends to the greater good of our
    nation and people. Success was the bringing together of such people
    who believe in the pursuit of justice with respect to the Armenian
    Cause, and beyond...

    The Armenian National Committee of America- Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.
