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Turkish expert: Armenia is integral part of South Caucasus and we ha

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  • Turkish expert: Armenia is integral part of South Caucasus and we ha

    Turkish expert: Armenia is integral part of South Caucasus and we have
    to consider and negotiate with it

    19:50 07/12/2013 » INTERVIEWS

    "Not only I call the Azerbaijani authorities partially dictatorial,
    but also the other political analysts and experts,' said the head of
    the Turkish Center for Strategic Studies of the Caucasus Dr. Hasan
    Oktay in the interview given to the Azerbaijani portal ""

    Portal notes that Hasan Oktay denies his ties with the elite of
    Erdogan, however, according to some members of the Nationalist Party
    of Turkey, he and his Center are very close to the ruling circles.

    Hasan Oktay noted that at the international symposium entitled "From
    the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea - a strategic view" the recent
    elections in all three South Caucasus countries were discussed. "At
    the end it came out that the most undemocratic elections were held in
    Azerbaijan. And no matter how much the authorities of your country
    repeat that they were held democratically, the international community
    has a basic opinion which says the opposite," he said.

    "Azerbaijan believes that all the problems, including problems with
    democracy, are the results of unsettled Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijani
    authorities want to assure the entire world that if tomorrow there are
    breaks in Azerbaijan then they will be deposed: this is a wrong
    approach. Such statements are made only by those leaders who do not
    believe in themselves. Difference between the people and the
    authorities of Azerbaijan is in this, when your people want more
    freedom, and the government hinders it," Hasan Oktay said.

    The expert noted that between the people and the authorities of
    Azerbaijan a big gap is formed, and it is observed by everyone in the
    world. "Someone has to tell about this directly to the official Baku.
    We do not need new Gaddafis, Assads, Saddam Husseins on the territory
    of the Turkic world, thus we should always remind the Azerbaijani
    authorities that the path they have chosen, is incorrect and does not
    correspond to the interests of the Azerbaijani people, but to their
    own ones. We really do not want to see the Libyan scenario repeated in
    Azerbaijan in the future," he said.

    Answering the question of how strong do the Azerbaijani authorities
    hinder the Turkish policy in the Caucasus, Hasan Oktay stated that
    Ankara carries out a pragmatic policy, and it must, in the end, tell
    Baku that the latter must come down from the heavens onto the earth
    and accept the reality. Any step made by Turkey in connection to
    Armenia and Karabakh, even if it is for the benefit of Baku, causes
    panic among the Azerbaijani authorities. "Both the authorities and the
    opposition of Turkey, are in Azerbaijani authorities' trap too, and
    thus, our entire foreign policy, in fact, is held hostage by Baku.
    That's how I regard Davutoglu's refusal to visit Yerevan on December
    12 and to attend the meeting of BSEC Council (yesterday Davutoglu
    stated that he would leave for Yerevan "")," the expert noted.

    Oktay is sure that Davutoglu should go to Armenia, as far as it is
    also in the interests of Azerbaijan. Turkey on its part, is trying to
    budge the solution of this problem, and the Azerbaijani authorities
    should not hinder it. Azerbaijan should decide: either to declare
    firmly of their intention to "liberate" the territory, or to abandon
    them forever, or else to agree on the present status quo.
    "Azerbaijan, however, does not hurry to develop and express its final
    position on this issue," the expert stated.

    Hasan Oktay stressed that at the moment, Turkey carries out its policy
    fully in accordance with the interests of Baku. "I think this is a
    wrong approach, as Turkey as a large country, should take the
    initiative in all matters, and not look back at Baku. And what did we
    see immediately after the signing of the protocols in Zurich? Prime
    Minister Erdogan arrived in Baku and delivered to your parliament with
    a speech stating that Turkey will never take up steps which could harm
    Azerbaijan. All these recent actions carried out by Turkey serve to
    preserve the status quo in the region," he noted.

    "Whether we like it or not, Armenia is an integral part of the South
    Caucasus, and we are forced to reckon with its existence.
    This means that if we want changes then we have to find a way to come
    to an agreement with it. If we begin to look back at Baku, then
    everything will remain the same, which is not in the interests of
    either Azerbaijan or Turkey. Karabakh conflict is one of the most
    painful problems of the region. Therefore, we, together with Baku must
    develop a new strategy to resolve this conflict. Either Azerbaijan has
    to put the international community under pressure and to settle the
    conflict peacefully, or it has to start a war for the liberation of
    Karabakh. There is no third way out there," said the expert.

    According to Hasan Oktay, Turkey will not open its border with Armenia
    on the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. The expert recalled
    statement made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on May
    16, when he stated that the border with Armenia will not be opened
    until the Karabakh conflict is solved. "But my personal opinion is
    that Turkey should open the borders," Oktay said.

    "We must open the borders unconditionally," the Turkish expert stated,
    noting that the Armenians "in the first place, have to change their
    mentality and make peace with Turkey and Azerbaijan."
