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Davutoglu and Mammedyarov Are Coming To Take Territories From

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  • Davutoglu and Mammedyarov Are Coming To Take Territories From

    Davutoglu and Mammedyarov Are Coming To Take Territories From

    On December 12 the foreign minister of Turkey Ahmed Davutoglu will
    visit Yerevan. The Azerbaijan foreign minister Mammedyarov may also
    arrive. At least, it has been stated that all the BSEC member states
    will attend the session.

    The two ministers visit Armenia in a period of tug of war in both
    Armenian-Turkish normalization and the Karabakh movement. Both the
    West and Russia are trying to use the Armenian issues to achieve their

    The West wants to restore communication between Armenia and Turkey and
    Iran without changing the status quo in Karabakh because communication
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan does not interest the West. In this
    case the role of Armenia of a geopolitical restraint plays a role.

    Russia is trying to open communication with Azerbaijan to have access
    to Iran and Turkey via Armenia. On the other hand, Russia keeps
    Armenia's borders under control and they will try to open the borders
    `under its own conditions', preventing diversification of the economy
    and communication channels of Armenia.

    Turkey is trying to play on these two trends and achieve its goals:
    grab several regions from Karabakh and reduce the pressure of the West
    that may increase in 2015. Therefore, Turkey needs to boost Russia's
    pressure on Armenia, which is possible if Azerbaijan agrees to open
    the border in return for several territories of Karabakh.

    Although sovereignty and the craving for transferring to Russia all of
    Russia's the strategic assets, Armenia remains a geopolitical factor
    and may play its own game. And for this reason one need not run from
    one master to another but to protect one's own interests.

    Armenia's interests are clear: restoring relations with neighbors
    without preconditions, maintain the status quo in Karabakh and toughen
    claims to Turkey.

    The visit of Davutoglu and Mammedyarov to Yerevan has created a `good
    will' atmosphere in return for which they will demand `gifts' from
    Armenia. However, the answer to a visit could be another visit rather
    than `difficult decisions' and deployment of troops. The Armenian
    society should display it to Turkey, as it displayed to Russia on
    December 2.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    16:26 07/12/2013
    Story from News:
