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Poverty rate highest in quake-affected Shirak region 25 years on

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  • Poverty rate highest in quake-affected Shirak region 25 years on

    Poverty rate highest in quake-affected Shirak region 25 years on - opinion

    15:47 - 07.12.13

    In an interview with, Levon Barseghyan, a member of Gyumri's
    municipal council and the president of the Asparez club of
    journalists, talked of the problems in the second largest city. He
    focused particularly on the poverty rate, saying that it remains the
    highest in Armenia 25 years after the devastating earthquake.

    `The government records show the highest poverty rate in the Shirak
    region and in Gyumri; every second person is poverty-stricken here.
    What we say is that two in three are poor. If we guide ourselves by
    the state data, half of the city's population lives in poverty. We are
    rich in spirit, of course, and generous, but the situation is hard in
    terms of social conditions. More than 4,000 families are poor; we are
    trying with great difficulty to ensure warmth in the [temporary
    shelters],' he said.

    Are there expectations for job creation to change the living standards?

    It's over ten years I offered different government officials to
    establish special tax, pension and loan regimes for our city and the
    disaster zone before we manage to reduce the vulnerability here and
    raise the socio-economic standards to the general level in Armenia.
    And I don't mean only the apartment building. The average poverty rate
    is 35% in Armenia; in the Shirak region, it reaches 47%. The
    unemployment rate is dramatically high here, with the migration being
    incomparably higher compared to other places. I used to think and
    still think that the state has a program to carry out.

    What programs do you mean? Will you give more details?

    The state is obliged to implement investment, economic and social
    development projects so that we could upgrade the situation to the
    average standards in Armenia.

    For that, it is necessary to launch special loan, pension and tax
    policies for this region. Certain taxes could be reduced here, for
    instance; the profit tax could be completely eliminated and the
    pension deductions reduced. After all, they could have an apartment
    building project. These are very important conditions to direct the
    money here; these are good tools to promote investments.

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