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Israeli Political Analyst: Azerbaijan Has Unfriendly Attitude To Isr

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  • Israeli Political Analyst: Azerbaijan Has Unfriendly Attitude To Isr


    00:48 10/12/2013 " REGION

    Azerbaijan has unfriendly attitude to Israel, said Israeli scholar
    Avigdor Eskin, in an interview given to Azerbaijan portal ""

    He also noted that Israel's relations with Turkey are still very tense.

    "There is a mutually beneficial relationship between Israel and
    Azerbaijan. And I've always been for strengthening them. At the
    same time, we understand that Azerbaijan's attitude to Israel is
    unfriendly. With Georgia, for instanse, we have more open and close
    relationship. While Azerbaijan has not yet opened its embassy in
    Israel. That says a lot," Eskin said.

    Commenting on question whether it is possible that the Israeli
    parliament will recognize the Armenian Genocide carried out in the
    Ottoman Empire in 1915, Avigdor Eskin stated: "The fact of the crimes
    carried out against the Armenian people in 1915 is not an issue for
    any serious historian."

    Commenting on the Israeli-Turkish relations, Avigdor Eskin stated
    that they are still tense because of the incident connected with the
    "Mavi Marmara" ship.

    "Relations with Turkey remain very tense. Istanbul committed aggression
    against us, allowing the vessels with the terrorists to sail to our
    shores. I wonder how would the Erdogan government reacted to the fact
    of sending of several Israeli vessels with an aid for the Kurds on
    board? But Erdogan is irrational. The relationship between us can
    improve when the psychosis passes," he beleives.

    According to the political scientist, Israel has opposed the Geneva
    agreements on the nuclear issues between Iran and the West, because
    it remembers the precedent of North Korea, which has deceived the
    international community. "Hence the fears that Tehran might do the
    same. In Jerusalem they believed that it was necessary to preserve
    the sanctions against Iran and to hold negotiations on somewhat later
    stage," he said.

    In the same time the political scientist noted that while Iran was
    in friendly terms with Israel, the two countries where in very good
    relations. "It was Iran that in the person of Ayatollah Khomeini
    severed relations with Israel," Eskin said, noting that Khamenei
    and Ahmadinejad, leaders of Iran, have repeatedly threatened to
    destroy Israel.

