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Armenian Eurobonds Pave The Way For Further Financial Development

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  • Armenian Eurobonds Pave The Way For Further Financial Development

    Monday, December 9th, 2013

    Investment Banking Director of Ameriabank Arno Mosikyan

    YEREVAN (Arka)-On September 19, Armenia completed its first
    issuing of Eurobonds. The volume of the issue was $700 million,
    with a maturity period of 7 years, and yield of 6 percent. The
    main underwriters of the issue were Deutsche Bank, London Branch,
    HSBC Bank and J.P.Morgan Securities. According to the Ministry of
    Finance of the Republic of Armenia, the demand for Armenia's first
    US dollar-denominated Eurobonds crossed $3 billion during the very
    first days of their issuing. In his interview with Arka News Agency,
    Investment Banking Director at Ameriabank Arno Mosikyan talked about
    the Armenia's pioneering Eurobonds.

    ARKA: What is your evaluation of Armenia's first issue of Eurobonds?

    ARNO MOSIKYAN: The decision to enter the Euro-market was a right one
    and we do hope that the market terms of the attracted funds will help
    manage public finance and debt more effectively.

    Both teams, the team of underwriters and our country's team at road
    shows in New York, Los Angeles and London, were quite representative.

    Overall, the executive part of the project was very well planned.

    Ameriabank kept a finger on the pulse from preparation stages until
    the closing of the transaction. Our friends and colleagues from JP
    Morgan and other investment banks, as well as investors attending
    the road show, were quite impressed by our team. According to one of
    our partners, a famous institutional asset manager who had attended
    the road show in New York, the team of our Ministry of Finance and
    Central Bank was able to adequately answer even the most scrutinizing
    questions from investors.

    However, in our opinion there were two major factors adversely
    affecting the yield of bonds: certain geopolitical developments
    which were information-wise not well planned. We believe we could
    have saved dozens of basis points if we had done the media planning
    more efficiently and organized the underwriter/lead manager selection
    process more transparently.

    As for maturity and volume, they depend on the yield. Note that the
    volume of subscription to these first Eurobonds of Armenia shows
    that investors are interested in our debt papers and we can attract
    another 2-3 billion from international debt capital market.

    ARKA: How will the issue of Eurobonds influence Armenian stock and
    financial markets and the economy as a whole?

    A.M.: The impact on Armenia's stock market cannot be efficiently
    assessed since the market itself is in a nascent stage and there is no
    apparent correlation between the issuing of Eurobonds and our stock
    market. But there are certain indirect factors which can influence
    our market. Just the fact of the issuing of Eurobonds and appearance
    of the name "Armenia" in the international debt capital market can
    increase investors' awareness of our country and there is a chance
    that they will more frequently than before consider Armenia for other
    potential investments.

    The influence on the financial sector will be more tangible. By
    issuing Eurobonds, the government set a minimum threshold for those
    corporate issuers, including banks and credit organizations, which
    attract debt from international markets. This means that the limit
    of attracted IFI loans for banks is now closely connected with the
    current and future yield of sovereign Eurobonds: the lower the yield,
    the lower the interest rates for attracted loans and hence the lower
    the rate for funds on-lent to economy.

    As regards overall impact on economy, all our hope is that government
    will use the attracted funds efficiently and pursuant to the same
    reasonable logic which has been helping developed countries for well
    over 300 years: credit funds should only be invested in those projects,
    the return of which is higher than the interest rate of the credit. If
    the attracted funds are "locked" in inefficient projects such as
    asphalting the streets in Yerevan, we will drive ourselves into a debt
    pit whence there is only one way out - default and loss of sovereignty.

    Note that 2014-2017 will be rather hard years for Armenia in terms
    that the peak of external public debt payments falls upon these years.

    Therefore if we use the attracted funds correctly we will be able
    to mitigate this huge outflow of funds, achieve multiplier effect of
    added value in economy and stimulate GDP growth.

    ARKA: In your opinion, will Armenia's Eurobonds be attractive and
    competitive on international markets?

    A.M.: This maiden issue of Eurobonds was an important step towards
    the development of practice and public debt management systems. Until
    now, Armenia was working with IFIs which had mandates for assisting
    sovereign member states in achieving economic development and gave
    loans under subsidized non-market terms.

    Now we have to deal with investors from Wall Street and City, who have
    purely commercial interests and who are emotionally more neutral. Key
    criteria for them are stable credit risk (not worsening at least
    until maturity) and the credit rating of the issuer, efficient public
    finance management systems, transparent budget policy, and liquid,
    deep and wide secondary market of bonds.

    Our government has done a huge job, but there is much to be done yet
    to improve this and further issues with respect to quality, in order
    to make them more attractive for investors.

    We expect, among other things, for subsequent issuings to build the
    yield curve at least for a 10-year period and cooperation with rating
    agencies to develop and obtain sovereign credit ratings from S&P. We
    also expect road shows and meetings with investors to be conducted
    regularly during key events in international debt capital markets.

    In addition, we must strive to have our bonds included in top indexes
    oriented to developing countries, such as J.P. Morgan Emerging
    Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global), create liquid, deep and wide
    secondary market of bonds, and try and rid ourselves of the nickname
    "Kardashian Bonds."
